
A countdown timer that stays on top of other windows, can run directly on computers where EXE files cannot be installed. 窗口顶置的倒数计时器,可以直接运行在不能安装exe文件的电脑上。

Primary LanguagePython


中文版本请查看 READM_CN.md


  • Stays on top of all windows

  • Window can be dragged across screens to desired position with mouse

  • Hides window borders, title bar, and maximize/minimize buttons

  • Window size calculated to fit 00:00, using font size 40, system default font

  • Flashes window when 1 minute remaining and when paused

  • Continues flashing when time is up, shows overtime

  • Window transparency decreases as time elapses

  • Different flash style when paused

  • Runs on Python 3+ without admin rights

  • No additional libraries required

When total time is set

  • Pausing does not pause total time

  • Resetting does not reset total time

When mouse is over window

  • Time add/subtract buttons appear, add/subtract 1 minute each click, seconds set to 0

  • Time set in minutes, default 5 minutes

  • Pause button

  • Reset button, resets to default time

  • Exit button

When mouse is not over window

  • Shows remaining time

  • Format: MM:SS

  • Updates display every second

  • Window is transparent

  • Not transparent when paused

  • Transparency based on ratio of total/remaining times

  • Not transparent for first 5 seconds after start

  • More transparency as remaining time decreases, fully opaque at 1 minute left


Command line example:

python CountdownTopWin.py 5 60

  • Param 1: Single timer time, max 99 minutes

  • Param 2: Total time, max 99 minutes

  • No params: Default single time 5 minutes, no total time

Known Issues

  • Buttons must be exited from button area to hide, exiting time area does not auto-hide