
Data import/export plugin improvements

mosra opened this issue · 11 comments

mosra commented

Published from my internal TODO list in case someone would want to play with these.

Image and texture formats

Image converters, compressors, editors

Scene data

Scene / mesh converters



Once appropriate IO APIs exist.

Shader converters

Shader validators / profilers / assemblers

Mainly for being able to look at a shader assembly without having access to the HW itself.

Text rendering

mosra commented

Another thing to consider: Pixar's USD: it might be able to properly describe PBR and all other stuff that's required for (ahem) Pixar-quality scenes

@mosra How about DevILImageImporter, using DevIL?
Similar to SDL2ImageImporter, would provide optimized loading of various commonly used formats.

mosra commented

@alicemargatroid added that to the list, thanks!

mosra commented

DevIlImageImporter added via mosra/magnum-plugins#23.

mosra commented

Unique images in OpenGEX addressed quite some time ago in mosra/magnum-plugins@b677f90.

mosra commented

Added to the list.

mosra commented

Added PNG/JPEG loading using WINAPI to the list.

mosra commented

Added pbrt format importer, image converters/compressors and audio importers to the list.

For the MP3 loader, I see that there's dr_mp3, which is based on minimp3.

Since I'll have a need for a MP3 loader plugin in the near future, I'll look into making a DrMp3AudioImporter plugin and opening a PR.

mosra commented

Nice. I assume the API could be very similar to other Dr* plugins, so doing that could be mostly a copypaste.