- Support all JS Types.
- String
- Number
- Boolean
- Null
- Undefined
- Object
- Symbol
- Give Some new types :
- Interface
- void
- Array
- Tuple
- Enum
- Union
- InterSection
- Type Safety
- Support Older Browser
- Less Bugs
- Increase Developer Productivity
- Less Bugs && Less Testing.
- Best Intelligence support.
- Typescript give us an complier name
ortypescript complier
npm i -g typescript
tsc --init
tsc filename.ts
tsc --w file.ts
- after include configs only use :
tsc - watch;
- There are two types of annotation in TypeScript.
- Explicit
- Implicit
- Implicit Types are types That Typescript infers based on the initial Value of the variable.
- If we can declare and assign value in same line
infers the correct type. - Example:
// implicitly infers as string
const name = "Mostafizur Rahaman";
// implicitly infers as number:
const age = 19;
- When we declared a variable but not assign type of the variable
infers thetype
. It's not recommended. - We can assign
any type of data
on this variable. - Example :
// implicitly infer as any
let a;
// we can assign any type of data to the variable like below:
a = 5; // number
a = "Mostafizur Rahaman ";
a = false;
- Explicitly Types are
when we manually provided the type by usingtypescript syntax.
- If you try to store others type data on that variable
. which helps developers to solvedevelopment errors
- Explicitly Type Syntax:
const variableName: type = value;
// or
let age: type;
age = value;
- Example:
// one line
const name: string = "mostafizur rahaman";
// multiple line :
let age: number;
age = 20;
age = 30;
// if we try to assign string to age variable typescript give errors:
age = "20"; // show errors on code editor ;
- This type of variable on allows
type of data. - If we try to store others type of data, gets an
likeType 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'
- Example:
let fullName: string = "Mostafizur rahaman"; // held errors: fullName = 40; // give an errors : type number is not assignable in type string. fullName = false; // type boolean is not assignable in type string fullName = []; // array is not assignable to type string .
- This type of variable on allows
- This type of variable on allows only
type of data. - If we try to store others type of data, gets an
likeType 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'
- Example:
let age: number = 20; age = 50; age = 40; // held errors: age = "40"; // give an errors : type string is not assignable in type number. age = false; // type boolean is not assignable in type number age = []; // array is not assignable to type number .
- This type of variable on allows only
- This type of variable on allows only
type of data. - If we try to store others type of data, gets an
likeType 'string' is not assignable to type 'boolean'
- Example:
let isValid: boolean = false; isValid = true; // held errors: age = "40"; // give an errors : type string is not assignable in type number. age = false; // type boolean is not assignable in type number age = []; // array is not assignable to type number .
- This type of variable on allows only
- This type of variable allows only
type of data. - If we try to store others type of data, gets an
likeType 'string' is not assignable to type '[]'
- There are many type of array
string[], number[], boolean[], tuple
- This type of variable allows only
- This type of variable allows only
string type data on array
. We can't store others type of data on array.Also we can't store other type of data on the variable. - Example:
let friends: string[];
// string [] : only allows string
friends = ["mostafizur rahaman", "ratul hossain"];
friends.push("ratul hossain");
// we can't store other type data on string[]
friends = "mostafizur"; // Error: `Type string is not assignable to type string[]`
friends = 29; // Error: `Type number is not assignable to type string[]`
friends = [20, 29]; // Error: `Type number is not assignable to type string`
friends = [false, false, true]; // Error: `Type boolean is not assignable to type string`
friends.push(false); // Error: `Type boolean is not assignable to type string`
- This type of variable allows only
boolean type data on array
. We can't store others type of data on array.Also we can't store other type of data on the variable. - Example:
let isBoolean: boolean[];
// only allows boolean type of array on this Variable :
isBoolean = [false, true, false, true];
// but other type of data is not assignable to array . Also Other type of data is not assignable to the variable.
isBoolean.push(20); // Type number is not assignable to type boolean.
isBoolean = 20; // Errors: Type number is not assignable to type boolean[];
isBoolean = false; // Errors : Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'boolean[]'.
isBoolean = "Mostafizur rahaman"; // Errors : type 'boolean' is not assignable to type boolean[].
isBoolean = ["ratul hossain", "rakib hossain", 20]; // Errors : Type 'string & number' is not assignable to type boolean
- This type of variable allows only
number type data on array
. We can't store others type of data on array.Also we can't store other type of data on the variable. - Example:
let friendsAge: number[];
// only array of number is assignable on this variable.
// others type of array or data isn't assignable to this variable.
friendsAge = [20, 22, 50];
// Errors Happens:
friendsAge.push(false); // Errors : Type boolean isn't assignable to type number.
friendsAge.push("rabby hossain"); // Errors : Type string isn't assignable to type number.
friendsAge = "rabby hossaain"; // Error : Type string isn't assignable to type number[]
friendsAge = [false, false]; // Errors : Type boolean isn't assignable to type number[];
: Tuples in TypeScript are a special type of array that allow you to define a fixed number of elements with specific types in a specific order.
- fixed length
- specific type
- specific order
- Example:
let myTuple: [string, number, boolean];
myTuple = ["ratul hossain", 20, false];
myTuple[0] = "Mostafizur rahaman";
myTuple[1] = 20;
myTuple[2] = true;
myTuple[2] = true;
// Error Happens :
// first index of the tuple only allow string :
myTuple[0] = false; // Error : Type boolean is not assignable to type string;
myTuple[0] = 20; // Error : Type number is not assignable to type string;
myTuple[1] = "stirng"; // Error: Type string is not assignable to type number
myTuple[1] = false; // Error: Type boolean is not assignable to type number
myTuple[2] = "any string"; // Error: Type string is not assignable to type boolean
myTuple[2] = 20; // Error: Type number is not assignable to type boolean
// can't include new index :
myTuple[3] = "Ratul hossain"; // Errors : Type '"Ratul hossain"' is not assignable to type 'undefined'.
