
Hubot plugin to expand on phabricator object names

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Hubot Phabricator Integration

Auto-reply with descriptions and links to phabricator objects. Also see what tasks are assigned to who.

Based on hubot-phabricator and translated into JS because coffee is for drinking only


npm install hubot-phab

Then add "hubot-phab" to external-scripts.json


HUBOT_PHABRICATOR_USER - Required username for your phabricator instance, should match your certificate

HUBOT_PHABRICATOR_CERT - Required certificate for your phabricator instance (you can extract it from your ~/.arcrc)

HUBOT_PHABRICATOR_API - Required URL for your API endpoint, e.g. https://secure.phabricator.com/api/

HOME - Required to be set (get a join error if it's not set... say if you were running hubot via Upstart or something).


Hubot will listen for you mentioning something that sounds like a phabricator object, and will attempt to expand upon it.

Examples (working)

<matt> Hey, I just submitted D1234, could everyone take a look?
<hubot> ^ D1234: do awesome things that would be specified better in a real differential - https://secure.phabricator.com/D1234

<matt> It has to do with fixing up something from rAPPacd334 from last week.
<hubot> ^ rAPPacd334: overly hasty commit to fix T4321 - https://secure.phabricator.com/rAPPacd334

<matt> hubot show matt tasks
<hubot> Showing Open Tasks for Matt Martz (matt.martz)
<hubot> * T81 - Refactor Code: http://phab.amida-tech.com/T81
<hubot> * T92 - Bot improvements: http://phabricatorlink/T92

<matt> hubot set oehokie as alias for matt
<hubot> Ok, I'll remember matt is also known as oehokie

<matt> hubot get alias for matt
<hubot> matt is also known as oehokie

<matt> hubot show oehokie tasks
<hubot> Showing Open Tasks for Matt Martz (matt.martz)
<hubot> * T81 - Refactor Code: http://phab.amida-tech.com/T81
<hubot> * T92 - Bot improvements: http://phabricatorlink/T92

<matt> hubot scrum
<hubot> (responds with slack-attachment messages with individual member tasks).  If not using slack, responds with a title and body for each user

Coming soon (?, in my free time)

  • Close Tasks with hubot close T81
  • Close Tasks with comment ala `hubot close T12 with comment closing because it's done
  • Commenting on tasks... `hubot comment T12 this is the comment part of it
  • Related Tasks search hubot task with <query> search title of task that contains query