
You Message is free and open sorce chat application inspierd by iphone imessage, using react,ts and firebase

Primary LanguageTypeScript

open source chat application inspierd by Iphone imessag

👀 my user name is "mostafa" so you can message me in You Message 👀 start chating ...
this is personal project for challenging my slef to make fully working chat application, so signup in You Message and start chating ! 🎉

i use firebase as main backend service and react / redux / typescript as front end.

⭐ Features

  • auth with email and password
  • realtime user presence for showing last seen and is user online or not
  • find users with their user name and start conversation easyly
  • like ,delete, edit, reply, forward message
  • custom context menu
  • custome emoji sender tab
  • real time data update for chat messages and other datas
  • search conversations
  • edit your profile
  • dynamic profile avatar
  • dynamic title and favicon for showing notification

Upcomming Features

  • forward messages
  • see other user profile
  • create group message
  • add voice message
  • webRTC video call and voice call

contribute guide

if you are intrested to contribute in this project and add new features contact me in Email to give permission for firebase and discuss about project

Email : mostafa.kheibary@gmail.com