
Python file to fix Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Instances: Out of Capacity error

Primary LanguagePython

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Out of Capacity Error

Fix for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Out of Capacity error. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Currently GitHub release dependency - Python

Made by Moses

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Installation Configuration How to use In Use Show your support❤️ Contributors


One Command Install

git clone https://github.com/mosesman831/OCI-OcC-Fix.git && cd OCI-OcC-Fix && pip install -r requirements.txt


Use the One Command Install to setup quickly

Using Git

Step 1

Run Git Clone.

git clone https://github.com/mosesman831/OCI-OcC-Fix.git

Step 2

Enter the folder.

cd OCI-OcC-Fix

Step 3

Install requirements and dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Using Releases

Open Releases and download latest

Install required dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt


Install unzip if not already installed.

sudo apt-get install unzip


wget https://github.com/mosesman831/OCI-OcC-Fix/archive/refs/heads/main.zip && unzip main.zip && mv OCI-OcC-Fix-main OCI-OcC-Fix && rm main.zip

Install required dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt


Step 1

Build the Docker Container

sudo docker compose build

Step 2

Start Docker Containers

sudo docker compose up -d

Step 3

View Container Logs

sudo docker logs -f <cotainer>

Run on 3rd Party containers

Not yet added.


Getting Oracle Cloud API

Step 1

Open Oracle Cloud and log in.

Step 2

Click profile icon and then "My Profile / User Settings"

Step 3

Find API keys, click "Add API Key" button

Step 4

Click "Download Private Key" and then "Add". Save the file as oci_private_key.pem

Step 5

Copy the contents from the Text Box and save it to file config.


You could use nano to edit the files easier.

Getting Telegram Bot ID

Step 1

Open Telegram and message @BotFather

Step 2

Send /newbot

Step 3

Enter name and username

Step 4

Message @Rose-Bot to get User ID ("uid")

Step 5

Send /id

Step 6

Get userid

Getting Oracle Cloud cURL

Step 1

Create an instance from the OCI Console in the browser (Menu -> Compute -> Instances -> Create Instance)

Step 2

Change image and shape.

Step 3

Adjust the Networking section, and set the "Do not assign a public IPv4 address" checkbox. If you don't have an existing VNIC/subnet, please create a VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro instance before doing everything.

Step 4

Download and save the public and private SSH keys.

Step 5

Click Ctrl + Shift + I or F12 to open browser's dev tools -> network tab

Step 6

Click Create and see if you get the Out of capacity error. Now find /instances API call (red).

Step 7

Right-click on it -> copy as curl (bash/cmd). Paste the clipboard contents in any text editor.

Step 8

Open bot.py in a text editor.

Step 9

Find the variables and replace the xxxx fields respectively.

availabilityDomains = ["xxxx"]
#e.g. availabilityDomains = ["KHsT:UK-MANCHESTER-1-AD-1","KHsT:UK-MANCHESTER-1-AD-2"]
displayName = 'xxxx'
#e.g. displayName = 'VPS1'
compartmentId = 'xxxx'
#e.g. compartmentId = 'ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaa...'
subnetId = 'xxxx'
#e.g. subnetId = 'ocid1.subnet.oc1.uk-manchester-1.aaaaaaa...'
ssh_authorized_keys = "xxxx"
#e.g. ssh_authorized_keys = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABKDNBgQDf... ssh-key-2024-03-15"
#Leave blank for default
#e.g. boot_volume_size_in_gbs="47"
#e.g. boot_volume_id="ocid1.bootvolume.oc1.uk-manchester-1.aaaaaaa..."

How to use?

Run bot.py by double-clicking or running

python bot.py
python3 bot.py

Run on SSH

One Command SSH

tmux new && python3 bot.py


Use tmux to keep window running even after logout.

tmux new

In Use


Success Picture in Console

Prerelease Prototype Success Picture

Show your support ❤️

If you appreciate what I do, please

Star this project


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Thanks for supporting!


Peter Eisenschmidt
Peter Eisenschmidt


💻 📖
Joery Zegers
Joery Zegers
