
Be a typscript technocrat

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Be A TypeScript Technocrat:

What It TypeScript:

  • TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript
  • Typescript is an object oriented Programming Language that build on top of JavaScript with Extra Feature.
  • Typescript is superset of JavaScript developed by microsoft.
  • Typescript is strongly Typed programming Languages.
  • Typescript Designed By Andres Hejlsberg with c# or .net specification .
  • Typescript can be transpiled older versions of javaScript

Whats Wrong with JavaScript ?

  • JavaScript is an Dynamically Typed Language.
  • JavaScript is not suitable for Large scale application.
  • Lack of Strong Typing.
  • only errors during runtime.
  • Suffers type correction.
  • Hard to find bugs.

Can Browser Recognize TypeScript Code ?

  • No, We need to transpiled typeScript by using complier like babel, swc etc.
  • Typescript convert into javaScript then Browser can read the code.

Benefits of TypeScript:

  • Support all JS Types.
    • String
    • Number
    • Boolean
    • Null
    • Undefined
    • Object
    • Symbol
  • Give Some new types :
    • Interface
    • void
    • Array
    • Tuple
    • Enum
    • Union
    • InterSection
  • Type Safety
  • Support Older Browser
  • Less Bugs
  • Increase Developer Productivity
  • Less Bugs && Less Testing.
  • Best Intelligence support.
  • Typescript give us an complier name tsc or typescript complier

TypeScript Installation :

 npm i -g typescript

TypeScript Configs or tsconfig.js Command:

   tsc --init

TypeScript File Run:

  1.    tsc filename.ts
  2.    tsc --w file.ts
  3. after include configs only use :
tsc - watch;

How Many Types of Annotation In TypeScript ?

  • There are two types of annotation in TypeScript.
    • Explicit
    • Implicit

What is Implicit Type In TypeScript ?

  • Implicit Types are types That Typescript infers based on the initial Value of the variable.
  • If we can declare and assign value in same line typescript infers the correct type.
  • Example:
// implicitly infers as string
const name = "Mostafizur Rahaman";

// implicitly infers as number:
const age = 19;
  • When we declared a variable but not assign type of the variable typescript infers the type as any. It's not recommended.
  • We can assign any type of data on this variable.
  • Example :
// implicitly infer as  any
let a;

//  we can assign any type of data  to the variable like below:
a = 5; // number
a = "Mostafizur Rahaman ";
a = false;

What is Explicit Type in TypeScript ?

  • Explicitly Types are types when we manually provided the type by using typescript syntax.
  • If you try to store others type data on that variable typescript shows errors. which helps developers to solve development errors
  • Explicitly Type Syntax:
const variableName: type = value;
//  or
let age: type;
age = value;
  • Example:
//  one line
const name: string = "mostafizur rahaman";

//  multiple line :
let age: number;
age = 20;
age = 30;

//  if we try to assign string to age variable typescript give errors:
age = "20"; // show errors on code editor ;

Basic Types In TypeScript :

  • String : We can explicitly Define a type of a variable in Typescript as string

    • This type of variable on allows string type of data.
    • If we try to store others type of data, gets an error like Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'
    • Example:
    let fullName: string = "Mostafizur rahaman";
    // held errors:
    fullName = 40; // give an errors : type number is not assignable in type string.
    fullName = false; // type boolean is not assignable in type string
    fullName = []; // array is not assignable to type string .
  • Number : We can explicitly Define a type of a variable in Typescript as number

    • This type of variable on allows only number type of data.
    • If we try to store others type of data, gets an error like Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'
    • Example:
    let age: number = 20;
    age = 50;
    age = 40;
    // held errors:
    age = "40"; // give an errors : type string is not assignable in type number.
    age = false; // type boolean is not assignable in type number
    age = []; // array is not assignable to type number .
  • Boolean : We can explicitly Define a type of a variable in Typescript as boolean

    • This type of variable on allows only boolean type of data.
    • If we try to store others type of data, gets an error like Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'boolean'
    • Example:
    let isValid: boolean = false;
    isValid = true;
    // held errors:
    age = "40"; // give an errors : type string is not assignable in type number.
    age = false; // type boolean is not assignable in type number
    age = []; // array is not assignable to type number .
  • Array : we Can explicitly Define a type of a variable in Typescript as [].

    • This type of variable allows only array type of data.
    • If we try to store others type of data, gets an error like Type 'string' is not assignable to type '[]'
    • There are many type of array string[], number[], boolean[], tuple etc.

string[]: we can explicitly Define a type of a variable in TypeScript as string[]

  • This type of variable allows only string type data on array . We can't store others type of data on array.Also we can't store other type of data on the variable.
  • Example:
let friends: string[];
//  string [] : only allows string
friends = ["mostafizur rahaman", "ratul hossain"];
friends.push("ratul hossain");

// we can't store other type data on string[]
friends = "mostafizur"; // Error: `Type string is not assignable to type string[]`
friends = 29; // Error: `Type number is not assignable to type string[]`
friends = [20, 29]; // Error: `Type number is not assignable to type string`
friends = [false, false, true]; // Error: `Type boolean is not assignable to type string`
friends.push(false); // Error: `Type boolean is not assignable to type string`

boolean[]: we can explicitly Define a type of a variable in TypeScript as Boolean[]

  • This type of variable allows only boolean type data on array . We can't store others type of data on array.Also we can't store other type of data on the variable.
  • Example:
let isBoolean: boolean[];
//  only allows boolean type of array on this Variable :
isBoolean = [false, true, false, true];

//  but other type of data is not assignable to array . Also Other type of data is not assignable to the variable.

isBoolean.push(20); // Type number is not assignable to type boolean.
isBoolean = 20; // Errors: Type number is not assignable to type boolean[];
isBoolean = false; // Errors : Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'boolean[]'.
isBoolean = "Mostafizur rahaman"; // Errors : type 'boolean' is not assignable to type boolean[].
isBoolean = ["ratul hossain", "rakib hossain", 20]; // Errors : Type 'string & number' is not assignable to type boolean

number[]: we can explicitly Define a type of a variable in TypeScript as number[]

  • This type of variable allows only number type data on array . We can't store others type of data on array.Also we can't store other type of data on the variable.
  • Example:
let friendsAge: number[];
//  only array of number is assignable on this variable.
//  others type of array or data isn't assignable to this variable.
friendsAge = [20, 22, 50];

//  Errors Happens:
friendsAge.push(false); // Errors : Type boolean isn't assignable  to type number.
friendsAge.push("rabby hossain"); // Errors : Type string  isn't assignable  to type number.
friendsAge = "rabby hossaain"; // Error : Type string isn't assignable to type number[]
friendsAge = [false, false]; // Errors : Type boolean isn't assignable to type number[];

Tuple : Tuples in TypeScript are a special type of array that allow you to define a fixed number of elements with specific types in a specific order.

