
Experimenting with mixing Phaser js and Tone js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Experiments mixing the web audio library Tone js with the game engine Phaser.io

What does it do?

Not much! Yet... Balls bounce around a game world, collide with various objects, and create music as they go.


This is part of a larger research project exploring mobile phones and music - in particular changes being wrought in music scenes in Melanesia. There is some discussion about this here, and more will be added soon.

Some of the questions we are exploring include:

  • What are people doing with phones and music at the moment?
  • How straightforward is it to make music on a phone?
  • Can a game environment provide new ways of interacting with sound and music?

How does it work?

There is a chord progression, passed in to the main game code in krungKrang.js. Tonality.js provides utilities to return arrays for scales and chord tones. It's useful to imagine a grid (usually vertical) When things collide, events are scheduled on the Tone js transport.