- The literal types in TypeScript allow you to create types that express specific values. There are three sets of literal types available in TypeScript: strings, numbers, and booleans.
- Literal Type contain fixed value.
- Example:
type Easing = "ease-in" | "ease-out" | "ease-in-out"; type OneToFive = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;
Typescript has two main ways to define
object types
: usinganonymous object types
or usingnamed interfaces or types
. -
Anonymous object types
are definedinline
when declaring avariable
parameter. -
syntax :
const variableName: { propertyName: type; propertyName: type , ...} = { propertyName: "value", propertyName: "value", }
Example :
const car: { type: string; model: string; year: number } = { type: "Toyota", model: "Corolla", year: 2009, };
- to make a property in
optional, you can place a question mark after the property name. - Then optional property type will be specific types | undefined
- Example:
interface userProps {
name: string;
company?: string; // the type will be string | undefined
let user: userProps = {
name: "Mostafizur Rahaman",
company: "Universe It Institute",
user = {
name: "Ratul hossain",
modifier makes propertiesimmutable
.- After using readonly on a property we can only assign data on an object.
- we can't update the value after assigning.
- Syntax:
const user: { readonly name: string; readonly age: number } = {
name: 'Mostafizur Rahaman"
age: 20
// Errors;
user.name 'ratul hossain' // Errors: Cannot assign to 'name' because it is a read-only
user.age = 22 // Errors : Cannot assign to 'age' because it is a read-only
- syntax:
function add(parameter1: type, parameter2: type): returnType { // other calculation code here return value; }
- Example :
function add(a: number, b: number): number { return a + b; } add(2, 2); add(3, "3"); // Errors : type string is not assignable to type number ; add(true, 3); // Errors : type boolean is not assignable to type number
- syntax:
const functionName (parameter1: type, parameter2: type): returnType => { return parameter1 + parameter2 }
const add1 = (num1: number, num2: number): number => { return num1 + num2; }; add1(2, 3); add1(29, 29); // Errors Happens : add1("2", 3); // Errors : Type string is not assignable to type number; add(29, "mostafiuzr rahaman"); // Errors : Type String is not assignable to type number ;
By using
spreed operator
we can spreed or copy any object or arrayconst friends: string[] = [ "Ismail hossain", "Redowan Shawon", "ratul hossain", ]; const others: string[] = ["Ratul santo", "sifat hossain ", "nayeam hossain"]; // friends.push(others); // Errors : Argument of type 'string[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string' friends.push(...others); console.log(friends); const mentor1 = { typescript: "Mezbaul abedin", redux: "mir hossain", dbs: "mizan hossain", }; const mentor2 = { next: "tanmay", prizma: "firoz vai", cloud: "nahid hassan bulbul vai", }; const mentorList = { ...mentor1, ...mentor2, }; console.log(mentorList);
- By using rest operator we can receive array of parameter in rest parameter :
function sendGreetingToFriends(...friends: string[]): void {
friends.forEach((i) => {
`Hey ${i}, Congratulation in our typescript technocrat course `
"ismail fahim",
"jahed hossain",
"hridoy hossain",
"ratul hossain"
- When we try to destructure any variable we can not define type in destructure object or array ;
const myInfo = {
name: {
firstName: "Mostafizur",
middleName: "Rahaman",
lastName: "Fahim",
age: 30,
phoneNumber: "01951976238",
email: {
primaryEmail: "mostafizurrahaman0401@gmail.com",
secondaryEmail: "fahim74@gmail.com",
bloodGroup: "B+",
const {
name: { firstName, middleName, lastName },
email: { primaryEmail, secondaryEmail },
} = myInfo;
const friends = [
"Roman Hossain",
"Ratul Hossain",
"Rahim Hossain",
"Rakib hossain",
"Rajjack Hossain",
"rohomot ullah",
const [, , bestFriends, ...others] = friends;
console.log(bestFriends, others);
- In TypeScript, type aliases can be used to give a type
new name
. - They are similar to
, - But they are more flexible as They can not only
only object type but also primitive types aliases andothers types
aliases - Syntax :
// if primitive data
type TPrimitive = type;
// object type :
type TObject = {
propertyName: type;
propertyName: type;
// array type :
type typeName = string[];
type TRoll = number[];
type TBoolean = boolean[];
// tuple type: example
type typeName = [string, boolean, string, number];
// function type in Type alias :
type TFunctionName = (parameter: type, parameter: type): number
- we can define
type alias
for string : - Syntax:
type TUserName = string;
- we can define
- we can define
type alias
for number : - Syntax:
type TUserRoll = number;
- Example:
type TUserRoll = number; let roll: TUserRoll = 10;
- we can define
- we can define
type alias
for boolean : - Syntax:
type TIsAdmin = boolean;
- Example:
// type alias for boolean : type TIsAdmin = boolean; const isAdmin: TIsAdmin = false;
- we can define
- we can define
type alias
for Object : - syntax :
// object type : type TObject = { propertyName: type; propertyName: type; };
- Example :
// Type Alias type TStudent = { name: string; age: number; contactNo?: string; gender: "male" | "female"; address: string; }; // use type here const student1: TStudent = { name: "Mostafiuzr rahaman", age: 20, contactNo: "01951976238", gender: "male", address: "lakshmipur", }; // reuse same type here const studnet2: TStudent = { name: "Ratul hossain", age: 20, gender: "male", address: "cumilla ", };
- we can define
- we can define array in type alias:
- syntax:
type TTypeName = type[];
-Example :
// Type alias for array : type TFriends = string[]; const friends: TFriends = [ "ratul hossain", "hridoy hossain", "kamrul hasan", ]; console.log(friends);
- We can declare tuple in Type alias :
- syntax :
type TTypeName = [type, type, type, ...]
- example:
// Type for tuple : length 2 name , age , isMarried type TUserData = [string, number, boolean]; const user1: TUserData = ["mostafizur rahaman", 21, false]; const user2: TUserData = ["ratul hossain", 20, false]; console.log(user1, user2);
- we can declare arrow function in type alias.
