
Generic code linting support for Atom.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Generic code linting support for Atom.


Atom-Lint is currently in alpha development.

Supported Linters

More linters will be supported in the future.


$ apm install atom-lint


Your source will be linted on open and on save automatically, and the detected violations will be displayed as arrows in the editor. You can see the detail of the violation by moving the cursor to it.


  • Ctrl-Alt-L: Global toggle
  • Ctrl-Alt-[: Move to Previous Violation
  • Ctrl-Alt-]: Move to Next Violation

Also you can customize keymaps by editing ~/.atom/keymap.cson (choose Open Your Keymap in Atom menu):

  'ctrl-alt-l': 'lint:toggle'
  'ctrl-alt-[': 'lint:move-to-previous-violation'
  'ctrl-alt-]': 'lint:move-to-next-violation'

See Customizing Key Bindings in Customizing Atom for more details.


You can configure Atom-Lint by editing ~/.atom/config.cson (choose Open Your Config in Atom menu):

# Some other settings...
    'path': '/path/to/bin/coffeelint'
    'path': '/path/to/bin/flake8'
    'path': '/path/to/bin/hlint'
    'path': '/path/to/bin/jshint'
    'path': '/path/to/bin/rubocop'

By default Atom-Lint automatically refers the environement variable PATH of your login shell if it's bash or zsh, and then invokes the command. If you got a problem with PATH, use this setting.


Here's a list of all contributors to Atom-Lint.


Copyright (c) 2014 Yuji Nakayama

See the LICENSE.txt for details.