
Dotfiles for WSL, Linux and/or Mac environments

Primary LanguageSmarty

Dot files for WSL environment / Linux environments


Must have WSL, Linux or MacOSX and the shell should be bash


It is recommended to install this in home directory i.e. ~

git clone https://github.com/mospy26/dotfiles.git .

If installing directly in the home directory is not preferred, then clone the repository normally and run the run.sh script.

Things this script won't do

  1. You need to install git-delta yourself - download the zip, unzip to get the exe and copy the exe in C:\Windows\System32. Then you may copy the .gitconfig into /mnt/c/Users/username/ directory (i.e., the windows directory) and finally you can use delta differ. At the current state (without following any aforementioned instructions), git delta only works for WSL and not windows git i,e, git.exe. You may also use scoop install git-delta or choco install git-delta.