- syntax:
type TArrowFunc = (parameter: type, parameter: type, ...) => returnType;
- Example:
// Type Addition : type TAdd = (num1: number, num2: number) => number; // addition function : const add: TAdd = (num1, num2) => { return num1 + num2; }; add(20, 30);
- We can define multiple type by using union type.
- Union type can used to define a variable that can be different types.
- Union type define by using
pipe ( | )
. - syntax :
type TypeName = type | type | type;
- Example :
// literal type with union type :
type TUserName = "Mostafizur" | "Fahim" | "Roman";
const userName: TUserName = "Mostafizur";
// for primitive type :
type TAge = string | age | undefined;
const age: TAge = "tweenty";
const age1: TAge = 20;
const age3: TAge = undefined;
// type objectType & null:
type User = {
name: string;
gender: "male" | "female";
bloodGroup: "B+" | "A+" | "A-" | "B-" | "O+" | "O-" | "AB-" | "AB+";
- Example 2:
type TUser = {
name: string,
gender: "male" | "female",
bloodGroup: "B+" | "B-" | "A+" | "A-" | "AB+" | "AB-" | "O-" | "O+",
let user: TUser | null = null;
user = {
name: "Mostafiuzr",
gender: "male",
bloodGroup: "B+",
let user1: TUser | null = null;
user1 = {
name: "mukta",
gender: "female",
bloodGroup: "B+",
console.log(user, user1);
- Intersection types are way to combine multiple types into a single type.
- Intersection types contain all features of every single types which combined.
- We can define Intersection type by using
operator . - syntax :
type TypeOne = {
name: string;
age: number;
type TypeTwo = {
profession: string;
type typeThree = typeOne & TypeTwo;
// here typeThree contains name, age , profession property
- Example :
type TBird = {
eyes: number;
wings: number;
fly: TFly;
type TEat = () => void;
type TFly = () => void;
type TMen = {
legs: number;
eat: TEat;
// intersection type is here: The TOwl contains all features of TBird & TMen
type TOwl = TBird & TMen;
const owl: TOwl = {
eyes: 2,
wings: 2,
legs: 2,
fly: () => {
console.log("flying ......");
eat: () => {
console.log("eating ..............");
- Ternary operator is a conditional operator.
- Ternary Operator get three operands.
- Syntax:
condition ? expression : expression
- If the condition is
Ternary operator execute the firstexpression
. - Otherwise execute the second
type TAge = number; const age: TAge = 20; const isAdult: boolean = age >= 18 ? "Adult" : "Not Adult"; console.log(isAdult);
Nullish Coalescing Operator is a Logical Operator.
Nullish Coalescing Operator
it'sright hand Operand
if itsleft hand side operand
It's worked based on
. -
Syntax :
operand ?? "default value"
Example :
type TUserName = string | null | undefined; const user1 : TUserName = 'Mostafizur Rahaman"; const user2: TUserName = ''; const user2: TUserName= null; const isAvail1 = user1 ?? "User One doesn't Exist"; const isAvail2 = user2 ?? "User Two doesn't Exist" const isAvail3 = user3 ?? "User Three doesn't Exist" // output1: isAvail1 =Mostafizur Rahaman // output2: isAvail2 = User Two doesn't Exist // output3: isAvail3 = User Three doesn't Exist. const value = null ?? "default value"; console.log(value); // output: value = "default value"
- Optional chaining is a feature introduced in ES2020 that allows for safe and concise access to nested object properties. It uses the ?. operator to check if a reference to the left is undefined or null, and if so, it short circuits and returns undefined. Otherwise, it continues the chain of access checks.
- Syntax:
- Example:
// Optional Chaining : type TStudent = { name: string; age: number; address: { permanentAddress?: string; presentAddress: string; }; roll: number; }; const student: TStudent = { name: "Mostafizur Rahaman", age: 20, address: { presentAddress: "Lakshmipur", }, roll: 478889, }; console.log(student?.address?.permanentAddress);
type helps us to define a type for variable eitherspecific type
- Union type helps us to define nullable type. or
. - syntax:
type TNullAbleString = string | null;
const userName: TNullAbleString = "Mostafizur Rahaman";
const userName1: TNullAbleString = null;
console.log(userName, userName1);
const search = (value: string | null): string => {
return value ? "searching " : "There is nothing search";
- unknown which is the type-safe counterpart of any
- Anything else assignable to unknown.
let random: unknown;
random = "Hello World!";
random = {};
random = 7;
random = null;
random = Math.random();
random = ["USA", "Colombia", "India", "Canada"];
random = new Country();
random = undefined;
- unknown is not assignable to others types. It's is the main different between unknown and any.
let random: unknown;
let foo: unknown;
let bar: any;
foo = random; // Correct
bar = random; // Correct
let stringValue: string;
let numberValue: number;
let arrayValue: [];
let countryValue: Country;
stringValue = random; // Error: Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'string'
numberValue = random; // Error: Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'number'
arrayValue = random; // Error: Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type '[]'
countryValue = random; // Error: Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'Country'
- Example :
// Unknown Type :
const getConvertSpeedMeterPerSecond = (message: unknown): void => {
if (typeof message === "number") {
const speed = (message * 1000) / 3600;
console.log(`${speed} km^sec`);
} else if (typeof message === "string") {
let [result, unit] = message.split(" ");
let speed = (parseFloat(result) * 1000) / 3600;
console.log(`${speed} km^sec`);
} else {
console.log("Please Provide a correct value");
getConvertSpeedMeterPerSecond("100 m^sec");
TypeScript introduced a new type never, which indicates the values that will never occur.
The never type is used when you are sure that something is never going to occur.
