
Primary LanguageKotlin

Jetpack Compose - NY-News

Clean Architecture App

An Android app consuming nytimes API to display popular news. it has been built with clean architecture principles, Repository Pattern and MVI pattern with unit testing.


The Application is split into a three layer architecture:

  • Presentation with module by feature
  • Domain
  • Data

Architecture Flow Diagram

The 3 layered architectural approach is majorly guided by clean architecture which provides a clear separation of concerns with its Abstraction Principle.


news-list details modules contains the UI files and handles binding of DI components from other modules. Binding of data is facilitated by jetpacks data binding by serving data from the viewmodel to the UI.The data being received is part of a viewstate class that has properties contained in the relevant state.


The domain module contains domain model classes which represent the data we will be handling across presentation and data layer.

Use cases are also provided in the domain layer and orchestrate the flow of data from the data layer onto the presentation layer and a split into modular pieces serving one particular purpose.


the data layer Handles data interacting with the network

Tech Stack

  • Jetpack compose
  • MVI pattern
  • Hilt
  • Unit testing
  • Coil
  • Retrofit
  • Shared transition animation
