
jalali utils for golang

Primary LanguageGo


go-jalali provides some tools to work with Jalali Calendar in golang

There's also j2g and g2j commands to convert Jalali to Gregorian and vice versa.


To view go doc style documentation of this project use GoDoc site here

You can also view the documentation locally once the package is installed with the godoc tool by running godoc -http=":6060" and pointing your browser to http://localhost:6060/pkg/github.com/nbjahan/go-jalali/jalali


$ go get github.com/nbjahan/go-jalali/jalali/...

Quick Start

To create time.Time from Jalali date:

var d time.Time
d = Jtog(1392, 4, 15)               // "2013-07-06"

Optionally you can specify hour, min, sec, nsec:

d = Jtog(1392, 4, 15, 17, 3, 32, 0) // "2013-07-06 17:03:32"

To convert Gregorian date to Jalali date:

year, month, day := Gtoj(time.Now())

There is also Strftime so you can convert to Jalali and format:

jstring := jalali.Strftime("Printed on %Y/%m/%d", time.Now()) // "Printed on 1392/04/02"

format flags

Checking the Leap year:

isLeap := jalali.IsLeap(time.Now())