
This is the official repository for the project "Find Your Caretaker". It contains the complete implemented code and other resources that were used in order to build the working model of the project. Find Your Caretaker is the perfect platform for the person who is looking to work as a caretaker according to his/her domain of interest and for the family who is looking for a caretaker to hire occasionally or on a regular basis.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Introduction :

  • There are many reasons for what this Web Application should be build. This kind of project may fulfill the need of many users. We need this kind of project or interface in this running world as there are lot of people who are suffering from lack of employment.

  • Users can be able to take the advantages of this Web Application and functionalities provided by this interface to fulfill their requirements. The proper use of functionality would be very helpful to find a job for an individual according to his/her capabilities and in his/her own likable field.

Problem Analysis :

  • It has been observed that now a days there are lack of employment. So to overcome from that problem, this project is highly useful.

  • It has been seen that lot of Citizen, who are well fit and want to do some work, to have some source of income but not getting a job in a desired field. Therefore with the help of our project he/she will be able to find his/her field of interest.

  • By using our Web Application a person can apply for a desired job or work and it can also find a person to hire him/her to fulfill it’s desired needs. A individual can also search for a Caretaker and take/fulfill a desired output from it. And it can also apply to get a job in a desired field with his/her own wish of comfort.

Development Environment :

  • Php
  • MySQL : Database
  • HTML & CSS : Design & Development
  • AJAX
  • Media Query
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery

Screenshots :

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/ <> with 🧡 By Motasim /