  • The rule of tuple :

    • fixed length
    • specific type
    • specific order
  • Example:
let myTuple: [string, number, boolean];

myTuple = ["ratul hossain", 20, false];
myTuple[0] = "Mostafizur rahaman";
myTuple[1] = 20;
myTuple[2] = true;
myTuple[2] = true;

//  Error Happens :
//  first index of the tuple only allow string :
myTuple[0] = false; // Error : Type boolean is not assignable to type string;
myTuple[0] = 20; // Error : Type number is not assignable to type string;
myTuple[1] = "stirng"; // Error: Type string is not assignable to type number
myTuple[1] = false; // Error: Type boolean is not assignable to type number
myTuple[2] = "any string"; // Error: Type string is not assignable to type boolean
myTuple[2] = 20; // Error: Type number is not assignable to type boolean

//  can't include new index :
myTuple[3] = "Ratul hossain"; // Errors : Type '"Ratul hossain"' is not assignable to type 'undefined'.

Literal Type In TypeScript :

  • The literal types in TypeScript allow you to create types that express specific values. There are three sets of literal types available in TypeScript: strings, numbers, and booleans.
  • Literal Type contain fixed value.
  • Example:
    type Easing = "ease-in" | "ease-out" | "ease-in-out";
    type OneToFive = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;

Object Types:

  • Typescript has two main ways to define object types: using anonymous object types or using named interfaces or types.

  • Anonymous Object Type :

    • Anonymous object types are defined inline when declaring a variable or function parameter.

    • syntax :

      const variableName: { propertyName: type; propertyName: type  , ...} = {
         propertyName: "value",
         propertyName: "value",
    • Example :

    const car: { type: string; model: string; year: number } = {
       type: "Toyota",
       model: "Corolla",
       year: 2009,

Optional Type (?):

  • to make a property in TypeScript optional, you can place a question mark after the property name.
  • Then optional property type will be specific types | undefined
  • Example:
interface userProps {
   name: string;
   company?: string; // the type will be string | undefined

let user: userProps = {
   name: "Mostafizur Rahaman",
   company: "Universe It Institute",

user = {
   name: "Ratul hossain",

Readonly Modifier In TypeScript:

  • Readonly modifier makes properties immutable.
  • After using readonly on a property we can only assign data on an object.
  • we can't update the value after assigning.
  • Syntax:
const user: { readonly name: string; readonly age: number } = {
   name: 'Mostafizur Rahaman"
   age: 20

//  Errors;

user.name 'ratul hossain' // Errors: Cannot assign to 'name' because it is a read-only
user.age = 22 // Errors : Cannot assign to 'age' because it is a read-only

Function Type in TypeScript :

Explicit Function Type write:

  • Normal Function :

    • syntax:
    function add(parameter1: type, parameter2: type): returnType {
       // other calculation code here
       return value;
    • Example :
    function add(a: number, b: number): number {
       return a + b;
    add(2, 2);
    add(3, "3"); // Errors : type string is not assignable to type number ;
    add(true, 3); // Errors : type boolean is not assignable to type number
  • Arrow Function :

    • syntax:
    const functionName (parameter1: type, parameter2: type): returnType => {
       return parameter1 + parameter2
  • Example:

       const add1 = (num1: number, num2: number): number => {
          return num1 + num2;
       add1(2, 3); add1(29, 29);
       // Errors Happens : add1("2", 3); // Errors : Type string is not assignable to
       type number; add(29, "mostafiuzr rahaman"); // Errors : Type String is not
       assignable to type number ;

Spreed Operator In TypeScript :

  • By using JavaScript spreed operator we can spreed or copy any object or array

    const friends: string[] = [
       "Ismail hossain",
       "Redowan Shawon",
       "ratul hossain",
    const others: string[] = ["Ratul santo", "sifat hossain ", "nayeam hossain"];
    // friends.push(others);
    // Errors : Argument of type 'string[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'
    const mentor1 = {
       typescript: "Mezbaul abedin",
       redux: "mir hossain",
       dbs: "mizan hossain",
    const mentor2 = {
       next: "tanmay",
       prizma: "firoz vai",
       cloud: "nahid hassan bulbul vai",
    const mentorList = {

Rest operator in Typescript:

  • By using rest operator we can receive array of parameter in rest parameter :
function sendGreetingToFriends(...friends: string[]): void {
   friends.forEach((i) => {
         `Hey ${i}, Congratulation in our typescript technocrat course `

   "ismail fahim",
   "jahed hossain",
   "hridoy hossain",
   "ratul hossain"

Object Destructuring In JavaScript :-

  • When we try to destructure any variable we can not define type in destructure object or array ;
const myInfo = {
   name: {
      firstName: "Mostafizur",
      middleName: "Rahaman",
      lastName: "Fahim",
   age: 30,
   phoneNumber: "01951976238",
   email: {
      primaryEmail: "mostafizurrahaman0401@gmail.com",
      secondaryEmail: "fahim74@gmail.com",
   bloodGroup: "B+",

const {
   name: { firstName, middleName, lastName },
   email: { primaryEmail, secondaryEmail },
} = myInfo;


Array Destructuring in TypeScript:-

const friends = [
   "Roman Hossain",
   "Ratul Hossain",
   "Rahim Hossain",
   "Rakib hossain",
   "Rajjack Hossain",
   "rohomot ullah",

const [, , bestFriends, ...others] = friends;
console.log(bestFriends, others);

Type alias -> "টাইপের উপনাম" in TypeScript

  • In TypeScript, type aliases can be used to give a type new name.
  • They are similar to interfaces,
  • But they are more flexible as They can not only alias only object type but also primitive types aliases and others types aliases
  • Syntax :
//  if primitive data
type TPrimitive = type;
//  object type :
type TObject = {
   propertyName: type;
   propertyName: type;
//  array type :
type typeName = string[];
type TRoll = number[];
type TBoolean = boolean[];

// tuple type: example
type typeName = [string, boolean, string, number];

//  function type in Type alias :
type TFunctionName = (parameter: type, parameter: type): number
  • String in Type Alias:

    • we can define type alias for string :
    • Syntax:
    type TUserName = string;
  • Number in Type Alias:

    • we can define type alias for number :
    • Syntax:
    type TUserRoll = number;
    • Example:
    type TUserRoll = number;
    let roll: TUserRoll = 10;
  • Boolean in Type Alias:

    • we can define type alias for boolean :
    • Syntax:
    type TIsAdmin = boolean;
    • Example:
    //  type alias for boolean :
    type TIsAdmin = boolean;
    const isAdmin: TIsAdmin = false;
  • Object in Type Alias:

    • we can define type alias for Object :
    • syntax :
    //  object type :
    type TObject = {
       propertyName: type;
       propertyName: type;
    • Example :
    //  Type Alias
    type TStudent = {
       name: string;
       age: number;
       contactNo?: string;
       gender: "male" | "female";
       address: string;
    // use type here
    const student1: TStudent = {
       name: "Mostafiuzr rahaman",
       age: 20,
       contactNo: "01951976238",
       gender: "male",
       address: "lakshmipur",
    // reuse same type here
    const studnet2: TStudent = {
       name: "Ratul hossain",
       age: 20,
       gender: "male",
       address: "cumilla ",
  • Array in Type Alias:

