
HTTP directory listing

Primary LanguageGo


This is a directory listing web server. It's a refresh of my old httplistd project, which I made when I didn't know much about Go and stuff.

Install and run

$ go get github.com/moshee/index
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/moshee/index
$ go build
$ INDEX_ROOT=~/files GAS_PORT=8888 ./index
$ open http://localhost:8888

Adding the following to your nginx.conf can make the indexer accessible from files.example.com:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name files.example.com;
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8888;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;


Requires Go 1.7.

To generate support files for binary-packaged static assets, run go generate before go build.


Name Default Description
INDEX_ROOT "." The root directory from which to start serving file listings.
INDEX_THUMB_DIR "~/.thumbs" The directory to cache thumbnails in if INDEX_THUMB_ENABLE=1.
INDEX_THUMB_ENABLE true Enable generating and caching thumbnails of gallery images.
INDEX_GALLERY_IMAGES 25 The maximum number of images per gallery page.
INDEX_ZIP_FOLDER_ENABLE false Enable downloading all files in current directory as a zip file.
INDEX_ZIP_FOLDER_ENABLE_RECURSIVE false Enable downloading entire current tree recursively as a zip file.
INDEX_ZIP_FOLDER_MAX_CONCURRENCY 0 Limit global number of concurrent zippers. 0 applies no limit. Must be ≥0.
INDEX_FILE_LIST_SHOW_MODES true Enable file modes (drwxrwxrwx) column in file list.
INDEX_RESOURCE_DIR "" Directory in which to load resources (static files and templates). Uses files packed in binary if empty.