This package uses the FFmpeg to package media content for online streaming such as DASH and HLS. You can also use DRM for HLS packaging. There are several options to open a file from a cloud and save files to clouds as well.
- Full Documentation is available describing all features and components.
- In this version(>=v0.1.0) all codes are rewritten from scratch. If you find any bugs in the library, please file an issue. Pull requests are also welcome.
- Requirements
- Installation
- Quickstart
- Several Open Source Players
- Contributing and Reporting Bugs
- Credits
- License
This version of the package is only compatible with Python 3.7 or higher.
To use this package, you need to install the FFmpeg. You will need both FFmpeg and FFProbe binaries to use it.
Install the package via pip:
pip install python-ffmpeg-video-streaming
Alternatively, add the dependency directly to your requirements.txt
First of all, you need to import the package in your code:
import ffmpeg_streaming
There are several ways to open a resource.
You can pass a local path of video(or a supported resource) to the input
video = ffmpeg_streaming.input('/var/media/video.mp4')
See FFmpeg Protocols Documentation for more information about supported resources such as HTTP, FTP, and etc.
For example:
video = ffmpeg_streaming.input('"PATH TO A VIDEO FILE" or "PATH TO A LIVE HTTP STREAM"')
You can open a file from a cloud by passing an instance of the Cloud object to the input
from ffmpeg_streaming import S3
s3 = S3(aws_access_key_id='YOUR_KEY_ID', aws_secret_access_key='YOUR_KEY_SECRET', region_name='YOUR_REGION')
video = ffmpeg_streaming.input(s3, bucket_name="bucket-name", key="video.mp4")
Visit this page to see some examples of opening a file from Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Storage, and a custom cloud.
You can pass the name of a supported, connected capture device(i.e. the name of a webcam, camera, screen and etc) to the input
method to stream a live media over the network from your connected device.
capture = ffmpeg_streaming.input('CAMERA NAME OR SCREEN NAME', capture=True)
To list the supported, connected capture devices, see FFmpeg Capture Webcam and FFmpeg Capture Desktop.
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH), also known as MPEG-DASH, is an adaptive bitrate streaming technique that enables high-quality streaming of media content over the Internet delivered from conventional HTTP web servers. Learn more
Create DASH files:
from ffmpeg_streaming import Formats
dash = video.dash(Formats.h264())
Generate representations manually:
from ffmpeg_streaming import Formats, Bitrate, Representation, Size
_144p = Representation(Size(256, 144), Bitrate(95 * 1024, 64 * 1024))
_240p = Representation(Size(426, 240), Bitrate(150 * 1024, 94 * 1024))
_360p = Representation(Size(640, 360), Bitrate(276 * 1024, 128 * 1024))
_480p = Representation(Size(854, 480), Bitrate(750 * 1024, 192 * 1024))
_720p = Representation(Size(1280, 720), Bitrate(2048 * 1024, 320 * 1024))
_1080p = Representation(Size(1920, 1080), Bitrate(4096 * 1024, 320 * 1024))
_2k = Representation(Size(2560, 1440), Bitrate(6144 * 1024, 320 * 1024))
_4k = Representation(Size(3840, 2160), Bitrate(17408 * 1024, 320 * 1024))
dash = video.dash(Formats.h264())
dash.representations(_144p, _240p, _360p, _480p, _720p, _1080p, _2k, _4k)
See DASH section in the documentation, for more examples.
HTTP Live Streaming (also known as HLS) is an HTTP-based adaptive bitrate streaming communications protocol implemented by Apple Inc. as part of its QuickTime, Safari, OS X, and iOS software. Client implementations are also available in Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and some versions of Google Chrome. Support is widespread in streaming media servers. Learn more
Create HLS files:
from ffmpeg_streaming import Formats
hls = video.hls(Formats.h264())
Generate representations manually:
from ffmpeg_streaming import Formats, Bitrate, Representation, Size
_360p = Representation(Size(640, 360), Bitrate(276 * 1024, 128 * 1024))
_480p = Representation(Size(854, 480), Bitrate(750 * 1024, 192 * 1024))
_720p = Representation(Size(1280, 720), Bitrate(2048 * 1024, 320 * 1024))
hls = video.hls(Formats.h264())
hls.representations(_360p, _480p, _720p)
See HLS section in the documentation, for more examples such as Fragmented MP4, live from camera/screen and so on.
The encryption process requires some kind of secret (key) together with an encryption algorithm. HLS uses AES in cipher block chaining (CBC) mode. This means each block is encrypted using the ciphertext of the preceding block. Learn more
You must specify a path to save a random key to your local machine and also a URL(or a path) to access the key on your website(the key you will save must be accessible from your website). You must pass both these parameters to the encryption
The following code generates a key for all segment files.
from ffmpeg_streaming import Formats
#A path you want to save a random key to your local machine
save_to = '/home/public_html/"PATH TO THE KEY DIRECTORY"/key'
#A URL (or a path) to access the key on your website
# or url = '/"PATH TO THE KEY DIRECTORY"/key';
hls = video.hls(Formats.h264())
hls.encryption(save_to, url)
An integer as a "key rotation period" can also be passed to the encryption
method (i.e. encryption(save_to, url, 10)
) to use a different key for each set of segments, rotating to a new key after this many segments. For example, if 10 segment files have been generated then it will generate a new key. If you set this value to 1
, each segment file will be encrypted with a new encryption key. This can improve security and allows for more flexibility.