    • we can define array in type alias:
    • syntax:
    type TTypeName = type[];

    -Example :

    //  Type alias for array :
    type TFriends = string[];
    const friends: TFriends = [
       "ratul hossain",
       "hridoy hossain",
       "kamrul hasan",
  • Tuple in Type Alias:

    • We can declare tuple in Type alias :
    • syntax :
       type TTypeName = [type, type, type, ...]
    • example:
    //  Type for tuple :  length 2 name , age , isMarried
    type TUserData = [string, number, boolean];
    const user1: TUserData = ["mostafizur rahaman", 21, false];
    const user2: TUserData = ["ratul hossain", 20, false];
    console.log(user1, user2);
  • Arrow function Type In Type Alias

    • we can declare arrow function in type alias.
    • syntax:
    type TArrowFunc = (parameter: type, parameter: type, ...) => returnType;
    • Example:
    // Type Addition :
    type TAdd = (num1: number, num2: number) => number;
    // addition function :
    const add: TAdd = (num1, num2) => {
       return num1 + num2;
    add(20, 30);

Union Type: Union type allows a value to be more than one type.

  • We can define multiple type by using union type.
  • Union type can used to define a variable that can be different types.
  • Union type define by using pipe ( | ).
  • syntax :
type TypeName = type | type | type;
  • Example :
// literal type with union type :
type TUserName = "Mostafizur" | "Fahim" | "Roman";

const userName: TUserName = "Mostafizur";

//  for primitive type :

type TAge = string | age | undefined;
const age: TAge = "tweenty";
const age1: TAge = 20;
const age3: TAge = undefined;

// type objectType & null:
type User = {
   name: string;
   gender: "male" | "female";
   bloodGroup: "B+" | "A+" | "A-" | "B-" | "O+" | "O-" | "AB-" | "AB+";
  • Example 2:
type TUser = {
   name: string,
   gender: "male" | "female",
   bloodGroup: "B+" | "B-" | "A+" | "A-" | "AB+" | "AB-" | "O-" | "O+",
let user: TUser | null = null;
user = {
   name: "Mostafiuzr",
   gender: "male",
   bloodGroup: "B+",

let user1: TUser | null = null;
user1 = {
   name: "mukta",
   gender: "female",
   bloodGroup: "B+",

console.log(user, user1);

Intersection Type :

  • Intersection types are way to combine multiple types into a single type.
  • Intersection types contain all features of every single types which combined.
  • We can define Intersection type by using & operator .
  • syntax :
type TypeOne = {
   name: string;
   age: number;
type TypeTwo = {
   profession: string;
type typeThree = typeOne & TypeTwo;

// here typeThree contains name, age , profession property
  • Example :
type TBird = {
   eyes: number;
   wings: number;
   fly: TFly;

type TEat = () => void;
type TFly = () => void;
type TMen = {
   legs: number;
   eat: TEat;

// intersection type is here: The TOwl contains all features of TBird & TMen
type TOwl = TBird & TMen;

const owl: TOwl = {
   eyes: 2,
   wings: 2,
   legs: 2,
   fly: () => {
      console.log("flying ......");
   eat: () => {
      console.log("eating ..............");


? Changed Name With Use Case :

  • Ternary Operator : "? "

    • Ternary operator is a conditional operator.
    • Ternary Operator get three operands.
    • Syntax: condition ? expression : expression
    • If the condition is truthy Ternary operator execute the first expression.
    • Otherwise execute the second expression
    type TAge = number;
    const age: TAge = 20;
    const isAdult: boolean = age >= 18 ? "Adult" : "Not Adult";
  • Nullish Coalescing Operator: (??)

  • Nullish Coalescing Operator is a Logical Operator.

  • Nullish Coalescing Operator return it's right hand Operand if its left hand side operand is null or undefined

  • It's worked based on null or undefined.

  • Syntax : operand ?? "default value"

  • Example :

    type TUserName = string | null | undefined;
    const user1 : TUserName = 'Mostafizur Rahaman";
    const user2: TUserName = '';
    const user2: TUserName= null;
    const isAvail1 = user1 ?? "User One doesn't Exist";
    const isAvail2 = user2 ?? "User Two doesn't Exist"
    const isAvail3 = user3 ?? "User Three doesn't Exist"
    // output1: isAvail1 =Mostafizur Rahaman
    // output2: isAvail2 = User Two doesn't Exist
    // output3: isAvail3 = User Three doesn't Exist.
    const value = null ?? "default value";
    // output: value = "default value"
  • Optional Chaining : (?.)

    • Optional chaining is a feature introduced in ES2020 that allows for safe and concise access to nested object properties. It uses the ?. operator to check if a reference to the left is undefined or null, and if so, it short circuits and returns undefined. Otherwise, it continues the chain of access checks.
    • Syntax: obj?.propertyName?.properTyeName?.propertyName
    • Example:
    //  Optional Chaining :
    type TStudent = {
       name: string;
       age: number;
       address: {
          permanentAddress?: string;
          presentAddress: string;
       roll: number;
    const student: TStudent = {
       name: "Mostafizur Rahaman",
       age: 20,
       address: {
          presentAddress: "Lakshmipur",
       roll: 478889,

Nullable Type In TypeScript :

  • Nullable type helps us to define a type for variable either specific type
  • Union type helps us to define nullable type. or null.
  • syntax:
type TNullAbleString = string | null;

const userName: TNullAbleString = "Mostafizur Rahaman";
const userName1: TNullAbleString = null;

console.log(userName, userName1);

const search = (value: string | null): string => {
   return value ? "searching " : "There is nothing search";


unknown type in typeScript:

  • unknown which is the type-safe counterpart of any
  • Anything else assignable to unknown.
let random: unknown;
random = "Hello World!";
random = {};
random = 7;
random = null;
random = Math.random();
random = ["USA", "Colombia", "India", "Canada"];
random = new Country();
random = undefined;
  • unknown is not assignable to others types. It's is the main different between unknown and any.
let random: unknown;
let foo: unknown;
let bar: any;
foo = random; // Correct
bar = random; // Correct

let stringValue: string;
let numberValue: number;
let arrayValue: [];
let countryValue: Country;
stringValue = random; // Error: Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'string'
numberValue = random; // Error: Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'number'
arrayValue = random; // Error: Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type '[]'
countryValue = random; // Error: Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'Country'
  • Example :
//  Unknown Type :

const getConvertSpeedMeterPerSecond = (message: unknown): void => {
   if (typeof message === "number") {
      const speed = (message * 1000) / 3600;
      console.log(`${speed} km^sec`);
   } else if (typeof message === "string") {
      let [result, unit] = message.split(" ");
      let speed = (parseFloat(result) * 1000) / 3600;
      console.log(`${speed} km^sec`);
   } else {
      console.log("Please Provide a correct value");

getConvertSpeedMeterPerSecond("100 m^sec");

Never Type In TypeScript :

  • TypeScript introduced a new type never, which indicates the values that will never occur.

