Welcome to Express Football Game! ⚽️

Hey there! 👋 Welcome to the express-football-game repository. This project is all about creating a fun and interactive football game application using some of the best technologies out there. We're excited to have you here!

The Tech Behind the Magic 🎩

This application is crafted with love using:

  • Express: One of the most popular Node.js frameworks that helps us build our server-side logic effectively.
  • EJS (Embedded JavaScript): We use EJS to generate our HTML markup. It gives us the power of JavaScript within our HTML templates.
  • TypeScript: To make our JavaScript even better, we use TypeScript. It's like JavaScript but with superpowers (like static typing!).
  • CSS: Good old CSS is our choice for styling the game interface. It's all about making the game look good and feel good to play.

How to Jump In 🏊

Want to get this game running on your computer? No worries, it's simple:

  1. Clone the repository: First things first, clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the dependencies: We have a few dependencies you'll need to install. Just run npm install and you'll be good to go.
  3. Time to play: Want to see the game in action? Run npm run dev and open your favorite browser to localhost:3000. You'll see our game live and ready for action.

We hope you enjoy exploring this repository and the game. Happy coding! 🚀