
to collect all the important topics that need to be covered in one place, and clarify how all these topics are connected together in a meaningful way

Software Engineering Starter Guide

to collect all the important topics that need to be covered in one place, and clarify how all these topics are connected together in a meaningful way

Table of Contents

1. Languages & Runtime Environments
2. Networking & Communication Protocols
3. Operating System Concepts
4. Database Management Systems

Building a strong enough foundational knowledge helps greatly in understanding the different technologies in-depth and how they are working behind the scenes, in addition to gaining the ability to build new solutions and tools

1. Languages & Runtime Environments

Core Concepts ⇒ Data types, functions, conditional statements, loops, arrays, Memory Allocation & Execution Stack

Common libraries for using ⇒ Input/output, files, algorithms and data structures, mathematical operations

Compilation process ⇒ Stackoverflow Discussion , Compilation process in C

Errors ⇒ Logical, Syntax, Compilation, Runtime

Building Process ⇒ Compilation & Interpretation

Code Files Types ⇒ Source code, Machine code, Byte code, Object code

Programming Paradigms ⇒ Imperative, Declarative, Functional, Object-oriented

Typing ⇒ Static & Dynamic

Object-Oriented Paradigm

  • Concepts ⇒ Class, Object, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Base Class, Interface
  • Design PrinciplesSOLID , Refactoring

2. Networking & Communication Protocols

It's very important to know how each is communicating with the rest and why we use the specific choices, so for sure you need to understand the connectivity of the internet, and the accessibility of each component of your system so we will discuss what is the Virtual Private Network ( VPC ), Addressing with IPs and Subnets, and for development purposes, we will dig deep in the most popular protocols of the web.

the idea of the protocol is to have some common rules for our communication, how we will process the messages to understand and perform operations, so there're many protocols to cover all communication stuff, database queries, web content, emails, files, getting the corresponding IP of the domain, remote access, exchanging the routing information, exchanging encryption, sending the network error messages, routing in the network, ... etc.

2.1 Networking Fundamentals

Basic Terminologies ⇒ Routers, LAN, WAN, Gateway, Subnets, IP, Port __ Articles: 1st, 2nd, 3rd __ Information Technology Playlist

2.2 Reference Models Layers

The main purpose of these steps will be to provide interoperability between the systems, which means to have standard rules for information exchanging to understand it. ____ Roadmap Channel video ___ Hussien Nasser channel video

2.3 Protocols in Each Layer

1. Application Layer Protocols ( HTTP, WS )

  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) URL Anatomy Explanation & Difference Between Query string and URL Parameters

    Basic Concepts of Web Application ,, How The Web Works ,, Request/Response Structure

    HTTP Generations Talk - HTTP ,, Another one from Hussien Nasser

    Head-of-line-blocking in TCP and HTTP/1.1

    HTTP2 ⇒ has Multiplexing instead of ordered and blocking, Server Push to add responses proactively to reduce the number of requests

    HTTP/2 Critical Limitation that led to HTTP/3 & QUIC

  • DNS (Domain Name System) ⇒ Roadmap Channel Explanation

  • SSH (Secure Shell) for remote access

  • Web Sockets ⇒ Hussien Nasser Video ,, SSE vs WebSockets vs Long Polling Talk

  • Message Queue Protocols ( e.g MQTT, AMQP )

2. Transport Layer protocols

3. Network Layer Protocols

  • ARP ( Address Resolution Protocol ) __ NAT ( Network Address Translation ) & PAT ( Protocol Address Translation )

3. Operating System Concepts

Where do you think all our systems live & operate? Anything running on the computer uses its resources from CPU cycles, memory, network, or disk operation. So there should be some layer between these H.W. resources and their consumers

Basic Terminologies

  • Processes, Threads, Context Switching, Scheduling, System API Calls [ I/O, DB, … ] | CPU Cores & Threads
  • Caching & Pagination, Resources Allocation, Sockets, Kernel & H.W, Init Process | Virtual Machines | Concurrency Vs. Parallelism


  • Cracking The Coding Interview ( Chapter 15 ) __ Programming Interviews Exposed ( Concurrency Chapter )

  • Operating System Internals And Design Principles __ The little book of semaphores __ Medium Article

  • Understanding Embedded Linux Playlist __ The 10 OS Concepts SWD Need to Remember - Article

  • Udacity Introduction Os Course


Virtual Memory ( During The Execution ) ,, State Diagram ( The Life Cycle )

Shell Process & Terminal as an interface to execute the binaries through Commands and Environment Variables

Executing Commands in The Shell as a Processes ⇒ Part_1 | Part_2 | Part_3

There's a huge relationship between the O.S. and the system files. Actually, Linux is Handling anything through files, the media devices like USB, Storage devices, Processes, Users, Libraries, everything is a file so we can access the O.S. stuff with some paths in the file Systems

Now, you know the commands, the shell process, the processes, and the signals. So imagine every application is a process and the OS may receive signals from a user to change the process state, so we can make a script ( some shell commands ) or an application ( like the system monitor ) or a package ( like PM2 ) to manage the processes life cycle. In case of any failure, we can kill a poisoned process or restart the production application, in addition to collecting some information about all the processes in different states for monitoring.

4. Database Management Systems

Data is everywhere, think of your online messages, profiles, sensors data, media, or whatever. So It's important to design some rules for easy storing, retrieving, processing it for any reason like analysis and providing recommendations. So the Database systems were designed for that purpose, simply by initializing a process to communicate ( sending the queries and receiving the records, or information about the transaction state ) with other services through a port.

