
This is the capstone project for my mlops-zoomcamo course with datatalks

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This is the capstone project for my mlops-zoomcamp course with datatalks

Capstone Project (Mlops-Zoomcamp) - Urban Air Quality Prediction


Problem Statement

This is a capstone project associated with MLOps Zoomcamp, and it will be peer reviewed and scored.

Air pollution is a critical global issue affecting the health and well-being of millions of people. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 90% of the world's population lives in areas with air quality levels exceeding their guidelines, leading to numerous health problems, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is imperative to develop accurate and efficient methods to monitor and predict air quality in cities worldwide.

The objective of this machine learning project is to create a predictive model that leverages satellite data to estimate PM2.5 particulate matter concentration in the air every day for each city. PM2.5 refers to atmospheric particulate matter that have a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers and is one of the most harmful air pollutants. PM2.5 is a common measure of air quality that normally requires ground-based sensors to measure.

The successful completion of this project will lead to a powerful tool for predicting air quality in cities worldwide, helping local governments and environmental agencies take proactive measures to address pollution and safeguard public health. Moreover, it can provide valuable insights into the spatial and temporal patterns of air pollution, aiding in the development of effective mitigation strategies and sustainable urban planning.


The data covers the last three months, spanning hundreds of cities across the globe.

The data comes from three main sources:

  1. Ground-based air quality sensors. These measure the target variable (PM2.5 particle concentration). In addition to the target column (which is the daily mean concentration) there are also columns for minimum and maximum readings on that day, the variance of the readings and the total number (count) of sensor readings used to compute the target value. This data is only provided for the train set - you must predict the target variable for the test set.
  2. The Global Forecast System (GFS) for weather data. Humidity, temperature and wind speed, which can be used as inputs for your model.
  3. The Sentinel 5P satellite. This satellite monitors various pollutants in the atmosphere. For each pollutant, we queried the offline Level 3 (L3) datasets available in Google Earth Engine (you can read more about the individual products here: https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/sentinel-5p). For a given pollutant, for example NO2, we provide all data from the Sentinel 5P dataset for that pollutant. This includes the key measurements like NO2_column_number_density (a measure of NO2 concentration) as well as metadata like the satellite altitude. We recommend that you focus on the key measurements, either the column_number_density or the tropospheric_X_column_number_density (which measures density closer to Earth’s surface). Unfortunately, this data is not 100% complete. Some locations have no sensor readings for a particular day, and so those rows have been excluded. There are also gaps in the input data, particularly the satellite data for CH4.

The Following data dictionary gives more details on this data set:

