
A curated list of amazingly awesome things regarding Preact ecosystem :star2:

Awesome Preact Awesome

A curated list of amazingly awesome things regarding Preact ecosystem 🌟

Preact is a fast 3kb React alternative with the same ES6 API. Components & Virtual DOM.




  • Preact CLI - Build a Preact Progressive Web App in seconds.
  • nwb - Quick Development with React, Inferno or Preact.
  • React App Rewire Preact - Use Preact with create-react-app without ejecting.
  • Preact CLI PostCSS - It removes the default postcss config on Preact CLI, so you can use postcss.config.js.





  • Redux Zero - A lightweight state container based on Redux with a single store and no reducers.
  • FPreact - Provides an alternative api for creating preact components, heavily inspired by elm.

Testing Utils


Example Apps

  • Preact HN - Demonstration of Preact used to build Hacker News as a PWA.
  • TodoMVC - TodoMVC done in Preact. Under 6kb and fast.
  • Colors App - PWA for copying values from popular color palettes. Supports HEX, RGB, and HSL formats.
  • Tracks - PWA for tracking things in general. Gdrive Sync.
  • Hueify - Simple controller for your Philips Hue lights.

Related Libraries

  • React - A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Inferno - An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces.
  • Rax - A universal React-compatible render engine.


Contribute some ;)


Your contributions and suggestions are welcome anytime. Build great stuffs with Preact, share with us ;)
Make sure you follow the guidelines. Thank you!
