
Julia SI unit types for validated unit conversions.

Primary LanguageJulia


A Julia library for unit types validated unit conversions.


Load the library via require("SI.jl") then display the available types and explicit conversions with showSI() .

Implicit types and conversions are available as long as each unit is defined within SI.jl
The type m/s is not defined, but both m (meters) and s (seconds) are defined.

Unit Types

distance = SI(90.2, :km) # kilometers
time = SI(4.2, :s) # seconds

Unit Arithmetic

velocity = distance/time

SI(21.476190476190474,:km/s,"kilometers per second",:velocity)

Unit Conversion

velocity >> symbol("m/s") # use symbol function for units containing '/'

SI(21476.190079180236,:m/s,"meters per second",:velocity)

User defined unit conversions

To add your own unit conversions to the unit_conversions.jl file.

Nomenclature for user defined unit conversions
  1. Use the macro @conversion to include the user defined function within showSI().
  2. Use the style of this_to_that(this) function names.