For example, you write a function which will not return to its end point or always throws an exception.
has no value. Otherwise typevoid
have valueundefined
function throwError(errorMsg: string): never {
throw new Error(errorMsg);
throw new Error("Your are unauthenticated user");
- Type assertion in TypeScript is a way to explicitly specify the type of a value, even when TypeScript cannot infer it automatically.
- If developer have more information about type of a variable , he can
explicitly define a type with
type ; - syntax :
// use value as type
variableName as type;
Example :
// Type Assertion : as let random: any; // assign string : random = "next level Development"; // random. // its not show the suggestion or properties of string when use include . (dot) // so we can use here type assertion to declare the type string const upperCase: string = (random as string).toUpperCase(); console.log(upperCase); // assign number : random = 22; // convert floated number: const precision = (random as number).toFixed(); console.log(precision); // assign array : random = ["mostafizur rahaman", "ratul hossain", 20, 40]; (random as []).forEach((i) => console.log(i)); type TUser = { name: string; age: number; }; random = { name: "mostafizur", age: 27 }; const age = (random as TUser).age; const name = (random as TUser).name; console.log(name, age);
Example 2: With A function ;
const getKgToGm = (value?: string | number): string | number | undefined => { if (typeof value === "string") { const convertedValue = parseFloat(value) * 1000; return `converted value : ${convertedValue}`; } if (typeof value === "number") { return value * 1000; } }; const result1: string = getKgToGm("10") as string; const result2: number = getKgToGm(20) as number; const result3: undefined = getKgToGm(undefined) as undefined; console.table([result1, result2, result3]);
Example : For Error Handling :
type TCustomError = { name: string; stack: string; message: string; }; try { throw new Error("UnAuthenticated User"); } catch (error) { const err = error as TCustomError; console.table([err.name, err.message]); }
- Interfaces, on the other hand , define a contract must be object adhere to.
- Interface are also be used to represent type definition of an object.
- Interface only used for
type definition. - Interface are
single or multipleinterface
ortype alias
type TUser = {
name: string;
email: string;
interface IUser {
roll: number;
age: number;
interface ICommonUser extends IUser, TUser {
contactNo?: string;
address: {
permanent: string;
present: string;
- Syntax:
interface IInterFaceName {
propertyName: type;
propertyName: type;
interface IPersonal { name: string; dob: Date; } interface IContact { email: string; phone: string; } interface IAddress { permanent: string; present: string; city: string; post: number; } interface IUser extends IPersonal, IContact { status: "active" | "in-active"; address: IAddress; } const user: IUser = { name: "mostafizur", dob: new Date(), email: "most@gmail.com", phone: "1111111111", address: { permanent: "lakshmipur", present: "lakshmipur", city: "lakshmipur", post: 3701, }, status: "active", };
- We can define array type in typeScript with
; - syntax :
interface IArray { [index: number]: number; } interface IStringArray { [index: number]: string; }
- Example :
interface INumber { [index: number]: number; } const numArr1: INumber = [1, 3, 4, 5];
- We can define array type in typeScript with
- We can define a type for function with
. - syntax:
interface TAdd { (parameter: type, parameter: type): returnType; }
- Example:
interface IAdd { (num1: number, num2: number): number; } const add1: IAdd = function add1(num1, num2) { return num1 + num2; };
- We can define a type for function with
- We can Extends any
which we define previously - we can premix type and interface with
- Example:
type TUser = {
name: {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
interface IUser extends TUser {
roll: number;
type TUserWithStatus = IUser & { status: "active" | "in-active" };
interface INewUser extends TUserWithStatus {
address: string;
// implement whole type here:
const newUser: INewUser = {
name: {
firstName: "mostafizur",
lastName: "rahaman",
roll: 3,
address: "laskhmipur",
status: "active",
- TypeScript generics allow us to create reusable components or functions that can handle multiple types.
- With generics, we can parameterize types and create type-safe and reusable code.
- We can create generics for
- syntax :
type GenericsName<parameter, parameter> = GeneralType<arg, arg>;
type GenerisName<parameter, parameter> = [parameter, parameter];
- We can use generics for array to normalize or generalize and make reuseable array type
- To normalize array we can use capital
in javaScript - for
we can useArray<string>
- for
we can uesArray<number>
- for
, we can useArray<boolean>
- for
, we can useArray<Interface>
- Syntax:
// Generics Array: type GenericName<parameter> = Array<parameter>; // resuse the generics as need: //for Boolean: just pass boolean as parameter: const boolArr: GenericName<boolean> = [false, true]; // for String: just pass string : const strArr: GenericsName<string> = ["one", "two", "three"]; // for number: just pass number as parameter: const numArr: GenericsName<number> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; // for object : just pass the pattern or Interface or type : const studentArr: GenericsName<{ name: string; age: number; isPresent: boolean; }> = [ { name: "mostafiz", age: 20, isPresent: true }, { name: "mostafiz", age: 20, isPresent: true }, ];
- Example :
// Generics Type: type GenericsArr<T> = Array<T>; //Interface : interface IUser { name: string; roll: number; } const numberArr: GenericsArr<number> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5]; //use generics for string [] const friendsArr: GenericsArr<string> = [ "Mostafizur rahaman", "ratul hossain", "hridoy hossain", ]; // generalize for boolean const booleanArr: GenericsArr<boolean> = [ false, true, false, true, false, true, ]; // generalize for User const studentArr: GenericsArr<IUser> = [ { name: "Mostafizur rahaman ", roll: 2 }, { name: "Fahim hossain ", roll: 3 }, { name: "Roman hossain ", roll: 4 }, { name: "hridoy hossain ", roll: 5 }, ];
- We can normalize or generalize any
type with Generics; - Know the length of tuple and specify type and order.