See the example for more information.
IMPORTANT: It is very important to protect your key(s) on your website. For example, you can use a token(using a Get/Post HTTP method or add a token to authorization header) to check if the user is eligible to access the key or not. You can also use a session(or cookie) on your website to restrict access to the key(s)(It is highly recommended).
However FFmpeg supports AES encryption for HLS packaging, which you can encrypt your content, it is not a full DRM solution. If you want to use a full DRM solution, I recommend trying FairPlay Streaming solution which then securely exchange keys, and protect playback on devices.
Besides Apple's FairPlay DRM system, you can also use other DRM systems such as Microsoft's PlayReady and Google's Widevine.
You can get realtime information about the transcoding using the following code.
from ffmpeg_streaming import Formats
import sys
def monitor(ffmpeg, duration, time_, process):
# You can update a field in your database or log it to a file
# You can also create a socket connection and show a progress bar to users
# or print(ffmpeg)
# if "something happened":
# process.terminate()
per = round(time_ / duration * 100)
sys.stdout.write("\rTranscoding...(%s%%) [%s%s]" % (per, '#' * per, '-' * (100 - per)))
hls = video.hls(Formats.h264())
hls.output('/var/media/hls.m3u8', monitor=monitor)
There are several ways to save files.
You can pass a local path to the output
method. If there is no directory, then the package will create it.
from ffmpeg_streaming import Formats
dash = video.dash(Formats.h264())
It can also be None. The default path to save files is the input directory.
from ffmpeg_streaming import Formats
hls = video.hls(Formats.h264())
NOTE: If you open a file from a cloud and do not pass a path to save the file to your local machine, you will have to pass a local path to the output
You can save your files to a cloud by passing an instance of a CloudManager
to the output
from ffmpeg_streaming import S3, CloudManager
s3 = S3(aws_access_key_id='YOUR_KEY_ID', aws_secret_access_key='YOUR_KEY_SECRET', region_name='YOUR_REGION')
save_to_s3 = CloudManager().add(s3, bucket_name="bucket-name")
A path can also be passed to save a copy of files to your local machine.
hls.output('/var/media/hls.m3u8', clouds=save_to_s3)
Visit this page to see some examples of saving files to Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Storage, and a custom cloud.
NOTE: This option is only valid for VOD (it does not support live streaming).
Schema: The relation is one-to-many
You can pass a URL(or a supported resource like FTP
) to the output
method to upload all the segments files to the HTTP server(or other protocols) using the HTTP PUT method and update the manifest files every refresh times.
#Before running the following code, you should upload the master playlist to the server. For example upload the '/var/media/hls.m3u8' to 'ftp://[user[:password]@]server[:port]/var/media/hls.m3u8'
See FFmpeg Protocols Documentation for more information about supported resources.
You can get information from the video file using the following code.
from ffmpeg_streaming import FFProbe
ffprobe = FFProbe('/var/media/video.mp4')
See the example for more information.
You can convert your stream to a file or to another stream protocols. You should pass a manifest of the stream to the input
from ffmpeg_streaming import Formats, Bitrate, Representation, Size
video = ffmpeg_streaming.input('')
_480p = Representation(Size(854, 480), Bitrate(750 * 1024, 192 * 1024))
dash = video.dash(Formats.h264())
video = ffmpeg_streaming.input('')
hls = video.hls(Formats.h264())
video = ffmpeg_streaming.input(' or M3U8')
stream = video.stream2file(Formats.h264())
You can use these libraries to play your streams.
- DASH and HLS:
- Video.js 7 (Recommended) - videojs-http-streaming (VHS)
- Plyr
- DPlayer
- MediaElement.js
- Clappr
- Shaka Player
- Flowplayer
- HLS:
- DASH and HLS:
- Android
- DASH and HLS:
- ExoPlayer (Recommended)
- VLC for Android
- DASH and HLS:
- HLS:
- Android and IOS
- DASH and HLS:
- Windows, Linux, and macOS
- DASH and HLS:
- FFmpeg(ffplay) (Recommended)
- VLC media player
- DASH and HLS:
NOTE-1: You must pass a link of the master playlist(manifest)(i.e."PATH TO STREAM DIRECTORY"/dash-stream.mpd
or /PATH_TO_STREAM_DIRECTORY/hls-stream.m3u8
) to these players.
NOTE-2: If you save your stream content to a cloud(i.e. Amazon S3), the link of your playlist and other content MUST BE PUBLIC.
NOTE-3: As you may know, IOS does not have native support for DASH. Although there are some libraries such as Viblast and MPEGDASH-iOS-Player to support this technique, I have never tested them. So maybe some of them will not work properly.
I'd love your help in improving, correcting, adding to the specification. Please file an issue or submit a pull request.
- See Contributing File for more information.
- If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please see SECURITY File for more information.
The MIT License (MIT). See License File for more information.