
Python client library for Telerivet REST API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python client library for Telerivet REST API


This library makes it easy to integrate your Python application with Telerivet.
You can use it to:

- send SMS messages via an Android phone or SMS gateway service
- update contact information in Telerivet (e.g. from a signup form on your own website)
- add or remove contacts from groups
- export your message/contact data from Telerivet into your own systems
- schedule messages to be sent at a later time
- control automated services
- much more

All API methods are fully documented at http://telerivet.com/api/rest/python ,
as well as in the comments of the Python source files.

To learn what functionality is available, start with telerivet/__init__.py, 
telerivet/project.py, and telerivet/apicursor.py .

System Requirements:
Python 2.6 or higher (including Python 3)
Python Requests module - <http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/>


Make sure the Requests module is installed:

You can either embed the 'telerivet' directory directly in your Python package, 
or install the library into your site-packages by running:

python setup.py install

Example Usage:

from __future__ import print_function # python 2/3 compatibility for example code

import telerivet
API_KEY = 'YOUR_API_KEY'  # from https://telerivet.com/api/keys

tr = telerivet.API(API_KEY)

project = tr.initProjectById(PROJECT_ID)

# Send a SMS message
    to_number = '555-0001',
    content = 'Hello world!'

# Query contacts  
name_prefix = 'John';
cursor = project.queryContacts(
    name = {'prefix': name_prefix},
    sort = 'name'    

print("%d contacts matching %s:\n" % (cursor.count(), name_prefix))

for contact in cursor:
    print(contact.name, contact.phone_number, contact.vars.birthdate)

# Import a contact
contact = project.getOrCreateContact(
    name = 'John Smith',
    phone_number = '555-0001',
    vars = {
        'birthdate': '1981-03-04',
        'network': 'Vodacom'

# Add a contact to a group    
group = project.getOrCreateGroup('Subscribers')