A simple website for AWDG members.
To get running you'll need to install Jekyll, Bower, and Compass. This assumes you are running OS X and already have XCode and the command line tools installed.
First, make sure you have the Jekyll gem.
gem install jekyll
Then install the Compass gem.
gem install compass
Then install Bower. It depends on Node and npm. It's installed globally using npm:
npm install -g bower
Also make sure that git is installed as some bower packages require it to be fetched and installed.
Now that things are installed
Move into your awdg.org directory, install bower dependancies and start the Jekyll server.
cd awdg.org
bower install
jekyll serve -w
Now you can view your out-of-the-box website by going to http://localhost:9000.
Notes: We use Sass installed via Bower.