
A single sign on package for Laravel, allowing simple oAuth2 SSO

Primary LanguagePHP

MotoMediaLab - Single Sign On

A Laravel package providing the basic premise for a single sign on system using oAuth2. This package is perfectly compatible with laravel/passport.


composer require motomedialab/single-sign-on


Basic Configuration

Publish the configuration file using the below command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=sso-config

Configure the relevant properties, such as the oAuth2 endpoints, client id and client secret. An example of how this can be represented in your environment file can be seen below:

# define the endpoints for our single sign on.

# define the client details for our single sign on.

SSO Only App Configuration

If you're not authenticating users with anything but the single sign on, you can use the below command to publish the packages migrations, which will remove the password field for users, and create a table for storing access tokens.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=sso-migrations && php artisan migrate

Once migrations have been published, you can optionally apply the Motomedialab\SingleSignOn\Traits\HasSsoToken to your User model. This will form a direct relationship between your users and their SSO keys. Remember, this is optional based on your configuration and there are some considerations to make when storing SSO keys in your database.

Creating a login action

To complete sign in, the next steps are up to you. You need to define the action that should take place after authentication for this to work.

This can be achieved by creating a new class that implements the MotoMediaLab\SingleSignOn\Contracts\LogsInUser interface and ensuring it is referenced it within the config/sso.php file under actions.login.

An example of how this class might look can be seen below:


namespace App\Actions;

use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use MotoMediaLab\SingleSignOn\Contracts\LogsInUser;
use Motomedialab\SingleSignOn\Data\AccessToken;

class LogInUser implements LogsInUser
    public function __invoke(AccessToken $token): RedirectResponse
        // get our user data from our third party.
        $userData = Http::acceptJson()
            ->withHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $token->accessToken)
        // find or create our user.
        $user = App\Models\User::firstOrCreate(
            ['email' => $userData['email']],
            ['name' => $userData['name']]
        // optionally store the third party access token against the user.
        // the below requires the HasSsoToken trait.
        // authenticate our user with the current application
        auth()->login($user, true);
        // redirect the user to the home page.
        return redirect()->route('home');