- syntax:
// this tuple get only three parameter type GenericsTuple<parameter1, parameter2, parameter2> = [ parameter1, parameter2, parameter3 ]; const tuple1: GenericsTuple<boolean, string, boolean> = [ false, "one", false, ];
- We can normalize or generalize any
- We can define
generics ; - syntax :
// here T & X are parameter interface IInterfaceName<T, X> = { name: string; computer: parameter1, bike: parameter2 }
- Example:
// Generics With Interface : interface IDeveloper<T, X = null> { name: string; computer: { brand: string; model: string; price: number; }; smartWatch: T; bike?: X; } interface ISmartWatch { name: string; model: string; price: number; } interface IAppleWatch extends ISmartWatch { isSleepTracker: boolean; isPressureTacker: boolean; } type TBike = { model: string; speed: string; }; // poor developer Type : const poorDeveloper: IDeveloper<ISmartWatch> = { name: "Mostafizur", computer: { brand: "hp pavillion", model: "14 cetex", price: 75000, }, smartWatch: { name: "smart watch 2.0", model: "something ", price: 1000, }, }; // rich developer: const richDeveloper: IDeveloper<IAppleWatch, TBike> = { name: "Jhankar Mahbub", computer: { brand: "MAC BOOK ", model: "latest model", price: 2000000, }, smartWatch: { name: "Apple watch", model: "latest model", price: 100000, isPressureTacker: true, isSleepTracker: true, }, bike: { model: "YEMAHA", speed: "120CC", }, };
- We can define
- we can use default If
not provided the parameter value; - syntax:
// here i pass the default type for X parameter interface IUser<T, X = null> { name: string; computer: T; bike?: X; } // here X default is null type type GenericUser<T, X = null> = { name: string; computer: T; bike?: X; }; interface IComputer { model: string; price: number; } const user: GenericUser<IComputer> = { name: "Roman hossain", computer: { model: "HP Privillion", price: 75000, }, }; const user2: GenericUser<IComputer, TBike> = { name: "Jihad Hossain", computer: { model: "Apple Laptop", price: 2000000, }, bike: { model: "Hero Bike122222", speed: "120cc", }, };
- we can use default If
- we can define generic
type withGenerics
. - Which helps to reuse
type. - syntax:
/** * it's a function which return an array depends on data type * @T : is type params which receive dynamic type for function */ const getArr = <T>(parameter: T): T[] => { return [parameter]; }; const stringArr: string[] = getArr<string>("one"); // returns ['one'] const numberArr: number[] = getArr<number>(20); // returns [2] const boolean: boolean[] = getArr<boolean>(false); // returns [false] /** * Write function which get two data and return a tuple: * @T : T is a type params which receive dynamic type as param * @K : K is a another params which also work like @T . * */ function createTuple2<T, Q>(a: T, b: Q): [T, Q] { return [a, b]; } const one: [string, number] = createTuple2<string, number>("one", 1); const two: [number, string] = createTuple2<number, string>(1, "one"); console.log(one); console.log(two);
- we can define generic
With can
we can force toprovide
some specific property. -
Constraints are used to limit the kinds of types that a type parameter can accept.
Constraints ensure that the properties accessed within the function are available and compatible with the type parameter.
By using
keyword we canensure
types which must need to assign -
আমরা যখন Generics তৈরী করি তখন যদি কিছু নিদিষ্ট প্রোপ্রটি বা টাইপের ডাটা আমরা পেতে চাই তখন আমরা extends keyword ব্যবহার করে কোনো টাইপ এলিয়াস বা ইন্টারফেইসকে extends করতে পারি।
এর মাধ্যমে আমরা ইউজারকে কিছু নিদিষ্ট প্রোপ্রারটি নিশ্চিত করতে বাধ্য করতে পারি।
// Constraints IN Generics: function addStudent<T extends { name: string; email: string; roll: number }>( student: T ) { const course = "Next Level Development"; return { ...student, course, }; } // student one : const student1 = addStudent({ name: "mostafizur rahaman", email: "mostafizur@gmail.com", roll: 22, age: 20, haveWatch: true, }); const student2 = addStudent({ name: "Ratul hossain", email: "ratul@gmail.com", roll: 21, isCar: false, }); const student3 = addStudent({ name: "redowan shawon", email: "redowan@gmail.com", roll: 3, emni: "emni", });
- The
keyword is used in TypeScript to extract the key type from an object type. keyof
operator returns an union type :- Example with
type IUser = { name: string; age: number; isVerifed: boolean; }; type key = keyof IUser; // return key = 'name' | 'age' | 'isVerified'
- Example:
const user: IUser = { name: "Mostafizur Rahaman", age: 20, isVerified: true, }; // here use the keyof and extends the T to make limit the type with constraint. function getPropertyValue<T, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K) { return obj[key]; } const property1 = getPropertyValue(user, "isVerified"); console.log(property1);
- The
- Promises in TypeScript are used to handle asynchronous operations and provide better control over the flow of code.
const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Asynchronous code here });
- we can pass types
const myPromise = new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => { // asynchronous code is here. });
- we can pass types
Type of Promise in TypeScript with Example :
// type of promise type TSomeThing = { message: "something" }; const createPromise = (): Promise<TSomeThing> => { return new Promise<TSomeThing>((resolve, reject) => { const data: TSomeThing = { message: "something" }; if (data) { return resolve(data); } else { return reject("Promise not resolved"); } }); }; const loadData = async (): Promise<TSomeThing> => { const data: TSomeThing = await createPromise(); console.log(data); return data; }; loadData();
- We can load data from external server and the data return a
when we try tofetch
- Example:
interface ITodo { userId: number; id: number; title: string; completed: boolean; } const getTodo = async (): Promise<ITodo> => { const res = await fetch( `https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1` ); const data: ITodo = await res.json(); console.log(data); return data; }; getTodo();
- We can load data from external server and the data return a
- we can create conditional type in
. by usingternary operator.