  • The never type is used when you are sure that something is never going to occur.

  • For example, you write a function which will not return to its end point or always throws an exception.

  • Type never has no value. Otherwise type void have value undefined or null.

function throwError(errorMsg: string): never {
   throw new Error(errorMsg);

throw new Error("Your are unauthenticated user");

Type Assertion in TypeScript: with as

  • Type assertion in TypeScript is a way to explicitly specify the type of a value, even when TypeScript cannot infer it automatically.
  • If developer have more information about type of a variable , he can explicitly define a type with as type ;
  • syntax :
// use value as type

variableName as type;
  • Example :

    // Type Assertion : as
    let random: any;
    // assign string :
    random = "next level Development";
    // random. // its not show the suggestion or properties of string when use include . (dot)
    // so we can use here type assertion to declare the type string
    const upperCase: string = (random as string).toUpperCase();
    // assign number :
    random = 22;
    //  convert floated number:
    const precision = (random as number).toFixed();
    // assign array :
    random = ["mostafizur rahaman", "ratul hossain", 20, 40];
    (random as []).forEach((i) => console.log(i));
    type TUser = {
       name: string;
       age: number;
    random = { name: "mostafizur", age: 27 };
    const age = (random as TUser).age;
    const name = (random as TUser).name;
    console.log(name, age);
  • Example 2: With A function ;

    const getKgToGm = (value?: string | number): string | number | undefined => {
       if (typeof value === "string") {
          const convertedValue = parseFloat(value) * 1000;
          return `converted value : ${convertedValue}`;
       if (typeof value === "number") {
          return value * 1000;
    const result1: string = getKgToGm("10") as string;
    const result2: number = getKgToGm(20) as number;
    const result3: undefined = getKgToGm(undefined) as undefined;
    console.table([result1, result2, result3]);
  • Example : For Error Handling :

    type TCustomError = {
       name: string;
       stack: string;
       message: string;
    try {
       throw new Error("UnAuthenticated User");
    } catch (error) {
       const err = error as TCustomError;
       console.table([err.name, err.message]);

Interface in TypeScript :

  • Interfaces, on the other hand , define a contract must be object adhere to.
  • Interface are also be used to represent type definition of an object.
  • Interface only used for object, array and function type definition.
  • Interface are extends single or multiple interface or type alias
type TUser = {
   name: string;
   email: string;

interface IUser {
   roll: number;
   age: number;

interface ICommonUser extends IUser, TUser {
   contactNo?: string;
   address: {
      permanent: string;
      present: string;
  • Syntax:
interface IInterFaceName {
   propertyName: type;
   propertyName: type;
  • Object Type with Interface :

    interface IPersonal {
       name: string;
       dob: Date;
    interface IContact {
       email: string;
       phone: string;
    interface IAddress {
       permanent: string;
       present: string;
       city: string;
       post: number;
    interface IUser extends IPersonal, IContact {
       status: "active" | "in-active";
       address: IAddress;
    const user: IUser = {
       name: "mostafizur",
       dob: new Date(),
       email: "most@gmail.com",
       phone: "1111111111",
       address: {
          permanent: "lakshmipur",
          present: "lakshmipur",
          city: "lakshmipur",
          post: 3701,
       status: "active",
  • Array Type In TypeScript:

    • We can define array type in typeScript with interface;
    • syntax :
    interface IArray {
       [index: number]: number;
    interface IStringArray {
       [index: number]: string;
    • Example :
    interface INumber {
       [index: number]: number;
    const numArr1: INumber = [1, 3, 4, 5];
  • Function Type with Interface :

    • We can define a type for function with interface.
    • syntax:
    interface TAdd {
       (parameter: type, parameter: type): returnType;
    • Example:
    interface IAdd {
       (num1: number, num2: number): number;
    const add1: IAdd = function add1(num1, num2) {
       return num1 + num2;

Interface extends & Type alias Intersection

  • We can Extends any interface and type which we define previously
  • we can premix type and interface with extends in interface and intersection in type & interface
  • Extends and Intersection:

  • Example:
type TUser = {
   name: {
      firstName: string;
      lastName: string;

interface IUser extends TUser {
   roll: number;

type TUserWithStatus = IUser & { status: "active" | "in-active" };

interface INewUser extends TUserWithStatus {
   address: string;

//  implement whole type here:

const newUser: INewUser = {
   name: {
      firstName: "mostafizur",
      lastName: "rahaman",
   roll: 3,
   address: "laskhmipur",
   status: "active",

Generics In TypeScript : -

  • TypeScript generics allow us to create reusable components or functions that can handle multiple types.
  • With generics, we can parameterize types and create type-safe and reusable code.
  • We can create generics for function, array, object and classes
  • syntax :
type GenericsName<parameter, parameter> = GeneralType<arg, arg>;
type GenerisName<parameter, parameter> = [parameter, parameter];
  • Generics For Array :

    • We can use generics for array to normalize or generalize and make reuseable array type
    • To normalize array we can use capital Array in javaScript
    • for string[] we can use Array<string>
    • for number[] we can ues Array<number>
    • for boolean[], we can use Array<boolean>
    • for IInterface[], we can use Array<Interface>
    • Syntax:
    // Generics Array:
    type GenericName<parameter> = Array<parameter>;
    // resuse the generics as need:
    //for Boolean: just pass boolean as parameter:
    const boolArr: GenericName<boolean> = [false, true];
    // for String: just pass string :
    const strArr: GenericsName<string> = ["one", "two", "three"];
    // for number: just pass number as parameter:
    const numArr: GenericsName<number> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
    // for object : just pass the pattern or Interface or type :
    const studentArr: GenericsName<{
       name: string;
       age: number;
       isPresent: boolean;
    }> = [
       { name: "mostafiz", age: 20, isPresent: true },
       { name: "mostafiz", age: 20, isPresent: true },
    • Example :
    //  Generics Type:
    type GenericsArr<T> = Array<T>;
    //Interface :
    interface IUser {
       name: string;
       roll: number;
    const numberArr: GenericsArr<number> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5];
    //use generics for string []
    const friendsArr: GenericsArr<string> = [
       "Mostafizur rahaman",
       "ratul hossain",
       "hridoy hossain",
    // generalize for boolean
    const booleanArr: GenericsArr<boolean> = [
    // generalize for User
    const studentArr: GenericsArr<IUser> = [
       { name: "Mostafizur rahaman ", roll: 2 },
       { name: "Fahim hossain ", roll: 3 },
       { name: "Roman hossain ", roll: 4 },
       { name: "hridoy hossain ", roll: 5 },
  • Tuple in Generics :

