FullStack Exam platform to help students test their vocabulary, created with React and Express and The design is inspired by the real Nagwa Website 😄 .

to run the project:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine
  2. Oen the repo in your text editor
  3. split your terminal to 2 sessions, on in the server folder and the other in the client Folder
  4. Type npm i in each terminal session
  5. Type npm start in each terminal session, it should display the project in Port 3000.

Project Features:

  • Home Page: Input For user Name and navigation around the site
  • Exam Page: Features the questions from the server
  • Rank Page: Display the rank of the student between his peers
  • Review Page: Display the words the user has gotten wrong.
  • Express Server: 5 endpoints: for words fetching, for answer checking, for rank evaluation, for adding incorrect answers to the review JSON and for fetching it from the server.
  • The website will work even if we change the TestData.json file as long as the structure is the same

Overall I am very happy of this project which benefited me greatly and I would like to work with Nagwa school team ❤️ , as I am interested in education itself and I want to contribute to that field with everything I've got 😄 ❤️