- syntax :
type typeName = type1 extends type2 ? type3 : type4;
- syntax:
// conditional type in typeScript :
type a1 = string;
type b1 = number;
type c1 = undefined;
type TUser = {
name: string;
email: string;
interface IUser {
name: string;
age: number;
phone: string;
// nested condition in typescript:
type d = a1 extends b1 ? TUser : a1 extends c1 ? IUser : undefined; // type is undefined
- Example :
interface IUser {
name: string;
age: number;
phone: string;
// checkPropertyExits
type checkPropertyExits<T, Q> = T extends keyof Q ? true : false;
type hasName = checkPropertyExits<"email", IUser>;
- we can get any property in typescript of object by using
type alias
- syntax:
interface IUser {
name: string;
email: string;
phone: number;
// type getPropertyType = typeName['propertyName']
type getProperType = IUser["name"]; // type is string
type getEmailType = IUser["email"]; // type is string
type getPhoneType = IUse["phone"]; // type is number
- By using mapped type in typescript we can mapped every property
type alias
. - mapping syntax :
type TAreaConverted<T> = {
[key in keyof T]: T[key];
- Example :
type TAreaNumber = {
height: number;
width: number;
// lookup Type in Typescript :
type THeight = TAreaNumber["height"];
// map to convert convert TAreaNumber to other type :
// this type convert to boolean type on . it's fixed . but we need more flexibility
// type TAreaConverted = {
// [index in "height" | "width" | "depth"]: boolean;
// };
// use keyof and and provide a type
// it converted only TAreaNumber key to boolean type
// type TAreaConverted = {
// [key in keyof TAreaNumber]: TAreaNumber[key];
// };
type TAreaConverted<T> = {
[key in keyof T]: T[key];
const AreaString: TAreaConverted<{
height: string;
width: number;
depth: boolean;
}> = {
height: "10vh",
width: 3000,
depth: "",
specific type from an exitings objectType.- Pick get two parameter.
First Parameter:
get anObject Type
second parameter
: get anunion
of keysname
- Syntax:
// extings object type : interface IPerson { name: string; email: string; age: number; blood: "B+" | "B-" | "A+" | "A-" | "O+" | "O-" | "AB+" | "AB-"; } // create a new type by picking specific key type from exitings object type type IModifiedPerson = Pick<IPerson, "name" | "email" | "age">; // the type will be -> { name: string; email: string; age: number; }
Omit<objectType, unionOfObjectKeyName>
: By usingOmit
we can create a new Type by removingsome sepecific keys
is opposite ofPick
.- syntax:
// exiting type : interface IPerson { name: string; email: string; age: number; blood: "B+" | "B-" | "A+" | "A-" | "O+" | "O-" | "AB+" | "AB-"; } // create a new type with omit: type IModifiedPerson = Omit<IPerson, "name" | 'email" >; // it's remove 'name' and 'email' key from new Type; // The new type will be: /* { age: number, blood: "B+" | "B-" | "A+" | "A-" | "O+" | "O-" | "AB+" | "AB-"; } */
- syntax:
// exiting type: interface prevType { name: string; age: number; email: string; isValid: boolean; } // new type after use Partial : type partialType = Partial<prevType>; // the partialType will be like below: /* type partialType = { name: string | undefined; age: number | undefined; email: string | undefined; isValid: boolean | undefined; }; */
- It is the oposite of
utility. - Syntax:
// exiting type: interface prevType { name?: string; age?: number; email: string; isValid?: boolean; } // convert all properties required with Required uitility: type RequiredType = Required<prevType>; // the new type will be like below: /* { name: string; age: number; email: string; isValid: boolean; } */
- It is the oposite of
when we declare the variable.but
we cann't modifiedreadonly
property.- syntax:
// exiting type : interface IUser { name: string; age: number; email: string; isValid: boolean; } // make all properties readonly : type ReadonlyUser = Readonly<IUser>; // the type will be : /* type ReadonlyUser = { readonly name : string; readonly age : number; readonly email: string; readonly isValid: boolean; } */ const user1: ReadonlyUser = { name: "mostafizur rahaman", email: "m@gmail.com", age: 2, isValid: true, }; // try to modify : user1.name = "ratul hossain"; // Error: cann't assign 'name' because it's readonly property.
because we
the type for value isstring
type TUser = Record<string, string>; let user: TUser = { a: "mostafizur", b: "ratul hossain", c: "ismail", }; user.age = 2; // Errors: Type 'number' cann't assignable to type "string"
because we
the type for value isnumber
type TUser = Record<string, number>; let user: TUser = { a: 20, b: 30, c: 21, }; user.d = "thirty"; // Errors: Type 'string' cann't assignable to type "number"
type TUser = Record<string, unknown>; const user1: TUser = { name: "mostafizur rahaman", email: "m@gmal.com", age: 20, isValid: true, haveMoney: undefined, }; user1.bike = { brand: "Yamaha", model: "Y-222" };
- A Programming Paradiam That organizes and models Software.
- Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes software design around objects, which are instances of classes.
- Paradiam is a
to write and organize code.
- There a several types of paradiam in Programming.
- Procudural Programming Paradiam.
- Declarative Programming.
