
OpenFrameworks addon for Tobii Analytics SDK 3.0

Primary LanguageC++

OpenFrameworks addon for Tobii Analytics SDK 3.0

!!!: This addon doesn't support OF less than 0.8.4 
!!!: See Known Issue section before use this addon


Download Tobii Analytics SDK 3.0 from here.

Copy these two directories:

  • {SDKRoot}/cpp/include
  • {SDKRoot}/cpp/lib


  • ofxTobiiAnalytics/libs/Tobii


  • Boost (run $ brew install boost on Terminal)

Building from scratch

The version of Boost used in the example project is `1.57.0`. Change the version number as your environment.

Header search path

  • ../../../addons/ofxTobiiAnalytics/libs/Tobii/include
  • Boost

library search path

  • ../../../addons/ofxTobiiAnalytics/libs/Tobii/lib
  • Boost

Other linker flag

  • -lboost_system
  • -lboost_program_options
  • -lboost_thread-mt

Runpath search paths

  • @loader_path/../Frameworks

Make sure the libtetio.dylib is added to BuildPhase > Copy Files

Known Issue

Calibration class doesn't work correctly since this addon is very alpha. Use the example app included in SDK/Sample directory instead of ofxTobiiAnalytics::Calibration for quick calibration.