
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Staff Scheduling application

Write a backend application for the staff scheduling system. Users must be able to create an account and log in.

Implement 2 roles with different permission levels

  • Staff User:
    • Can view his/her schedule for any period of time (up to 1 year)
    • Can see his/her coworker schedules
  • Admin:
    • Can edit/delete all users,
    • Can create/edit/delete schedule for users
    • Can order users list by accumulated work hours per arbitrary period (up to 1 year).

Schedule should have:

  • Work date
  • User
  • Shift length in hours


  • Create relevant REST endpoints that can be accessed and interacted via Postman or other similar software.
  • Add Relevant unit tests.
  • Create a documentation page using Open API specifications.
  • Dockerize application and add README file describing how to run the project.
  • Upload your project to Github

Technologies to use:

  • Node.js (Express.js or other framework is also fine)
  • Mysql
  • Docker


For run the test you can use:

npm run test

Run application

There is a postman collection in Scheduler.postman_collection.json

To be able to run the application you should have docker and docker-compose installed

docker-compose run

Add -d if you want to run it in background

It would start the database (MariaDB) and the server


There is a environment file to parameterize the system, by default:


Personal Decisions

I took some assumptions regarding:

  • Period of time: mandatory to put queries "from" and "to" up to 1 year of different
  • Not able to create a new schedule if another schedule match between start date and finishing the schedule


I had to use MariaDB because with MySQL I had some trouble using Apple Silicon M1.

Future Improvement

  • Improve testing:
    • Test Controllers
    • Test E2E
  • Pagination
  • Data consistency using transactions in database
  • Improve error handlers