
Simple bash script for automate an Papertrail logs backup

Primary LanguageShell

Simple heroku app with a bash script for make a backup of Papertrail logs into your FTP server.
Deploy this as a separate app within heroku and schedule the script to backup your production logs.


First create a project on heroku with the heroku-buildpack-multi.

heroku create my-logs-backups --buildpack https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-multi

Next push this project to your heroku projects git repository.

git remote add heroku git@heroku.com:my-logs-backups.git
git push heroku master

Now we need to set some environment variables

heroku config:add FTP_HOST=example.com -a my-logs-backups
heroku config:add FTP_USER=test@test.com -a my-logs-backups
heroku config:add FTP_PASSWORD=password -a my-logs-backups
heroku config:add FTP_DIRECTORY=path -a my-logs-backups
heroku config:add HTTP_API_KEY=papertrail_api_key -a my-logs-backups

Optional to set logs grouping format:

heroku config:add LOGS_FORMAT=logs_format -a my-logs-backups

Possible values:

Day: %Y-%m-%d
Month: %Y-%m
Year: %Y
Default Hours: %Y-%m-%d-%H

Finally, we need to add heroku scheduler and call backup.sh.

heroku addons:create scheduler -a my-logs-backups

Now open it up, in your browser with:

heroku addons:open scheduler -a my-logs-backups

And add the following command to run at every hour:
