Get Next Line

Static Badge Static Badge

Static Badge


dateFormat DD-MM-YYYY
title Get_Next_Line development

section Development
Rough Sketch            :done,    des1, 23-10-2023,24-10-2023
First Prototype         :done,    des2, 26-10-2023,30-10-2023
First Working build     :done,    des3, 31-10-2023,02-11-2023
Bug fixes               :done,    des4, 02-11-2023,06-11-2023
Francinette tests passed :done,   des5, 06-11-2023,06-11-2023
Evaluation              :done,  des6, 06-11-2023, 2d

About the project

get_next_line is one of the 3 projects that the 42 student can do after completing the first project libft and for me the 3rd project of the common core.

The code starts with the function char *get_next_line(int fd)

char	*get_next_line(int fd)
	char	*toret;

	if (fd < 0 || BUFFER_SIZE < 1)
		return (0);
	toret = malloc(1);
	if (!toret)
		return (0);
	toret[0] = '\0';
	return (ft_read_line(fd, toret));

There isn't much to explain here, I create the variable toret the string that i'll return then i do a check to the file descriptor and the BUFFER SIZE so i can proced with the initialization of the toret variable.

The next function in the project is ft_read_line

char	*ft_read_line(int fd, char *toret)
	static char	buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
	char		*next;
	int			bytesread;

	bytesread = 0;
	while (buffer[bytesread] != '\0' && bytesread < BUFFER_SIZE)
	while (ft_hasnl(toret) == 0)
		if (ft_is_empty(buffer))
			bytesread = read(fd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
		if (bytesread <= 0)
			break ;
		next = ft_buffer_to_str(buffer, bytesread);
		if (!next)
			break ;
		toret = ft_strjoin(toret, next);
		if (!toret)
			return (NULL);
	return (ft_treat_line(toret, bytesread));

This function creates the static variable buffer which is the one that will keep all the values not used in the return variable, the variable next which is used to store the next string that will be added to line that will be returned and finnally the bytesread variable that it's to store how much information the function read() read.

After the inatialization of the variables that needed I proceed to checking how many bytes are left from previous function calls, with this i can later use to write those bytes to my return variable.

After that cycle i start yet another cycle that will run untill the variable that will be returned toret has a new line

if (ft_is_empty(buffer))
  bytesread = read(fd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);

it all starts with checking wether or not buffer is empty or not, if it is it reads and receives new information to be saved

next = ft_buffer_to_str(buffer, bytesread);
if (!next)
  break ;

next will take on the value buffer, i use this variable and not buffer directly because using buffer directly can cause some memory errors

toret = ft_strjoin(toret, next);
if (!toret)
  return (NULL);

after that toret gets his new values after the old ones, the next variable is freed and the buffer deletes the values that doesn't need anymore

char	*ft_treat_line(char *toret, int bytesread)
	if (ft_strlen(toret) && bytesread != -1)
		return (toret);
	return (NULL);

after this before returning my variable i go to this function to see if everything is right in the toret variable