The server spins up a connection pool to make multiple requests to the database instance at the same time. And to communicate with the DB we need a library on the server-side to interface between the server and the DB instance and provide some security features


Relational Article & Non Relational ( NOSQL ) Article ___ 7 Database Paradigms video

Cracking The Coding Interview ( Chapter 14 ) & HackerRank Database Questions

Transaction Consistency Models ⇒ ACID, BASE

Distributing the database instances

  • Partitioning ⇒ Horizontally (Sharding) or Vertically ( with different schema )
  • Clustering trade-offs ( Advantages & Problems of them )
  • Different Replication paradigms ⇒ Leader-follower or Mesh ( point-to-point communication using gossip )
  • Configuration management tools like ZooKeeper
  • PACELC Theorem for distributed systems

for Relational DB ⇒ Practice on

  • Querying multiple tables with Joins
  • Pagination to get a sequential subset of the records with an OFFSET and LIMIT or WHERE to make it faster

Views & Materialized Views to cache some hot results instead of re-search for them continuously

MVCC ( MultiVersion Concurrency Control ) as implied in the name enables us to allow concurrent access to a database.

Buffer Pool which is the DB area in the RAM used for caching or any intermediate operation before hitting the disk storage

Transactions & Locks for Race Conditions

5. Application Programming Interface

The interfacing between two things is very important as we have many separated abstracted pieces working together to achieve a specific task. There're many types of APIs but all of them rely on the same idea, which os calling another process to execute a function in a completely abstracted from the internal impelementation details or configurations.


  • The application may use the O.S. API to access something low-level like the network or the file system and the O.S. is interacting with the Hardware with the kernel drivers.
  • A web service may sent HTTP or RPC request to another service on top of a TCP connection, which will be converted through the Common gateway interface (CGI) to a normal function call with some parameters from the Environment variables, the parameters are the HTTP headers and the function is the application process itself
  • The cloud provider build a CLI package ( Commands = binaries & Options = parameters ) or SDK ( Objects, Methods, Parameters )
  • Web interface or mobile app calls to the backend servers

Communication between Different Services

The app may contain libraries for ML, HTTP client, web server e.g [ Tensorflow, Requests, Flask ] for Python or [ Tensorflow.js, Axios, Express ] for JavaScript


Different API Architectural Styles Talk

  • Representational State Transfer (REST) Using the HTTP protocol, and JSON as the payload format

  • Graph Query Language (GraphQL)

  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Life Cycle

there're many tools to manage the API life cycle from designing and documenting to testing and monitoring. Postman is a good one for that and OpenAPI for the specefications.

  • Designing means to writedown and documemt all the resources, endpoints, methods, parameters, and responses.

  • Documentation ( OpenAPI, AsyncAPI ) ⇒ Resources, Endpoints, Operations, Parameters, Authentication & Authorization

  • Code Generation ⇒ some tools can take the language and and generate some examples for the code accessing these endpoints

  • Integration Tooling ⇒ Automated Testing & Integration & Deployment Pipeline

  • Monitoring to observe the latency ( response time ) and the success rate of the tests scripts.

  • Specefications to document the API specefications we use some tools to generate the documentation, code samples, tools like

    • OpenAPI for REST APIs between the services in the 3-tier architecture which is commonly based on HTTP/RPC protocol.
    • AsyncAPI for Event-Driven APIs ( messaging architecture like Pub/Sub ) in some use cases like in the IoT or microservices.
  • Mocking get a fake responses if the API endpoints isn't ready yet which is very important to achieve a non-blocking development flow

    • ⇒ with postman mock-server URL, by adding some request examples ( endpoint path, parameters, headers, responses )
    • Facker.js library
  • Collection Design ( API Specifications ) ⇒ Requests, Tests, Documentation

  • Integrating 3rd-party services and tools in the CI/CD pipeline through APIs ⇒ e.g Postman API, Burp Suit API, ... etc

  • Scripting & Automation ⇒ configuring some tests to run on the request

    • before ( Pre ): setting some data, e.g parameters
    • After ( Post ): checking the response code, prepare some data for the following request

General Performance Optimization

  • 7 Tips to Optimize Your Backend API Performance Without Caching

    The serialization representation (XML/JSON, pbf)

    Preheating connections ( to save the time of the handshake and the TLS )

    H1 vs H2 ( use http2 in parallel requests )

    TCP meltdown (big distance)

    Proxies / LB adds more latency so e.g try the layer LB

    Large payload (select * ) as it will need for serialization

    Client-side processing (transforming the work)

  • 10 FrontEnd Performance Tips To Improve Your Application

    Optimistic queries

    Group Notifications

    Connection State

    LRU Cache


    Lazy Loading

    Request what you Need

    Design your UX So you Minimize Requests

    Avoid Expensive Queries Even At Expense of Bad UX

  • API Payload Serialization-based Size SOAP XML > REST JSON > GraphQL JSON > PRC ProtoBuf

  • Database Tier Indexing, Materialized views, In-memory cache

  • Resources Load Reduction ( CPU, Memory, Bandwidth, I/O ) Distributed cache, CDN, Browser cache ( HTTP Caching )

  • UI Rendering JS downloading and execution, CSS rendering, Frames and events



  • MozilaDocs ,, GoogleDocs
  • Conferences ⇒ QConf, InfoQ, Devoxx, GOTO Conferences, KubeCon, DockerCon, PyConf, JSConf
  • Technical Blogs from Big Tech Companies
  • Technical Articles from developers e.g Medium.com , Dev.to

Presentation DiagramsGliffy ,, Draw

Downloading Bookshttp://library.lol/ ,, PDF drive

Searching for Jobs ⇒ Glassdoor, Crossover, Linkedin, Microverse, CarrerArch, Toptal, Remoteplatz