final project for Multimedia class using Processing language
Members: Lafaiet Castro Paolla Mota
The project chosen was a recreation of the classic arcade game Space Invaders. Both members actively contributed for the completion of the game. First the logic was thought and built by both, then the project was divided in logic and design. Lafaiet was the main responsible for the logic implementation of the game’s gameplay, such as the proper use of classes for movement of enemies and player, and high score, among other implamentations. Paolla was responsible for the design of the game, such as creation of scenarios for the multiple screens and their respective animations and implementation of sounds, as well as the proper organization of the code and the making of the documentation. More extra features could be included in the game. However, due to the time limit, we couldn’t include: enemies shooting at player, multiple levels, insertion of credits in “the machine” and multiple lives for the player, among other infinite other features. Although we weren’t able to include these, the promised features were successfully implemented.
Sources: All the sound effects were downloaded from the following website:
User’s Guide:
Brazilian Invaders’ goal is to kill all the monsters before they reach the player’s spaceship. The appropriate instruction for playing the game is already included in the initial screen of the game.