
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Hasura & Graphql Code Generation Todo App

Running locally


  • have Node installed
  • have Docker installed


  1. npm install to install deps

  2. npm run start:backend to run backend

  3. npm run migrate to apply migrations

  4. Run in seperate terminals:

    • npm run start to start the frontend
    • npm run generate to start code generation watcher
    • npm run console to start hasura console
  5. The frontend should be running at http://localhost:8081

Stopping the backend

Run npm run stop:backend

GraphQL Auto-Complete

For graphql auto-complete, install this package


  • npm test to run tests
  • npm test -- --coverage to get a coverage report

Writing new tests

Write tests. Not too many. Mostly Integration. -- Guillermo Rauch

  • See https://kentcdodds.com/blog/write-tests
  • Integration tests give the most bang your buck, so test high in the react tree
  • the whole backend is mocked using test-utils/utils.ts#mockUrqlClient
  • custom resolvers can be added to mockUrqlClient to test specific functionality
  • See __tests__ for examples

Testing Libraries

Urql DevTools

Urql devtools are available for firefox and chrome to monitor requests and cache hit/miss results. Also allows you to run queries.

They work better on Chrome.


To start run npm run storybook

  • TODO: describe how to write stories
  • Setup MDX documentation


Grafana runs at localhost:3000

Can be used to make graphs measuring performance

TODO: set up metrics example


  • Add Google Analytics with react-ga library
    • Log user events (form completions, invalid form inputs, page changes, modal openings, other user actions)
  • Add react router and hook up route changes to Google Analytics
  • Storybook UI for interactive documentation?
  • Remove Material UI, maybe check out Reach UI instead?
  • Feature flags over environments?
  • Implement better logging (https://github.com/pimterry/loglevel)
    • create log structure, e.g. log, metric, error + json structure
    • create unique id for session
    • give info about browser, window size etc
    • Send logs to server? (json logging, postgres / graphana or elastisearch / kibana?)
    • performance / memory usage / load times?
  • Internationalization
  • dnsmasq for local url?

Development setup

  • install skaffold
  • install dnsmasq
  • create file /etc/resolver/localhost and write nameserver to it
  • brew install dnsmasq
  • start dnsmasq service using instructions provided by brew
  • write address=/.localhost/ to /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
  • write nameserver (I think) to /etc/resolvers/localhost
  • restart computer
  • apply todo-txt-config config map to cluster. e.g. kubectl apply -f k8s/config/local-config-map.yaml
  • brew install kustomize
  • kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v0.40.0/deploy/static/provider/cloud/deploy.yaml
  • skaffold run

Deploy (for now)

  • switch kubectl to point to remote cluster
  • skaffold dev --default-repo registry.digitalocean.com/mostlind -p prod

Working on github actions CI