    • We can normalize or generalize any Tuple type with Generics;
    • Know the length of tuple and specify type and order.
    • syntax:
    // this tuple get only three parameter
    type GenericsTuple<parameter1, parameter2, parameter2> = [
    const tuple1: GenericsTuple<boolean, string, boolean> = [
  • Interface in Generics:

    • We can define interface generics ;
    • syntax :
       // here T  & X are parameter
    interface IInterfaceName<T, X> = {
       name: string;
       computer: parameter1,
       bike: parameter2
    • Example:
    // Generics With Interface :
    interface IDeveloper<T, X = null> {
       name: string;
       computer: {
          brand: string;
          model: string;
          price: number;
       smartWatch: T;
       bike?: X;
    interface ISmartWatch {
       name: string;
       model: string;
       price: number;
    interface IAppleWatch extends ISmartWatch {
       isSleepTracker: boolean;
       isPressureTacker: boolean;
    type TBike = {
       model: string;
       speed: string;
    //  poor developer Type :
    const poorDeveloper: IDeveloper<ISmartWatch> = {
       name: "Mostafizur",
       computer: {
          brand: "hp pavillion",
          model: "14 cetex",
          price: 75000,
       smartWatch: {
          name: "smart watch 2.0",
          model: "something ",
          price: 1000,
    //  rich developer:
    const richDeveloper: IDeveloper<IAppleWatch, TBike> = {
       name: "Jhankar Mahbub",
       computer: {
          brand: "MAC BOOK ",
          model: "latest model",
          price: 2000000,
       smartWatch: {
          name: "Apple watch",
          model: "latest model",
          price: 100000,
          isPressureTacker: true,
          isSleepTracker: true,
       bike: {
          model: "YEMAHA",
          speed: "120CC",
  • Default value of parameter in Generics:

    • we can use default If user not provided the parameter value;
    • syntax:
    // here i pass the default type for X parameter
    interface IUser<T, X = null> {
       name: string;
       computer: T;
       bike?: X;
    // here X default is null type
    type GenericUser<T, X = null> = {
       name: string;
       computer: T;
       bike?: X;
    interface IComputer {
       model: string;
       price: number;
    const user: GenericUser<IComputer> = {
       name: "Roman hossain",
       computer: {
          model: "HP Privillion",
          price: 75000,
    const user2: GenericUser<IComputer, TBike> = {
       name: "Jihad Hossain",
       computer: {
          model: "Apple Laptop",
          price: 2000000,
       bike: {
          model: "Hero Bike122222",
          speed: "120cc",
  • Function with Generics:

    • we can define generic function type with Generics.
    • Which helps to reuse function type.
    • syntax:
     * it's a function which return an array depends on data type
     * @T : is type params which receive dynamic type for function
    const getArr = <T>(parameter: T): T[] => {
       return [parameter];
    const stringArr: string[] = getArr<string>("one"); // returns ['one']
    const numberArr: number[] = getArr<number>(20); // returns [2]
    const boolean: boolean[] = getArr<boolean>(false); // returns [false]
     * Write function which get two data and return a tuple:
     * @T : T is a type params which receive dynamic  type as param
     * @K : K is a another params which also work like @T .
    function createTuple2<T, Q>(a: T, b: Q): [T, Q] {
       return [a, b];
    const one: [string, number] = createTuple2<string, number>("one", 1);
    const two: [number, string] = createTuple2<number, string>(1, "one");
  • Constraint in Generics :

    • With can generics constraint we can force to provide some specific property.

    • Constraints are used to limit the kinds of types that a type parameter can accept.

    • Constraints ensure that the properties accessed within the function are available and compatible with the type parameter.

    • By using extends keyword we can ensure types which must need to assign

    • আমরা যখন Generics তৈরী করি তখন যদি কিছু নিদিষ্ট প্রোপ্রটি বা টাইপের ডাটা আমরা পেতে চাই তখন আমরা extends keyword ব্যবহার করে কোনো টাইপ এলিয়াস বা ইন্টারফেইসকে extends করতে পারি।

    • এর মাধ্যমে আমরা ইউজারকে কিছু নিদিষ্ট প্রোপ্রারটি নিশ্চিত করতে বাধ্য করতে পারি।

    • Example:

    // Constraints IN Generics:
    function addStudent<T extends { name: string; email: string; roll: number }>(
       student: T
    ) {
       const course = "Next Level Development";
       return {
    //  student one :
    const student1 = addStudent({
       name: "mostafizur rahaman",
       email: "mostafizur@gmail.com",
       roll: 22,
       age: 20,
       haveWatch: true,
    const student2 = addStudent({
       name: "Ratul hossain",
       email: "ratul@gmail.com",
       roll: 21,
       isCar: false,
    const student3 = addStudent({
       name: "redowan shawon",
       email: "redowan@gmail.com",
       roll: 3,
       emni: "emni",
  • Constraints keyof in TypeScript:

    • The keyof keyword is used in TypeScript to extract the key type from an object type.
    • keyof operator returns an union type :
    • Example with function:
    type IUser = {
       name: string;
       age: number;
       isVerifed: boolean;
    type key = keyof IUser; // return  key = 'name' | 'age' | 'isVerified'
    • Example:
    const user: IUser = {
       name: "Mostafizur Rahaman",
       age: 20,
       isVerified: true,
    // here use the keyof and extends the  T to make limit the type with constraint.
    function getPropertyValue<T, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K) {
       return obj[key];
    const property1 = getPropertyValue(user, "isVerified");
  • Promise In TypeScript:

    • Promises in TypeScript are used to handle asynchronous operations and provide better control over the flow of code.
    • Creating a New Promise: to create a promise use new Promise() constructor. it's get a callback function as parameter, which get two parameter resolve & reject.

    const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
       // Asynchronous code here
    • Type of promise :

      • we can pass types generically afther Promise with <type> format:
      const myPromise = new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
         // asynchronous code is here.
    • Type of Promise in TypeScript with Example :

    // type of promise
    type TSomeThing = { message: "something" };
    const createPromise = (): Promise<TSomeThing> => {
       return new Promise<TSomeThing>((resolve, reject) => {
          const data: TSomeThing = { message: "something" };
          if (data) {
             return resolve(data);
          } else {
             return reject("Promise not resolved");
    const loadData = async (): Promise<TSomeThing> => {
       const data: TSomeThing = await createPromise();
       return data;
    • Load Data from external server:

      • We can load data from external server and the data return a promise when we try to fetch
      • Example:
      interface ITodo {
         userId: number;
         id: number;
         title: string;
         completed: boolean;
      const getTodo = async (): Promise<ITodo> => {
         const res = await fetch(
         const data: ITodo = await res.json();
         return data;

Condition Type In typeScript

  • we can create conditional type in typescript. by using ternary operator.
  • syntax :
type typeName = type1 extends type2 ? type3 : type4;
  • Nestd Condition :