- Functional Programming
- Object Oriented Programming
- Event Driven programming
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstruction
- Encampsulation
- create a
by usingclass
keyword. - classname startwith
Capitalital Letter
- in class body define the class
and we also initilize them - then
which helps dynamically initilize orassign
value - we can update any
of class incontructor
- Then out side of
, we can definecommon function for class
- we also access any
- Example :
class Animal {
public name: string;
public species: string;
public sound: string;
// initialize value with constructor
constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) {
this.name = name;
this.species = species;
this.sound = sound;
// function of class:
makeSound() {
console.log(`The ${this.name} says ${this.sound}`);
- Now We can create an instance of class and use that :
- Example:
// create an isntance for men:
const men = new Animal("Mostafizur Rahaman", "men", "bok bok");
// create an instance for cat:
const cat = new Animal("Pusi Cat", "cat", "meaw meaw");
Parameter properties
allow us tosimplify
ourproperty declarations
in theclass constructor
- when we add an
access modifier
in front of parameter
ofconstructor parameter
typeScript compiler
will automatically initialize thecorresponding property
with the provided value. - And we don't need use
this.variable = parameter
.TypeScript automitically initialize the value
- Example:
// the previous class and this one works same:
class Animal {
public name: string,
public species: string,
public sound: string
) {}
makeSound() {
console.log(`The ${this.name} says ${this.sound} `);
JavaScript uses
prototype based inheritance
. Every object has a prototype, and when a method of the object is called then JavaScript tries to find the right function to execute from the prototype obj. -
JavaScript inheritance
is amechanism
that allows us tocreate new classes
on the basis ofalready existing classes
. -
It provides
to thechild class
to reuse themethods
of aparent class
We don't need to
class variable inchildren class
But we need to define a new
for children withevery
parameter ofparent
we use
to send thechildren
value toparenet
Example :
// create a common class for every person:
class Person {
name: string;
age: number;
email: string;
constructor(name: string, age: number, email: string) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.email = email;
sleeping(hour: number) {
console.log(`I will sleeping for ${hour}`);
// Create a student class:
class Student extends Person {
roll: number;
constructor(name: string, age: number, roll: number, email: string) {
super(name, age, email);
this.roll = roll;
const student1 = new Student("mostafiuar", 2, 2, "mostafizur rahaman");
class Teacher extends Person {
designation: string;
constructor(name: string, age: number, email: string, designation: string) {
super(name, age, email);
this.designation = designation;
teaching(subject: string) {
console.log(`I am a teacher of ${subject}`);
const teacher1 = new Teacher(
"Riaz Uddin",
"head teacher"
// create another children with by inheriting Person class
class WebDev extends Person {
skills: string[];
constructor(name: string, age: number, email: string, skills: string[]) {
super(name, age, email);
this.skills = skills;
coding() {
console.log(`${this.name} code with ${this.skills.join(" * ")}`);
const webdev1 = new WebDev("Mostafizur Rahaman", 20, "mos@gmail.com", [
- The
typeof`` type guard
checks whether avariable
is of acertain
primitive type
, such asstring
, orsymbol
. - Example :
const getAddNumberORString = ( a: number | string, b: number | string ): number | string => { if (typeof a === "number" && typeof b === "number") { return a + b; } else { return a.toString() + b.toString(); } };
- The
- The
type guard check when we need to check a property is avialble into anobject
. in
guard used to check , is thespecific property
aviable intoobject
?- Example:
// type guard in : type TNormalPerson = { name: string; }; type TBipPerson = { email: string; } & TNormalPerson; const normalPerson: TNormalPerson = { name: "Mostafizur rahaman " }; const adminPerson: TBipPerson = { name: "Mostafizur", email: "m@gmail.com" }; const getAccess = (person: TBipPerson | TNormalPerson): string => { if ("email" in person) { return `Congratulations, ${person.name} you can get access`; } else { return `So Sad You can't get access `; } }; const out1: string = getAccess(normalPerson); const out2: string = getAccess(adminPerson); console.log(out1); console.log(out2);
- The
guard used when dealing with classes or their instance.- Example:
class Animal { name: string; species: string; sound: string; constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) { this.name = name; this.species = species; this.sound = sound; } makeSound() { console.log(`The ${this.name} says ${this.sound}`); } } // create a children class for dog by extending Animal class Dog extends Animal { constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) { super(name, species, sound); } // make dog sound: makeBark() { console.log(`The ${this.name} is Barking `); } } // create a children class for cat extending Animal: class Cat extends Animal { constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) { super(name, species, sound); } // make sound for cat; makeMeaw() { console.log(`The ${this.name} says ${this.sound}`); } } // create an instance for dog const dog = new Dog("Shadow Dog", "dog", "gew gew"); // create an instance for cat: const cat = new Dog("Black Cat", "cat", "meaw meaw"); // create another instance for pig: const pig = new Animal("Pink Pig", "pig", "make some sweet sounds"); const getAnimalAndMakeSound = (animal: Animal) => { if (animal instanceof Dog) { animal.makeBark(); } else if (animal instanceof Cat) { animal.makeMeaw(); } else { animal.makeSound(); } }; getAnimalAndMakeSound(dog); getAnimalAndMakeSound(cat); getAnimalAndMakeSound(pig);
predicate is used to define a user defined type when thefunction
return type
is boolean. -
variable as Type;
- Example :
// create a animal:
class Animal {
name: string;
species: string;
sound: string;
constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) {
this.name = name;
this.species = species;
this.sound = sound;
makeSound() {
console.log(`The ${this.name} says ${this.sound}`);
// create a children class for dog by extending Animal
class Dog extends Animal {
constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) {
super(name, species, sound);
// make dog sound:
makeBark() {
console.log(`The ${this.name} is Barking `);
// create a children class for cat extending Animal:
class Cat extends Animal {
constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) {
super(name, species, sound);
// make sound for cat;
makeMeaw() {
console.log(`The ${this.name} says ${this.sound}`);
// create an instance for dog
const dog = new Dog("Shadow Dog", "dog", "gew gew");
// create an instance for cat:
const cat = new Dog("Black Cat", "cat", "meaw meaw");
// create another instance for pig:
const pig = new Animal("Pink Pig", "pig", "make some sweet sounds");
// we can handle smartly handle check type by using function:
const isDog = (animal: Animal): animal is Dog => {
return animal instanceof Dog;
// here used is predicate:
const isCat = (animal: Animal): animal is Cat => {
return animal instanceof Cat;
