
Learn languages on terminal, by short and practical sentences.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Are you learning a new language? English? Deutsch? Dutch? Spanish? You learn new words and the next day forget most of them? The best way to learn new words, is by using them in the sentences and of course repeat them reqularly to move these words from short-term memory to long-term memory. bolbol helps you learn new words by remembering and using them in the full sentences.

How it works

It is very simple. All you need is a text file to add your sentences to it.

The text file structure

Between each sentence must exists two \n

sentence 1\n
sentence 2\n
sentence N

The sentence structure

The word that you want to learn, should be between two stars like this:

I *go* to school.

When you run the application the result should be like this:
Sample 1
You can star as many word as you want. In this case bolbol chooses one of them randomly:

Children must be *taught* to *distinguish* between right and wrong.

Sample 2
Sometimes for a word, there is more than one correct answer. In this cases you can use |:s|, which means scramble. For instance:

That was a really *awful* exam. |:s|

Which converts to:

That was a really _______ exam. (lwfau)

In the languages folder, you can find these text files.

How to build

If you do not have golang please install it. Then:

go get github.com/mostafa-asg/bolbol
cd $GO_PATH/github.com/mostafa-asg/bolbol/
go build

How to run



  • If you want help, and want to know the first letter (and more), type :h
  • If you want to see the answer type :s

About repository name

In persian language, bolbol means nightingale and there is an idiom, when someone speeks a language very well and fluently:

مثل بلبل حرف میزنه

Which means he or she speeks like a nightingale.