  • syntax:
// conditional type in typeScript :
type a1 = string;
type b1 = number;
type c1 = undefined;

type TUser = {
   name: string;
   email: string;

interface IUser {
   name: string;
   age: number;
   phone: string;

// nested condition in typescript:
type d = a1 extends b1 ? TUser : a1 extends c1 ? IUser : undefined; // type is undefined
  • Conditional Type with Generics:

  • Example :
interface IUser {
   name: string;
   age: number;
   phone: string;

//  checkPropertyExits

type checkPropertyExits<T, Q> = T extends keyof Q ? true : false;

type hasName = checkPropertyExits<"email", IUser>;

Lookup type or get Propertype in typescript

  • we can get any property in typescript of object by using type alias or interface
  • syntax:
interface IUser {
   name: string;
   email: string;
   phone: number;

//  type getPropertyType = typeName['propertyName']

type getProperType = IUser["name"]; // type is string
type getEmailType = IUser["email"]; // type is string
type getPhoneType = IUse["phone"]; // type is number

Mapped type - in TypeScript

  • By using mapped type in typescript we can mapped every property of type alias or interface.
  • mapping syntax :
type TAreaConverted<T> = {
   [key in keyof T]: T[key];
  • Example :
type TAreaNumber = {
   height: number;
   width: number;

// lookup Type in Typescript :
type THeight = TAreaNumber["height"];

// map to convert convert TAreaNumber to other type :

// this type convert to  boolean type on . it's fixed . but we need more flexibility

// type TAreaConverted = {
//    [index in "height" | "width" | "depth"]: boolean;
// };

// use keyof and and provide a type
// it converted only TAreaNumber key to boolean type
// type TAreaConverted = {
//    [key in keyof TAreaNumber]: TAreaNumber[key];
// };

type TAreaConverted<T> = {
   [key in keyof T]: T[key];

const AreaString: TAreaConverted<{
   height: string;
   width: number;
   depth: boolean;
}> = {
   height: "10vh",
   width: 3000,
   depth: "",
  • Utility type in TypeScript :

    • 1. Pick: Pick<objectType, unionOfObjectTypeKey>: By using Pick uitily , we

      can pick specific type from an exitings objectType.

      • Pick get two parameter.
      • First Parameter: get an Object Type
      • second parameter : get an union of keys name
      • Syntax:
      // extings object type :
      interface IPerson {
         name: string;
         email: string;
         age: number;
         blood: "B+" | "B-" | "A+" | "A-" | "O+" | "O-" | "AB+" | "AB-";
      // create a new type by picking specific key type from exitings object type
      type IModifiedPerson = Pick<IPerson, "name" | "email" | "age">;
      //  the type will be   ->   { name: string;  email: string;  age: number;  }
    • 2. Omit<objectType, unionOfObjectKeyName> : By using Omit we can create a new Type by removing some sepecific keys from objecttype

      • Omit is opposite of Pick.
      • syntax:
      // exiting type :
      interface IPerson {
         name: string;
         email: string;
         age: number;
         blood: "B+" | "B-" | "A+" | "A-" | "O+" | "O-" | "AB+" | "AB-";
      // create a new type with omit:
      type IModifiedPerson = Omit<IPerson, "name" | 'email" >;
      // it's remove 'name' and 'email' key from new Type;
      // The new type will be:
            age: number,
            blood: "B+" | "B-" | "A+" | "A-" | "O+" | "O-" | "AB+" | "AB-";
    • 3. Partail<objectType> : Partial make all properties optional.

      • syntax:
      // exiting type:
      interface prevType {
         name: string;
         age: number;
         email: string;
         isValid: boolean;
      // new type after use Partial :
      type partialType = Partial<prevType>;
      // the partialType will be like below:
         type partialType = {
            name: string | undefined;
            age: number | undefined;
            email: string | undefined;
            isValid: boolean | undefined;
    • 4. Required<objectType> : Required utility makes all properties required.

      • It is the oposite of Partial utility.
      • Syntax:
      // exiting type:
      interface prevType {
         name?: string;
         age?: number;
         email: string;
         isValid?: boolean;
      // convert all properties required with Required uitility:
      type RequiredType = Required<prevType>;
      // the new type will be like below:
               name: string;
               age: number;
               email: string;
               isValid: boolean;
    • 5. Readonly<prevType>: Readonly utilites convert all properties readonly

      • readonly only assignable when we declare the variable.
      • but we cann't modified readonly property.
      • syntax:
      // exiting type  :
      interface IUser {
         name: string;
         age: number;
         email: string;
         isValid: boolean;
      // make all properties readonly :
      type ReadonlyUser = Readonly<IUser>;
      // the type will be :
            type ReadonlyUser = {
               readonly name : string; 
               readonly age  : number; 
               readonly email: string;
               readonly isValid: boolean;
      const user1: ReadonlyUser = {
         name: "mostafizur rahaman",
         email: "m@gmail.com",
         age: 2,
         isValid: true,
      // try to modify :
      user1.name = "ratul hossain"; // Error: cann't assign 'name' because it's readonly property.
    • 6. Record<keyType, valueType>: Record properties helps us to create a flexiable object type

      • Example: 1. Record<string, string> Here all properties will be string

        because we fixed the type for value is string

        type TUser = Record<string, string>;
        let user: TUser = {
           a: "mostafizur",
           b: "ratul hossain",
           c: "ismail",
        user.age = 2; // Errors: Type 'number' cann't assignable to type "string"
      • Example: 2. Record<string, number> Here all properties will be number

        because we fixed the type for value is number

        type TUser = Record<string, number>;
        let user: TUser = {
           a: 20,
           b: 30,
           c: 21,
        user.d = "thirty"; // Errors: Type 'string' cann't assignable to type "number"
      • Example 3: Record<string, unknown>: the object properties allows all types of data.
        type TUser = Record<string, unknown>;
        const user1: TUser = {
           name: "mostafizur rahaman",
           email: "m@gmal.com",
           age: 20,
           isValid: true,
           haveMoney: undefined,
        user1.bike = { brand: "Yamaha", model: "Y-222" };

Object Oreinted Programming In TypeScript(OOP)

What is OOP?

  • A Programming Paradiam That organizes and models Software.
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes software design around objects, which are instances of classes.

What is Paradiam?

  • Paradiam is a model or style to write and organize code.

How many types paradiams in Programming ?

