A Solana NFT marketplace built by the people for the people using open source software by Holaplex, Metaplex and Motley Labs.
We welcome contributions to Night Market from the community -- please open a pull request!
Feel free to join the Motley DAO Discord to talk to the team and other community members.
All contributions are automatically licensed under the GPL 3.0.
This repository contains the Night Market frontend -- a web app built with Next.js, React and TailwindCSS. The main
branch is what's deployed at nightmarket.io.
The frontend talks to andromeda, our web2 backend which talks to data providers, and reward-center-program, our marketplace on-chain program.
- Types declarations.public/*
- Static assets including fonts, images and locales.src/components/*
- The different reusable components used throughout the app including Button, Icon, Avatar, Form, List, etc.src/hooks/*
- Useful hooks used throughout the app.src/layouts/*
- The different layouts used by pages.src/modules/*
- Various helper methods and utilities worthy of converting to a helper library.src/pages/*
- Contains all the app's pages.src/providers/*
- Providers to provide context at various places.src/app.config.ts
- Global config values used throughout the app like app's base url, api url, solana rpc url, market's auctionhouse address etc.src/cache.ts
- Global reactive variables that can be set and read from anywhere in the application. Similar to redux state.styles/globals.css
- A small amount of global styles since the app mostly make use of vanilla Tailwind CSS.next-18next.config.js
- Supported languages and the default language.next.config.js
- NextJS configuration containing route redirects and other NextJS extensions.
The list of required environment variables for the application. To be set through the OS environment or through .env file.
Name | Description |
NEXT_PUBLIC_ADDRESS_LOOKUP_TABLE | The address of the reward center's address lookup table generated by reward-center-cli and used for the buy_listing and accept_offer actions. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_ANDROMEDA_ENDPOINT | The URL of the andromeda deployment. Use https://api.nightmarket.io/api for the production Night Market deployment. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_AUCTION_HOUSE_ADDRESS | The address of the auction house for the reward center, generated by reward-center-cli . |
NEXT_PUBLIC_AUCTION_HOUSE_PROGRAM_ADDRESS | Should be set to rwdD3F6CgoCAoVaxcitXAeWRjQdiGc5AVABKCpQSMfd . A deployment of the reward-center-program. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL | The URL of the andromeda deployment. Use https://api.nightmarket.io for the production Night Market deployment. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_BLOCK_REFERRALS | true or false . Whether to use the BuddyLink integration. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_ORGANIZATION_NAME | The BuddyLink organization. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_REFERRAL_KEY | An API key for the BuddyLink tracking endpoint. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_REFERRAL_URL | https://market-api.getdolphin.io/apiv3/ |
NEXT_PUBLIC_SOLANA_RPC_URL | A Solana RPC endpoint. E.g. https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com/ |
First, install dependencies
yarn install
Then, run the development server:
yarn dev
You might also want to setup a .env.local file to override some ENV variables like RPC provider, don't forget to restart the server if you do.
yarn build
yarn start