I followed the guide from here: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/dotfiles.
Now using a separate working directory with symlinks created by GNU Stow: https://www.gnu.org/software/stow/manual/stow.html.
- Install GNU Stow
- Clone dotfiles
- IMPORTANT: Create .config folder if it doesn't already exist (otherwise, it will be created as a symlink, meaning future files added there by other apps will be included in the first folder that was stowed)
- Stow each directory
- Create function/script for more graceful stowing when files already exist.
- Remap capslock to Ctrl/Esc (depending on my mood).
- Complex modification for Shift+Shift to enable/disable capslock.
- Complex modification to change escape key to tilde when used with left_gui or left_control.
* Because my dotfiles alias relies on having a different working directory, the oh-my-zsh git plugin doesn't detect which branch it's on for the custom prompt. To fix:
* Add .oh-my-zsh/custom/my_functions.zsh to change working directory for git in git_prompt_info() function based on current working directory.
* Add a custom theme based on robbyrussell to change the prompt prefix when in home.
- Using stow, my new dotfiles alias assumes these files are stored in ~/.dotfiles.
- Alias sdf for dotfiles ("stellar dotfiles"
- Todo