  • There a several types of paradiam in Programming.
    1. Procudural Programming Paradiam.
    2. Declarative Programming.
    3. Functional Programming
    4. Object Oriented Programming
    5. Event Driven programming

Building Block of OOP:

  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstruction
  • Encampsulation

Class In JavaScript & TypeScript :

  • create a class by using class keyword.
  • classname startwith Capitalital Letter
  • in class body define the class variable and we also initilize them
  • then create a contructor which helps dynamically initilize or assign value
  • we can update any variale of class in contructor with this.variable = contructorParameter
  • Then out side of constructor, we can define common function for class
  • we also access any variable of class into function with this.variableName
  • Example :
class Animal {
   public name: string;
   public species: string;
   public sound: string;

   // initialize value with constructor
   constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) {
      this.name = name;
      this.species = species;
      this.sound = sound;

   // function of class:
   makeSound() {
      console.log(`The ${this.name} says ${this.sound}`);
  • Now We can create an instance of class and use that :
  • Example:
// create an isntance for men:
const men = new Animal("Mostafizur Rahaman", "men", "bok bok");

// create an instance for cat:
const cat = new Animal("Pusi Cat", "cat", "meaw meaw");

Use Parameter properties in Class:

  • Parameter properties in TypeScript allow us to simplify our property declarations by initializing them directly in the class constructor
  • when we add an access modifier in front of parameter of constructor parameter typeScript compiler will automatically initialize the corresponding property with the provided value.
  • And we don't need use this.variable = parameter. TypeScript automitically initialize the value
  • Example:
// the previous class and this one works same:
class Animal {
      public name: string,
      public species: string,
      public sound: string
   ) {}

   makeSound() {
      console.log(`The ${this.name} says ${this.sound} `);

Inheritance In JavaScript & TypeScript-

  • JavaScript uses prototype based inheritance. Every object has a prototype, and when a method of the object is called then JavaScript tries to find the right function to execute from the prototype obj.

  • The JavaScript inheritance is a mechanism that allows us to create new classes on the basis of already existing classes.

  • It provides flexibility to the child class to reuse the methods and variables of a parent class

  • We don't need to initialize Parent class variable in children class

  • But we need to define a new constructor for children with every parameter of parent and chlidren

  • we use extends keyword to inherit any class

  • call super to send the children constructor value to parenet

  • Example :

// create a common class for every person:
class Person {
   name: string;
   age: number;
   email: string;

   constructor(name: string, age: number, email: string) {
      this.name = name;
      this.age = age;
      this.email = email;

   sleeping(hour: number) {
      console.log(`I will sleeping for ${hour}`);

// Create a student class:
class Student extends Person {
   roll: number;

   constructor(name: string, age: number, roll: number, email: string) {
      super(name, age, email);
      this.roll = roll;

const student1 = new Student("mostafiuar", 2, 2, "mostafizur rahaman");


class Teacher extends Person {
   designation: string;

   constructor(name: string, age: number, email: string, designation: string) {
      super(name, age, email);
      this.designation = designation;

   teaching(subject: string) {
      console.log(`I am a teacher of ${subject}`);

const teacher1 = new Teacher(
   "Riaz Uddin",
   "head teacher"

// create another children with by inheriting Person class
class WebDev extends Person {
   skills: string[];

   constructor(name: string, age: number, email: string, skills: string[]) {
      super(name, age, email);
      this.skills = skills;

   coding() {
      console.log(`${this.name} code with ${this.skills.join(" * ")}`);

const webdev1 = new WebDev("Mostafizur Rahaman", 20, "mos@gmail.com", [



Type Guard In typeScript:

  • typeof guard:

    • The typeof`` type guard checks whether a variable is of a certain primitive type, such as string, number, boolean, or symbol.
    • Example :
    const getAddNumberORString = (
       a: number | string,
       b: number | string
    ): number | string => {
       if (typeof a === "number" && typeof b === "number") {
          return a + b;
       } else {
          return a.toString() + b.toString();
  • in guard:

    • The in type guard check when we need to check a property is avialble into an object.
    • in guard used to check , is the specific property aviable into object or not?
    • Example:
    // type guard in :
    type TNormalPerson = {
       name: string;
    type TBipPerson = {
       email: string;
    } & TNormalPerson;
    const normalPerson: TNormalPerson = { name: "Mostafizur rahaman " };
    const adminPerson: TBipPerson = { name: "Mostafizur", email: "m@gmail.com" };
    const getAccess = (person: TBipPerson | TNormalPerson): string => {
       if ("email" in person) {
          return `Congratulations, ${person.name} you can get access`;
       } else {
          return `So Sad You can't get access `;
    const out1: string = getAccess(normalPerson);
    const out2: string = getAccess(adminPerson);
  • instanceof guard:

    • instanceof guard used when dealing with classes or their instance.
    • Example:
    class Animal {
       name: string;
       species: string;
       sound: string;
       constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) {
          this.name = name;
          this.species = species;
          this.sound = sound;
       makeSound() {
          console.log(`The ${this.name} says ${this.sound}`);
    // create a  children class for dog by extending Animal
    class Dog extends Animal {
       constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) {
          super(name, species, sound);
       // make dog sound:
       makeBark() {
          console.log(`The ${this.name} is Barking `);
    // create a children class for cat extending Animal:
    class Cat extends Animal {
       constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) {
          super(name, species, sound);
       // make sound for cat;
       makeMeaw() {
          console.log(`The ${this.name} says ${this.sound}`);
    // create an instance for dog
    const dog = new Dog("Shadow Dog", "dog", "gew gew");
    // create an instance for cat:
    const cat = new Dog("Black Cat", "cat", "meaw meaw");
    // create another instance for pig:
    const pig = new Animal("Pink Pig", "pig", "make some sweet sounds");
    const getAnimalAndMakeSound = (animal: Animal) => {
       if (animal instanceof Dog) {
       } else if (animal instanceof Cat) {
       } else {

is predicate in typeScript.

  • is predicate is used to define a user defined type when the function return type is boolean.

  • syntax:

variable as Type;
  • Example :
// create a animal:
class Animal {
   name: string;
   species: string;
   sound: string;

   constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) {
      this.name = name;
      this.species = species;
      this.sound = sound;

   makeSound() {
      console.log(`The ${this.name} says ${this.sound}`);
// create a  children class for dog by extending Animal
class Dog extends Animal {
   constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) {
      super(name, species, sound);

   // make dog sound:
   makeBark() {
      console.log(`The ${this.name} is Barking `);

// create a children class for cat extending Animal:
class Cat extends Animal {
   constructor(name: string, species: string, sound: string) {
      super(name, species, sound);

   // make sound for cat;
   makeMeaw() {
      console.log(`The ${this.name} says ${this.sound}`);

// create an instance for dog
const dog = new Dog("Shadow Dog", "dog", "gew gew");

// create an instance for cat:
const cat = new Dog("Black Cat", "cat", "meaw meaw");

// create another instance for pig:
const pig = new Animal("Pink Pig", "pig", "make some sweet sounds");

// we can handle smartly handle check type by using function:
const isDog = (animal: Animal): animal is Dog => {
   return animal instanceof Dog;

// here used is predicate:
const isCat = (animal: Animal): animal is Cat => {
   return animal instanceof Cat;

const getAnimalAndMakeSound = (animal: Animal) => {
   if (isDog(animal)) {
   } else if (isCat(animal)) {
   } else {


Access Modifire in Class

  • Public Modifier:

    • Public: Generally all class properties are public.
    • public properties are accessiable outside of class.
    • we don't need use explicitly public modifier.
    • Example :
    class BankAccount {
       public id: number;
       public name: string;
       public balance: number;
       constructor(id: number, name: string, balance: number) {
          this.id = id;
          this.name = name;
          this.balance = balance;
    const myBankAccount = new BankAccount(2, "Mostafizur Rahaman", 2000);
    // public properties are changeable from outside of class .
    myBankAccount.id = 20;
    myBankAccount.balance = 20;
  • Readonly modifier : Readonly modifier makes properties readonly.

