
Nginx, Alpine Linux + PHP + WP 4.7.2, MariaDB, SSL (optional)

Primary LanguageNginx

Docker Wordpress boilerplate

Creates a "minimalistic" dockerized Wordpress with Alpine Linux, Nginx, PHP 7 and MariaDB.


You might want to prefix the following container names in docker-compose.yml with project name before building.

  • wordpress_nginx
  • wordpress_php
  • wordpress_mariadb


Automatically downloads the Wordpress package and extracts it to html folder. However if you are setting up an environment for existing project you can replace the contents with your project's files.

Wordpress specific defaults

You might want to change these.



Database is stored locally inside the data/mariadb folder in your project root.

You can access the database for example with Sequel Pro with following settings (default passwords).

  • Host =
  • Username = root
  • Password = root
  • Port = 3306


If you need SSL certificates follow the next steps:

  • in nginx/conf.d/, make a backup of default.conf and rename default_SSL.conf to default.conf
  • open Keychain, select System from sidebar and drag'n'drop the localhost.crt from certs folder to Keychain
  • Double click the localhost.crt in Keychain and then select Always Trust from the first dropdown labeled "When using this certificate:". This will affect all dropdowns, which is what we are after.


After customizing your configuration, you can build the containers with

docker-compose build

And run the containers with

docker-compose up

The non-SSL app will run on port 8080. If you use SSL, the port will be 443.

WordPress configuration

After completing the WordPress installation (boot container and navigate to http://localhost:8080), change the permalink setting in the WP Admin interface to Post name. This will make the posts available at pretty URLs and also enable the default URL to the REST API.

More info

This Docker compose file is based on a work by evild and uses his images. Some changes are made, most notably this uses separate Wordpress/PHP image with currently latest Wordpress 4.7.2




