Software created by Moses Michael Meitivyeki, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
The simplified PYTHON + Fuzzy MATLAB version is in final development and will be available soon.
A computer program (About 3,000 lines of code) based on 3 orders of the HFACS-ME method to simplify and speed up the analysis process. To design the program: 1. 3rd Order HFACS-ME were turned into check questions. 2. SUB-3rd Order HFACS-ME were turned into examples below each check question. 3. 2nd Order HFACS-ME were turned into Classifiers for input from the user’s 3rd Order answers. 4. 1st Order HFACS-ME were turned into Classifiers of 2nd and 3rd order results. 4.3.2 Rosources applied To accomplish the task, the following resources were used. 1. Laptop. 2. Computer language used: C++ 3. Software used to code, compile, and run the program: Visual Studio Code 4.3.3 Calculations and results The program can calculate the number of errors and classify them into All categories of HFACS-ME first and second orders The program also calculates the Percentage Error Distribution (PDE) for each category of HFACS-ME first, second, and third orders. To achieve this, the program initializes each second-order category to be zero, that is org = 0, sup = 0, med = 0, crw = 0, red= 0, env = 0, eqp = 0, wks = 0, err = 0, and vio = 0. Here org = Organization, sup = Supervisory, med = Medical, crw = Crew, red= Readiness, env = Enviroment, eqp = Euipments, wks = Workspace, err = Maintainer’s Errors, and vio = Violations. Then for each of the 34 analysis questions, the program adds 1 to the category where the question falls in if the answer from the user is YES (Y or y) eg. Org = Org + 1, and Zero if the answer is NO (N or n) eg. Med = Med + 0. Then the Percentage Error Distribution (PDE) is calculated by distributing the errors by considering 34 (all check questions in a 3rd order) to be 100%. The program can be Run by any compiler that supports C++ such as Visual Studio code and DEV C++.