How to setup and build

  1. Install depot_tools (ensure they're on your PATH).
  2. git clone
  3. cd rn-chrome-devtools-buildscripts
  4. gclient sync --no-history
  5. For local development, you may at this point delete the devtools-frontend directory, create a symlink to your rn-chrome-devtools-frontend checkout in its place, and run gclient sync --no-history again.
  6. cd devtools-frontend
  7. Generate Ninja build files: gn gen out/Default
  8. Build: autoninja -C out/default

Running a build of Chrome DevTools in hosted mode

  1. Start a static web server: python3 -m http.server 8000 --directory out/Default/gen/front_end
  2. The frontend is available at http://localhost:8000/inspector.html (or http://localhost:8000/rn_inspector.html for the RN-specific entry point).
  3. You can connect the frontend to a target by adding the appropriate ?ws= parameter to the above URL. To build this parameter manually, take the target's devtoolsFrontendUrl, remove the leading ws:// and pass it through URL encoding.

NOTE: You may need to open DevTools for DevTools and select "Disable cache" for your build changes to be picked up when you refresh.

See for more general information about development workflows in the Chrome DevTools codebase.

Using the CI-built version

The modified frontend is deployed continuously to It is built by a GitHub Action based on the instructions above.