Webpack Boilerplate

A minimalist Webpack boilerplate to use the latest JavaScript, compile Sass into CSS, and compile Typescript into JavaScript.


git clone git@github.com:taniarascia/webpack-boilerplate.git
cd webpack-boilerplate
npm install


  • Babel - transpile the latest JavaScript
  • Html Webpack - generate the index.html entry point
  • Clean Webpack - clean generated dist folder
  • Hot Module Replacement - only reload the part that has changed
  • Webpack Dev Server - launch a local server for development


npm start

Note: This will not create or affect the dist build.

Start development server on localhost:3005.

npm run build

Generate dist folder with app.bundle.js and index.html.

npm watch

Watch for changes without the live dev server.


npm i -D
  @babel/core \
  @babel/preset-env \
  babel-loader \
  clean-webpack-plugin \
  css-loader \
  html-webpack-plugin \
  mini-css-extract-plugin \
  node-sass \
  postcss-loader \
  sass-loader \
  style-loader \
  ts-loader \
  typescript \
  webpack \
  webpack-cli \
  webpack-dev-server \