

  1. Create a new application in your auth0 tenant (Machine-to-Machine)
  2. In the API's section, click on the management API
  3. In the Machine-to-Machine section set the new application you created to be authorized for the read:users and update:users scopes
  4. Create a file with a user ID per line in the file
  5. Make sure you have downloaded and installed node version 8.9.x

To Run

git clone
cd fixfacebookdates
npm i
cp env.sample .env # NOTE: RATE_LIMIT should be 1 for dev and up to 25 for prod depending on how intrusive you want it to be

update the .env file to have the client ID and secret from the newly created application from setup. Set the filename to match the filename that contains the user IDs.

node index.js


Make sure you delete that application after you are done running the script