const getAnimalAndMakeSound = (animal: Animal) => {
if (isDog(animal)) {
} else if (isCat(animal)) {
} else {
: Generally allclass
properties arepublic
properties areaccessiable
outside of class.- we don't need
modifier. - Example :
class BankAccount { public id: number; public name: string; public balance: number; constructor(id: number, name: string, balance: number) { this.id = id; this.name = name; this.balance = balance; } } const myBankAccount = new BankAccount(2, "Mostafizur Rahaman", 2000); // public properties are changeable from outside of class . myBankAccount.id = 20; myBankAccount.balance = 20; console.log(myBankAccount);
properties only assignable when we createnew instance
.- we cann't modified the
. - Example :
class BankAccount { public readonly id: number; public name: string; public balance: number; constructor(id: number, name: string, balance: number) { this.id = id; this.name = name; this.balance = balance; } } const myBankAccount = new BankAccount(2, "Mostafizur Rahaman", 2000); // public properties are changeable from outside of class . myBankAccount.id = 20; //cannot assign to 'id' because it is a read-only property. myBankAccount.balance = 20; console.log(myBankAccount);
modifier makes propertiesunaccesable
property onlyaccessable
- we can access private property from
derived class
orinherited class
- conbention: start private property name with
like :private _balance : number
- Example :
class BankAccount { private readonly id: number; public name: string; private _balance: number; constructor(id: number, name: string, _balance: number) { this.id = id; this.name = name; this._balance = _balance; } } const myBankAccount = new BankAccount(2, "Mostafizur Rahaman", 2000); // we cann't access private properties from outside of Class myBankAccount._balance = 20; // Errors: Because '_balance' is private console.log(myBankAccount);
property also don't accessiable from outside ofclass
property onlyassiable
on class onderived class
orinherited class
- Example:
class BankAccount { readonly id: number; public name: string; protected _balance: number; constructor(id: number, name: string, _balance: number) { this.id = id; this.name = name; this._balance = _balance; } } class ChildrenBankAccount extends BankAccount { constructor(_id: number, name: string, _balance: number) { super(_id, name, _balance); } updateBalance(amount: number) { // protected type accessible into Derived class this._balance = this._balance + amount; } } const myBankAccount = new BankAccount(2, "Mostafizur Rahaman", 2000); const myChildrenAccount = new ChildrenBankAccount( 4, "Mostafizur Rahaman", 2000 ); // we cann't access proteched properties from outside of Class myBankAccount._balance = 20; // Errors: Because '_balance' is private myChildrenAccount.updateBalance(400); console.log(myChildrenAccount);
If we define any
method, we can access thefunction
from classinstance
as property. -
- By using getter we can get data from class.
- we can access getter functon as
property of class instance
- Example:
// Getter & Setter : class Person { public name: string; public email: string; public age: number; constructor(name: string, email: string, age: number) { this.name = name; this.email = email; this.age = age; } // getter and setter : // getter with get : - get getAge() { return `${this.name}'s age is ${this.age}`; } // setter function set setAge(age: number) { this.age = this.age + age; } } const person1 = new Person("Mostafizur Rahaman", "mos@gmail.com", 20); const person2 = new Person("Ratul hossain", "ratul@gmail.com", 15); const person3 = new Person("Rakib Hossain", "m@gmail.com", 20); // create function to get instance age : function getPersonAge(person: Person) { // access getter function as property : return person.getAge; } const a1 = getPersonAge(person1); const b1 = getPersonAge(person2); const c1 = getPersonAge(person3); console.log(a1, b1, c1);
- we can access the setter
as property ofclass instance
- Example:
// Getter & Setter : class Person { public name: string; public email: string; public age: number; constructor(name: string, email: string, age: number) { this.name = name; this.email = email; this.age = age; } // getter and setter : // getter with get : - get getAge() { return `${this.name}'s age is ${this.age}`; } set setAge(age: number) { this.age = this.age + age; } } const person1 = new Person("Mostafizur Rahaman", "mos@gmail.com", 20); const person2 = new Person("Ratul hossain", "ratul@gmail.com", 15); const person3 = new Person("Rakib Hossain", "m@gmail.com", 20); // setter function in javaScript : person1.setAge = 5; person1.setAge = 5; person2.setAge = 40; person2.setAge = 30; person3.setAge = 1; person3.setAge = 50; console.log(person1.age); console.log(person2.age); console.log(person3.age);
- we can access the setter
To create a
static variable
injavaScript class
, you can usestatic keywrod
beforevariable name
Static method
convert the variable only for class . -
static variables
are accessiable directly asClass Property
. You can not access thevariable
class Sleep { public static sleepingHours: number = 8; increment() { // when we use static variable we need access the variable with ClassName.propertyName Sleep.sleepingHours = Sleep.sleepingHours + 1; } }
when update
variable ofclass
instance its will update the property for allinstance
of that class. -
allocate thesame memory location
// we need to access the static variable as Class property . we can not find the property as in instance. const hours: number = Sleep.sleepingHours; console.log(hours);
class Sleep { public static sleepingHours: number = 8; // increment sleeping hours: increment() { // when we use static variable we need access the variable with ClassName.propertyName Sleep.sleepingHours = Sleep.sleepingHours + 1; } // decrement Sleeping hours: decrement() { Sleep.sleepingHours = Sleep.sleepingHours - 1; } } // we need to access the static variable as Class property . we can not find the property as in instance. const hours: number = Sleep.sleepingHours; console.log(hours); // create two instance to update the static variable: const sleep1 = new Sleep(); const sleep2 = new Sleep(); // here we have two instance: sleep1.increment(); // increment for sleep1; but it update for all instance or full class . sleep2.increment();
To create a static method in a JavaScript class, you can use the static keyword before the method name.
Static methods are called directly on the class itself, without creating an instance of the class.
class Counter { // static modifier use one memory Reference for variable. // from any instance we can change value , it's will be change for every instance. This main after using static, static makes the variable only for Class. // After make a variable static , we we need access the variable with className not this keyword. public static counter: number = 0; static increment() { Counter.counter = Counter.counter + 1; } static decrement() { Counter.counter = Counter.counter - 1; } } // create an instance for counter : const one = new Counter(); const two = new Counter(); // increment counter for one instance: Counter.increment(); Counter.increment(); // we need to call the increment with Class method not instance method. After making static it's only accessible with className. Counter.increment(); console.log(Counter.counter); console.log(Counter.counter);