
This repo shows how to route requests based on JWT claims on an Istio ingress gateway using Keycloak

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This is sample repo to shows how to route requests based on JWT claims with authentication and authorizations on an Istio ingress gateway using Keycloak


  • Deploy Keycloak and configure service account client
  • Secure Istio Ingress gateway Keycloak's JWT
  • Prerequisite

  • Kubernetes Cluster (tested on v1.21.5-gke.1302)
  • Istio Instalation (tested on istio-1.12.0)
  • Kiali Dashboard
  • Deploy and configure Keycloak

    1. Deploy Keycloak
      kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keycloak/keycloak-quickstarts/latest/kubernetes-examples/keycloak.yaml
    1. Login into keycloak with default password admin/admin (Keycloak service exposed as Load Balancer)
    1. Create service account client (backend-service) as shown in the below screenshot


    1. Get public key (JWKS)



    1. Assign the appropriate role

    Note: My yaml(refer /yamls/quarkus-jwt-virtualservice.yaml) defines 'sash' as role required to access quarkus-demo workload.


    1. Get Access Token


    Note: Use this JWKS (public key) and access token when we doing the testing

    Deploy existing(images are already in repo) workloads

    1. Deploy Service account, workload, service

    Note: These v1,v2,v3 images are already available in repo.

    kubectl apply -f yamls/service-account.yaml
    kubectl apply -f yamls/deploy-quarkus-demo-v1.yaml
    kubectl apply -f yamls/deploy-quarkus-demo-v2.yaml
    kubectl apply -f yamls/deploy-quarkus-demo-v3.yaml
    kubectl apply -f yamls/quarkus-demo-svc.yaml
    1. Istio Configuration without JWT
    kubectl apply -f yamls/quarkus-gateway.yaml
    kubectl apply -f yamls/quarkus-no-security-virtualservice.yaml

    verify (without JWT):


    Build & Deploy new version

    Note new verion will automatically detected based on the app label and distribute the load to the new version

    1. Update Properties value (/workload/src/main/resources/application.properties)
    quarkus.container-image.name={name of the image} 
    quarkus.container-image.tag={version tag}
    quarkus.kubernetes.labels.app={label for app} 
    quarkus.kubernetes.labels.version={label for version} 
    #for Google registry(GCR)
    quarkus.container-image.group={your google project id}
    #for Docker hub (Dockerhub is the default registry)
    #quarkus.container-image.group={your docker hub username}
    1. Build new version of the code and push the image through Maven
    cd workload
    mvn clean package -Dquarkus.container-image.push=true
    cd ..

    Note : after successfull build, image should be found in the container registry

    1. Deploy new version

    Note: kubernetes.yml file be created by maven based on the application.properties config otherwise with default values

    kubectl apply -f workload/target/kubernetes/kubernetes.yml

    Istio Configuration with JWT

    Note: If the claim doesn't have 'sash' role, it will reject


    kubectl delete -f yamls/quarkus-no-security-virtualservice.yaml
    kubectl apply -f yamls/quarkus-jwt.yaml
    kubectl apply -f yamls/quarkus-jwt-virtualservice.yaml


    1. Get access token


    1. Access Istio Ingress with JWT as Authorization Bearer request header


    kubectl delete -f yamls/quarkus-jwt-virtualservice.yaml
    kubectl delete -f yamls/quarkus-jwt.yaml
    kubectl delete -f yamls/quarkus-gateway.yaml
    kubectl delete -f yamls/quarkus-demo-svc.yaml
    kubectl delete -f yamls/deploy-quarkus-demo-v3.yaml
    kubectl delete -f yamls/deploy-quarkus-demo-v2.yaml
    kubectl delete -f yamls/deploy-quarkus-demo-v1.yaml
    kubectl delete -f yamls/service-account.yaml
    kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keycloak/keycloak-quickstarts/latest/kubernetes-examples/keycloak.yaml