    • readonly properties only assignable when we create new instance.
    • we cann't modified the property.
    • Example :
    class BankAccount {
       public readonly id: number;
       public name: string;
       public balance: number;
       constructor(id: number, name: string, balance: number) {
          this.id = id;
          this.name = name;
          this.balance = balance;
    const myBankAccount = new BankAccount(2, "Mostafizur Rahaman", 2000);
    // public properties are changeable from outside of class .
    myBankAccount.id = 20; //cannot assign to 'id' because it is a read-only property.
    myBankAccount.balance = 20;
    • Private:

      • Private modifier makes properties unaccesable from outside of class
      • private property only accessable into class
      • we can access private property from derived class or inherited class
      • conbention: start private property name with _ like : private _balance : number
      • Example :
      class BankAccount {
         private readonly id: number;
         public name: string;
         private _balance: number;
         constructor(id: number, name: string, _balance: number) {
            this.id = id;
            this.name = name;
            this._balance = _balance;
      const myBankAccount = new BankAccount(2, "Mostafizur Rahaman", 2000);
      // we cann't access private properties from outside of  Class
      myBankAccount._balance = 20; // Errors: Because '_balance' is private
    • Protected:

      • protected property also don't accessiable from outside of class
      • protected property only assiable on class on derived class or inherited class
      • Example:
      class BankAccount {
         readonly id: number;
         public name: string;
         protected _balance: number;
         constructor(id: number, name: string, _balance: number) {
            this.id = id;
            this.name = name;
            this._balance = _balance;
      class ChildrenBankAccount extends BankAccount {
         constructor(_id: number, name: string, _balance: number) {
            super(_id, name, _balance);
         updateBalance(amount: number) {
            // protected type accessible into Derived class
            this._balance = this._balance + amount;
      const myBankAccount = new BankAccount(2, "Mostafizur Rahaman", 2000);
      const myChildrenAccount = new ChildrenBankAccount(
         "Mostafizur Rahaman",
      // we cann't access proteched properties from outside of  Class
      myBankAccount._balance = 20; // Errors: Because '_balance' is private

Getter & Setter in JavaScript Class:

  • If we define any function getter & setter method, we can access the function from class instance as property.

  • Getter : getter function start with get keyword:

    • By using getter we can get data from class.
    • we can access getter functon as property of class instance
    • Example:
    // Getter & Setter :
    class Person {
       public name: string;
       public email: string;
       public age: number;
       constructor(name: string, email: string, age: number) {
          this.name = name;
          this.email = email;
          this.age = age;
       // getter and setter :
       // getter with get : -
       get getAge() {
          return `${this.name}'s age is ${this.age}`;
       // setter function
       set setAge(age: number) {
          this.age = this.age + age;
    const person1 = new Person("Mostafizur Rahaman", "mos@gmail.com", 20);
    const person2 = new Person("Ratul hossain", "ratul@gmail.com", 15);
    const person3 = new Person("Rakib Hossain", "m@gmail.com", 20);
    // create function to get instance age :
    function getPersonAge(person: Person) {
       // access getter function as property :
       return person.getAge;
    const a1 = getPersonAge(person1);
    const b1 = getPersonAge(person2);
    const c1 = getPersonAge(person3);
    console.log(a1, b1, c1);
  • Setter: setter function start with set function keyword.

    • we can access the setter function as property of class instance
    • Example:
    // Getter & Setter :
    class Person {
       public name: string;
       public email: string;
       public age: number;
       constructor(name: string, email: string, age: number) {
          this.name = name;
          this.email = email;
          this.age = age;
       // getter and setter :
       // getter with get : -
       get getAge() {
          return `${this.name}'s age is ${this.age}`;
       set setAge(age: number) {
          this.age = this.age + age;
    const person1 = new Person("Mostafizur Rahaman", "mos@gmail.com", 20);
    const person2 = new Person("Ratul hossain", "ratul@gmail.com", 15);
    const person3 = new Person("Rakib Hossain", "m@gmail.com", 20);
    // setter function in  javaScript :
    person1.setAge = 5;
    person1.setAge = 5;
    person2.setAge = 40;
    person2.setAge = 30;
    person3.setAge = 1;
    person3.setAge = 50;
  • Static :

  • To create a static variable in javaScript class , you can use static keywrod before variable name

  • Static method convert the variable only for class .

  • static variables are accessiable directly as Class Property. You can not access the variable with instance

    class Sleep {
       public static sleepingHours: number = 8;
       increment() {
          // when we use static variable we need access the variable with ClassName.propertyName
          Sleep.sleepingHours = Sleep.sleepingHours + 1;
  • when update static variable of class with one instance its will update the property for all instance of that class.

  • Static variable allocate the same memory location

  • // we need to access the static variable as Class property . we can not find the property as in instance. const hours: number = Sleep.sleepingHours; console.log(hours);

    class Sleep {
       public static sleepingHours: number = 8;
       // increment sleeping hours:
       increment() {
          // when we use static variable we need access the variable with ClassName.propertyName
          Sleep.sleepingHours = Sleep.sleepingHours + 1;
       // decrement Sleeping hours:
       decrement() {
          Sleep.sleepingHours = Sleep.sleepingHours - 1;
    // we need to access the static variable as Class property . we can not find the property as  in instance.
    const hours: number = Sleep.sleepingHours;
    // create two instance to update the static variable:
    const sleep1 = new Sleep();
    const sleep2 = new Sleep();
    // here  we have two instance:
    sleep1.increment(); // increment for sleep1; but it update for all instance or full class .
  • To create a static method in a JavaScript class, you can use the static keyword before the method name.

  • Static methods are called directly on the class itself, without creating an instance of the class.

    class Counter {
       // static modifier use one memory Reference for variable.
       // from any instance we can change value , it's will be change for every instance. This main after using static, static makes the variable only for Class.
       // After  make a variable static , we we need access the variable with className not this keyword.
       public static counter: number = 0;
       static increment() {
          Counter.counter = Counter.counter + 1;
       static decrement() {
          Counter.counter = Counter.counter - 1;
    // create an instance for counter :
    const one = new Counter();
    const two = new Counter();
    // increment counter for one instance:
    //  we need to call the increment with Class method not instance method. After making static it's only accessible with className.