
Messing around with ways to containerize animation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A starter repo for iOS and Android with a Navigator, TabBar, and MobX store for app state.

Up and Running

$ git clone git@github.com:constelation/native-starter.git <YOUR_REPO_NAME>
$ ./rename.sh <YourProjectName>    # this script will rename your project from AnimationTests
$ git remote set-url origin <YOUR_NEWLY_CREATED_GIT_REPO_URL>
$ npm install

Environment Setup


How to Run

$ npm start                     # Start react-native packager server, which serves up the js bundle to the emulators
$ npm run xcode                 # Open xcode for the project

Click on Play button (cmd+r) to run the app on the ios Simulator


You will need a maximum of 3 terminal tabs/windows to run the React Native packager, Android Virtual Devices, and view the Android logs

$ npm start                     # note: not needed if it is already running (from ios step)
$ npm run android-emulator      # Open the android emulator manager
  1. Select the Emulator that you've already created (from the Getting Started steps)
  2. Click Start...
  3. Click Launch
$ npm run android               # Deploy the app to the already running emulator and hook in to its logs

Dev notes

Please consult the React Playbook

  • Be sure to enable live reload if you want your file changes to immediately reload the app
  • YellowBox is disabled. See index.android.js and index.ios.js to re-enable it if you'd like.

Directory Layout

├── /android/                   # android-specific code (bootstrapped from `react-native init`)
├── /ios/                       # ios-specific code (bootstrapped from `react-native init`)
├── /assets
│   ├── /fonts/
│   ├── /images/
│   └── /videos/
├── /app                        # Your app-specific source code of the application
│   ├── /store/                 # Responsible for you app state. Houses MobX actions and observables
│   ├── /scenes/                # Components that are handled by a Navigator. Same as pages, views, etc for the app.
│   |   ├── /App/               # Root scene
│   |       ├── /_/             # Subcomponents of App
│   |       └── /App.js         # Component used in index.ios.js
│   ├── /shared/                # Shared components used in 2+ scenes
│   └── /utils/                 # **Optional** Helper js functions that are app and/or model aware
├── /lib                        # Your non-app-specific Components and functions
├── /node_modules/              # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
└── package.json                # The list of 3rd party libraries and utilities

Run targets

  • npm start - start react packager
  • npm run ios - starts iOS simulator
  • npm run xcode - launch XCode
  • npm run android-emulator - launch Android Virtual Device Manager (to start emulator)
  • npm run android - run app on emulator and show logs in terminal
  • npm run reinstall - wipe out node_modules, reset watchman, then install node_modules again
  • npm run upgrade - react-native upgrade, then react-native link (BE SURE TO READ THE UPGRADE DOC ABOVE!)


  • Talk to @kylpo