
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyTrol is a discrete-time simulator dedicated to MultiAgent Patrolling (MAP), designed as a Python framework with the aim of performing MAP simulation. Originally, this simulator has been developed for the purpose of generating merely and rapidly a significant amount of MAP data, for the needs of this work. It has thereafter been evolved to become an easy-to-extend framework totally dedicated to MAP: the user can write custom building blocks to express and experiment new ideas for MAP research; they can also develop state-of-the-art models. It is distributed over multiple threads, and can be used sequentially or parallelly. Its temporal model is discrete and each time step, or period, is not finished as long as all the agents have not acted.

To simulate a MAP mission, that is to say an instance of a given MAP scenario {$\Pi$, $G$, $N_a$}, a JSON file containing the setting of the mission to simulate shall be provided to the simulator. More precisely, the JSON file contains the description of the graph $G$, the society of agents, as well as their initial positions on the graph. The duration of the mission $T \in \mathbb{N}^*$ ought also to be set. For each mission, simulation traces are recorded in JSON log files, in which at each time step the position and the individual idlenesses of each agent, as well as the true idlenesses of nodes are logged. These files are then processed to compute statistics, or even to be used as data for learning, for example.

In this framework, edges are discretised. They are sampled over time, that is to say divided into units that agents travel in one period.

In its current version, PyTrol relies on $5$ variables:

  • the position of agents in the graph,

  • the completed actions: a boolean variable which indicates whether all agents have completed their action,

  • the communication step: a boolean variable which indicates whether the communication step has begun, outside this step agents cannot communicate,

  • the decision step: a boolean variable which indicates whether the decision step has begun, outside this step agents cannot decide,

  • the interaction mode: a boolean variable which indicates whether the agents can interact, i.e. whether the interaction scheme can be used.

Main components

PyTrol comes in the form of a python package called pytrol, which is itself decomposed into three main subpackages, as follows:

  • control: represents the controller, namely the component of PyTrol which executes agents and controls all operations necessary to play the simulation out,

  • model: represents the data model of MAP, namely all concepts and objects which determine the structure of MAP necessary to simulate a MAP execution,

  • util: utilities, that is to say annex tools, procedures and algorithms being generic enough to be used in other projects independent from PyTrol.


A key structure in PyTrol is the pytrol.control.Communicating.Communicating class. This class, which extends threading.Thread, provides all of the abstract methods necessary to communicate, and thereby allows creating independent threads able to communicate. Any Communicating object will be referred to as communicating. Any possible way of communication is practicable, letting the user provide an object whose the class extends the utils.net.Connection.Connection abstract class. Thus, the type of needed connection is left to the discretion of the user. By default, the concrete class utils.net.SimulatedConnection.SimulatedConnection is used, enabling communicatings to communicate by reference, i.e. memory address.


Before continuing, it is worth recalling that any agent strategy is, in fact, an algorithm. In the context of this work a multiagent strategy is merely defined as a set of $N_a$ single-agent strategies.

pytrol.control.agent contains agent strategy implementations. Any new implemented strategy shall extend the Agent class located in the pytrol.control.agent. Agent module, and be added in this package. Agent is an abstract class defining a template for any agent strategy. This template defines, in fact, the basic procedure that any agent must follow. This basic procedure, qualified as main procedure of agent, represents the life cycle of agents and consists of:

  • Agent.prepare: any preprocessing, if necessary, the agent needs to carry out to prepare the impending main procedure,

  • Agent.perceive: the agent perceives the position of the other ones, if required by its strategy; in the strategies studied in this dissertation only the position of the agent itself is perceived, although other types of perception are left to the discretion of the user,

  • Agent.communicate: the agent communicates with other ones, if required by its strategy;

  • Agent.analyse: the agent checks and processes messages he has received,

  • Agent.decide: the agent decides; this method constitutes the core of the strategy, given that any strategy is a decision-making procedure in the context of MAP,

  • Agent.act: the agent acts according to the decision made in the previous method.

Each agent, namely each object instantiating the Agent class, is a communicating and therefore a thread; concretely the Agent class extends the Communicating class. Any new strategy to add in PyTrol shall be implemented from the above methods, then added to the pytrol.control.agent package, and finally referenced in pytrol.model.AgentTypes. A set of strategies are already implemented in PyTrol:

  • CR in pytrol.control.agent.CR,

  • HPCC in pytrol.control.agent.HPCCoordinator and pytrol.control.agent.Coordinated,

  • HCC in pytrol.control.agent.HCCoordinator,

  • strategies based on machine learning that extend the abstract class pytrol.control. agent.MAPTrainerModelAgent.

In the implementation of HPCC studied in this dissertation and coded in PyTrol, agents request a new goal node each time they arrive at a node; for each agent the Heuristic and Pathfinder algorithms are therefore executed by the coordinator each time they arrive at a node. With regard to the implementation of HCC, the Warshall's algorithm is executed at the simulation's startup to compute once and for all the shortest distances and paths between the nodes.


The pytrol.control.Ananke.Ananke1 class is the core of PyTrol, i.e. the structure which concretely handles the simulation running. It is also a communicating.

The life cycle of Ananke starts with the mission's initialisation which takes place in Ananke.__init__, where it loads the graph, all information relative to the current mission, as well as the agents.

Then, in Ananke.run the main simulation loop over the time steps is executed. There is as many iterations in this loop as the duration $T$ set for the current run. This loop stands for the running of simulation: at each period, the strategy of agents simulated herein is deployed. More precisely, at each iteration Ananke executes the main procedure of the strategy by calling, for every agent, the methods described above which constitutes their life cycle.


The pytrol.control.Archivist.Archivist class gives rise to a communicating object which logs the running of the simulation, that is as stated above, the positions, individual idlenesses of each agent, and true idlenesses. Complementary MAP elements or events to log might be added.


  1. Ananke is an ancient Greek goddess who was the personification of inevitability, compulsion and necessity, and in other terms, of what must happen.