Manufacture Cars Parts

A "Parts Manufacturer's Website"

For Live Site Link Click Here.

Server Side Features:

  • MongoDB data collections added to store/read/update/delete targeted data.

Frameworks / Libraries / Database used in Back-End:

  • Nodemon
  • CORS
  • Dot Env
  • Express
  • MongoDb

Client Side Features:


  • User can log in / Sign up and place order.
  • Navigating user to the intended page after successful logging in & replace history.
  • User will have a Dashboard route, where he/she will be able to see/update profile information.
  • In Dashboard, there are several nested routes like My order/ Add a review.
  • User will see his/her order details like payment,status etc in "My Orders".
  • User can make Dummy Stripe Payment for unpaid orders.
  • If not paid, user can cancel an order.
  • User can add a feedback with rating stars in the "Ad a Review" route.
  • User's Name will be rendered in Navbar, Once logged in.


  • Adding new product to the stock list and Updating Ui Instantly.
  • Managing/Deleting Existing products.
  • Managing Orders Admin can see all orders.
  • Admin can Manage all users and Make any general user to Admin.


  • Logging in with Google.
  • Implementation of protected route or private route.
  • Reducing Stock qty once, order is placed.
  • Notifying success or error messages to the user via hot-toast.
  • Environmental variables use both in the client side and the server side.
  • If page is not found then show "404 Not Found" route.

Frameworks / Libraries used in Front-End:

  • Tailwind
  • Axios
  • STRIPE Payment
  • Daisy UI
  • UseQuery
  • React hook form
  • React router
  • Firebase
  • Firebase Hooks
  • Hot toast
  • Tailwind Elements
  • FontAwesome