
My technical blog repository of Hugo.

Primary LanguageHTML


hugo file of blog.mosuke.tech

This is the blog.mosuke.tech's hugo repository. When pushing this repository, execute wercker ci/cd processes and deploy to 'mosuke5-lab/mosuke5-lab.github.io'.

Following are ci/cd steps.

  1. Build: execute hugo and check if build succeed or not.
  2. Deploy: deploy to 'mosuke5-lab/mosuke5-lab.github.io' by using 'lvivier/step-gh-pages'.
  3. After Deploy: clear cache in cloudflare and update gillsearch(search engine) database.

How to use

// set up. This site uses original theme.
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ hugo server

// update submodule
$ git submodule update --remote
// resize image
// mogrify is included in ImageMagick package
$ mogrify -resize 700 ./static/image/xxxxx.png

How to modify design

This blog site uses customized purehugo(mosuke5/purehugo). If modifying or changing design, commit to mosuke5/purehugo repo.