
MultimodalC4 is a multimodal extension of c4 that interleaves millions of images with text.


📷 📝 Multimodal C4 (mmc4) 📝 📷

An open, billion-scale corpus of images interleaved with text.

Corpus stats

# images # docs # tokens
Multimodal-C4 (mmc4) 585M 103M 43B
Multimodal-C4 fewer-faces (mmc4-ff) 385M 79M 34B
Multimodal-C4 core (mmc4-core) 30.5M 7.4M 2.5B
Multimodal-C4 core fewer-faces (mmc4-core-ff) 22.9M 5.6M 1.8B

Curation details are in the paper which will be on arXiv shortly.

Accessing mmc4-ff


You can directly download the "fewer faces" multimodal c4 documents at urls like this:


where SHARD can vary from 0 to 23098 (there may be a handful of missing shards). The total size of all these files together is approximately 200GB. You can download the smaller "core fewer faces" documents at URLs like this:


where SHARD can vary from 0 to 23098 (there may be a handful of missing shards). The total size of all these files together is approximately 9.4GB.

Documents in both sets contain text, image URLs, assignments of images to sentences, and image-by-text CLIP ViT-L/14 similarity matrices. Specifically:

  • text_list: a list of sentences comprising the text of the document
  • url: the original url where the document was hosted
  • image_info is a key mapping to a list of images. each image contains:
    • image_name: a filename that you could download the image to
    • face_detections: None if no faces are detected (which should be the case in "fewer faces")
    • matched_text_index: the index within text_list representing the sentence that this image is matched to
    • matched_sim: the CLIP ViT-L/14 similarity between the image and the sentence at the matched index
  • similarity_matrix: a matrix of shape len(image_info) x len(text_list) where similarity_matrix[i, j] is the CLIP ViT-L/14 similarity between image i and sentence j.

Here's an example:

{'image_info': [{'face_detections': None,
                 'image_name': 'b9040a0dbb22.jpg',
                 'matched_sim': 0.27694183588027954,
                 'matched_text_index': 2,
                 'raw_url': 'http://www.hfitinfo.com/honda_fit_pics/3/2/index.90.jpg'},
                {'face_detections': None,
                 'image_name': 'db1c21bc8474.jpg',
                 'matched_sim': 0.3234919607639313,
                 'matched_text_index': 1,
                 'raw_url': 'http://www.hfitinfo.com/honda_fit_pics/3/2/index.91.jpg'}],
 'similarity_matrix': [[0.24363446235656738,
 'text_list': ['When you lock the door using the lock tab on the driver’s '
               'door, all of the other doors and tailgate lock at the same '
               'Press the master door lock switch in as shown to lock or '
               'unlock all doors and the tailgate.',
               'When you lock/unlock the driver’s door and tailgate using the '
               'master lock switch, all the other doors lock/ unlock at the '
               'same time.'],
 'url': 'http://www.hfitinfo.com/hofi-48.html'}

Image features

You can directly download CLIP ViT-L/14 features extracted from the images at urls like this:


where SHARD can vary from 0 to 23098. The total size of all the image feature files together is approximately 1.8Tb. Each pkl file is a dictionary that maps from image filename (accessible in the document jsons, see image_name above) to the associated CLIP feature.

Accessing mmc4

If you are interested in accessing mmc4 (and mmc4-core) without the fewer faces restriction, please fill out this form.

Accessing raw images

We are not releasing raw images for now. But if you are interested in potential updates, you can contact us using this google form.


  • the new contributions of mmc4 beyond text-only c4 (e.g., the similarity matrices/image-text alignments) are released under ODC-BY.
  • By using mmc4, be aware of that you are also bound by the Common Crawl terms of use.


If you found our work useful, please consider citing:

    title={{MultimodalC4:} An Open, Billion-scale Corpus of Images Interleaved With Text},
    author={Zhu, Wanrong and Hessel, Jack and Awadalla, Anas and Gadre, Samir Yitzhak and Dodge, Jesse and Fang, Alex and Yu, Youngjae and Schmidt, Ludwig and Wang, William Yang and Choi, Yejin},