
Event-driven microservices with asynchronous communication built with Laravel, Docker, and RabbitMQ.

Primary LanguagePHP


Event-driven microservices with asynchronous communication built with Laravel, Docker, and RabbitMQ. The admin API is using Laravel Passport for authentication.


Add a product to the admin microservice, and then it will be automatically dispatched and synced to the client microservice using RabbitMQ.

How it works

For each microservice: docker images are downloaded, and containers are built [App, Queue, Database] from the DockerFile. After that the docker compose file runs a few [.sh] files inside the container to prepare the microservice for work.

[start.sh] file is responsible for:

  1. Install dependencies.

  2. Create [.env] file.

  3. Run a command to initialize the laravel app:

    • Generate an app key.
    • Migrate the database.

    Admin-only commands:

    • Seed the database.
    • Install Laravel Passport.
    • Create a Passport client.
    • Create a sample user.
    • Create a token.
    • Store the token in a file called [/api_token.txt] to use it later with Postman.
    • Serve the Laravel app.

[queue.sh] file is responsible for:

  1. Install dependencies.
  2. Create [.env] file.
  3. Start the queue listener.
  4. Serve the Laravel app.



  • Make sure Docker is running.

  • Clone the repository.

    $ git clone https://github.com/mostafaaminflakes/Using-RabbitMQ-in-Microservices.git
  • Populate [.env.example] with your RabbitMQ account details.

  • Admin microservice.

    $ cd Using-RabbitMQ-in-Microservices/admin
    $ docker compose up -d
  • Client microservice.

    $ cd Using-RabbitMQ-in-Microservices/main
    $ docker compose up -d



Depending on your internet speed, you may need need to run docker compose up -d command twice at first time only to allow all dependencies to install properly. This is because the queue container depends on other containers to be ready to run.