
BER of QPSK Alamouti STBC with two transmit and receive (2x2) antenna for Wifi 802.11n standard

Primary LanguageMatlab


BER of QPSK Alamouti STBC with two transmit and receive (2x2) antenna for Wifi 802.11n standard

A simple Space Time Code, suggested by Mr. Siavash M Alamouti in his landmark October 1998 paper – A Simple Transmit Diversity Technique for Wireless Communication, Published in: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications ( Volume: 16, Issue: 8, Oct 1998 ), offers a simple method for achieving spatial diversity with two transmit antennas. For more informtion: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/730453/

Simulation BER of QPSK Alamouti STBC with two transmit and receive antenna In this discussion, we will assume that the channel is a flat fading Rayleigh multipath channel and the modulation is QPSK. All of This Code was Written by Mostafa Amin-Naji 2017/08/01 Symorder of simoulation is for 'bin' and 'gray'; For contact me: Mostafa.Amin.Naji@gmail.com My other Website:

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