Place_ID X Date Date Place_ID target target_min target_max target_variance target_count precipitable_water_entire_atmosphere relative_humidity_2m_above_ground specific_humidity_2m_above_ground temperature_2m_above_ground u_component_of_wind_10m_above_ground v_component_of_wind_10m_above_ground L3_NO2_NO2_column_number_density L3_NO2_NO2_slant_column_number_density L3_NO2_absorbing_aerosol_index L3_NO2_cloud_fraction L3_NO2_sensor_altitude L3_NO2_sensor_azimuth_angle L3_NO2_sensor_zenith_angle L3_NO2_solar_azimuth_angle L3_NO2_solar_zenith_angle L3_NO2_stratospheric_NO2_column_number_density L3_NO2_tropopause_pressure L3_NO2_tropospheric_NO2_column_number_density L3_O3_O3_column_number_density L3_O3_O3_effective_temperature L3_O3_cloud_fraction L3_O3_sensor_azimuth_angle L3_O3_sensor_zenith_angle L3_O3_solar_azimuth_angle L3_O3_solar_zenith_angle L3_CO_CO_column_number_density L3_CO_H2O_column_number_density L3_CO_cloud_height L3_CO_sensor_altitude L3_CO_sensor_azimuth_angle L3_CO_sensor_zenith_angle L3_CO_solar_azimuth_angle L3_CO_solar_zenith_angle L3_HCHO_HCHO_slant_column_number_density L3_HCHO_cloud_fraction L3_HCHO_sensor_azimuth_angle L3_HCHO_sensor_zenith_angle L3_HCHO_solar_azimuth_angle L3_HCHO_solar_zenith_angle L3_HCHO_tropospheric_HCHO_column_number_density L3_HCHO_tropospheric_HCHO_column_number_density_amf L3_CLOUD_cloud_base_height L3_CLOUD_cloud_base_pressure L3_CLOUD_cloud_fraction L3_CLOUD_cloud_optical_depth L3_CLOUD_cloud_top_height L3_CLOUD_cloud_top_pressure L3_CLOUD_sensor_azimuth_angle L3_CLOUD_sensor_zenith_angle L3_CLOUD_solar_azimuth_angle L3_CLOUD_solar_zenith_angle L3_CLOUD_surface_albedo L3_AER_AI_absorbing_aerosol_index L3_AER_AI_sensor_altitude L3_AER_AI_sensor_azimuth_angle L3_AER_AI_sensor_zenith_angle L3_AER_AI_solar_azimuth_angle L3_AER_AI_solar_zenith_angle L3_SO2_SO2_column_number_density L3_SO2_SO2_column_number_density_amf L3_SO2_SO2_slant_column_number_density L3_SO2_absorbing_aerosol_index L3_SO2_cloud_fraction L3_SO2_sensor_azimuth_angle L3_SO2_sensor_zenith_angle L3_SO2_solar_azimuth_angle L3_SO2_solar_zenith_angle L3_CH4_CH4_column_volume_mixing_ratio_dry_air L3_CH4_aerosol_height L3_CH4_aerosol_optical_depth L3_CH4_sensor_azimuth_angle L3_CH4_sensor_zenith_angle L3_CH4_solar_azimuth_angle L3_CH4_solar_zenith_angle
010Q650 X 2020-01-02 2020-01-02 00:00:00 010Q650 38 23 53 769.5 92 11 60.2 0.00804 18.5168 1.99638 -1.22739 7.38304e-05 0.00015582 -1.23133 0.0065068 840210 76.5375 38.6343 -61.7367 22.3582 5.67927e-05 6156.07 1.70377e-05 0.119095 234.151 0 76.5364 38.593 -61.7526 22.3637 0.0210803 883.332 267.017 840138 74.5434 38.6225 -61.789 22.3791 -1.04126e-05 0 76.5364 38.593 -61.7526 22.3637 6.3888e-05 0.566828 38 38 0 38 38 38 76.5364 38.593 -61.7526 22.3637 38 -1.23133 840210 76.5375 38.6343 -61.7367 22.3582 -0.000126854 0.312521 -4.04658e-05 -1.86148 0 76.5364 38.593 -61.7526 22.3637 1793.79 3227.86 0.010579 74.481 37.5015 -62.1426 22.5451
010Q650 X 2020-01-03 2020-01-03 00:00:00 010Q650 39 25 63 1319.85 91 14.6 48.8 0.00839 22.5465 3.33043 -1.18811 7.60326e-05 0.000196866 -1.08255 0.01836 840773 -14.708 59.6249 -67.6935 28.6148 5.46511e-05 6156.07 2.13815e-05 0.115179 233.314 0.0594329 -14.708 59.6249 -67.6935 28.6148 0.0220167 1148.99 61.2167 841117 -57.0152 61.4026 -74.4576 33.0895 0.000114448 0.0594329 -14.708 59.6249 -67.6935 28.6148 0.000170987 0.858446 175.02 99354.2 0.0593581 5.95854 175.072 99353.7 -14.708 59.6249 -67.6935 28.6148 0.315403 -1.08255 840773 -14.708 59.6249 -67.6935 28.6148 0.000150296 0.433957 5.0211e-05 -1.45261 0.0594329 -14.708 59.6249 -67.6935 28.6148 1789.96 3384.23 0.0151044 75.63 55.6575 -53.8681 19.2937
010Q650 X 2020-01-04 2020-01-04 00:00:00 010Q650 24 8 56 1181.96 96 16.4 33.4 0.0075 27.031 5.06573 3.50056 6.66078e-05 0.000170418 -1.00124 0.0159039 841411 -105.201 49.8397 -78.3427 34.297 5.91257e-05 7311.87 7.48202e-06 0.115876 232.233 0.082063 -105.201 49.8397 -78.3427 34.297 0.0206767 1109.35 134.7 841320 -103.494 49.9246 -78.3551 34.3089 2.68109e-05 0.082063 -105.201 49.8397 -78.3427 34.297 0.0001239 0.910536 275.904 98118.9 0.0822465 5.75576 508.978 95671.4 -105.201 49.8397 -78.3427 34.297 0.307463 -1.00124 841411 -105.201 49.8397 -78.3427 34.297 0.000150096 0.356925 5.29488e-05 -1.57295 0.082063 -105.201 49.8397 -78.3427 34.297 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
010Q650 X 2020-01-05 2020-01-05 00:00:00 010Q650 49 10 55 1113.67 96 6.91195 21.3 0.00391 23.9719 3.004 1.09947 8.25818e-05 0.000174859 -0.777019 0.0557655 841103 -104.334 29.181 -73.8966 30.5454 5.95394e-05 11205.4 2.30247e-05 0.141557 230.936 0.121261 -104.334 29.1813 -73.8966 30.5454 0.0212071 1061.57 474.821 841036 -101.956 29.215 -73.9146 30.5445 2.34869e-05 0.121261 -104.334 29.1813 -73.8966 30.5454 8.07577e-05 1.13257 383.692 97258.5 0.121555 6.24689 495.38 96232.5 -104.334 29.1813 -73.8966 30.5454 0.279637 -0.777023 841103 -104.334 29.181 -73.8966 30.5454 0.000227213 0.584522 0.000109705 -1.23932 0.121261 -104.334 29.1813 -73.8966 30.5454 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5
010Q650 X 2020-01-06 2020-01-06 00:00:00 010Q650 21 9 52 1164.82 95 13.9 44.7 0.00535 16.8163 2.62179 2.67056 7.03848e-05 0.000141551 0.366323 0.0285296 840763 58.8502 0.797294 -68.6125 26.8997 6.16401e-05 11205.4 8.74477e-06 0.126369 232.499 0.0379194 58.8502 0.797294 -68.6125 26.8997 0.0377656 1044.25 926.926 840710 15.4996 1.38908 -68.6229 26.9062 3.72496e-05 0.0379194 58.8502 0.797294 -68.6125 26.8997 0.000140219 0.649359 4314.48 59875 0.0370076 4.20569 5314.48 52561.5 58.8502 0.797294 -68.6125 26.8997 0.238241 0.366324 840763 58.8502 0.797294 -68.6125 26.8997 0.000389767 0.408047 0.00015891 0.202489 0.0379194 58.8502 0.797294 -68.6125 26.8997 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5


  • Experiment Training & Tracking , orchestration, Tracking, Model Registry & Deployment
Mlflow - Experiment Training & Tracking

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