
Instazoo KMP APP: an instagram clone with kotlin multiplatform

Primary LanguageKotlin

Instazoo KMP App - An Instagram Clone Built with Compose Multiplatform

Instazoo KMP App Preview Click the image above to watch a YouTube demo of the Instazoo KMP App.


Instazoo KMP is a clone of Instagram built with Compose Multiplatform. This app supports Android, iOS, and desktop platforms. The app fetches data from a static API hosted on GitHub Pages. The primary purpose of this app is to provide a hands-on experience with KMP Compose Multiplatform.

Note: This app is still under development.


  • Posts in a feed format with options to like, comment, and share.
  • A horizontal list of stories on the home screen.
  • User Stories view displays all user stories and allows seamless transition between them.
  • Comments on each post can be viewed by opening the bottom sheet.
  • The bottom navigation bar lets you switch between different app sections.
  • The search section displays a staggered view of random items by default.
  • The app has responsive loading for each request and image loading.
  • User data such as name, bio, profile picture, followers, followings, and posts can be viewed.
  • The profile screen displays user posts in a grid format.
  • Custom Fonts
  • Adjust both dark and light themes for better user experience.


  • Kotlin
  • Clean Architecture
  • Compose UI
  • Network Requests
  • Local Database
  • Dependency Injection
  • Compose Navigation

Libraries 🛠️

  • Koin - Kotlin dependency injection library with multiplatform support.
  • Ktor - Provides multiplatform libraries required to make network calls to the REST API.
  • SQLDelight - Cross-Platform database library
  • kotlinx.coroutines - Library support for Kotlin coroutines with multiplatform support.
  • kotlinx.serialization - Provides sets of libraries for various serialization formats eg. JSON, protocol buffers, CBOR etc.
  • Voyager - A Multiplatform navigation library
  • Kamel - Asynchronous media loading library for Compose Multiplatform