Carcassonne map generator / WFC visualizer

This is a tool to visualize the process of wave function collapse to generate maps for the board game Carcassonne. The project is available at

This project is created as a project for the course Datastructures and algorithms in the University of Helsinki.

Usage instaructions

The control panel is mostly self explanatory. Only the buttons that can be pressed at whatever time are enabled.

A few examples of what can be done:

  • To show the full process of creating a maze and limiting it to a map and then collapsing that map, press the upper most Start animation button. The animation will run until the map is collapsed or it is stopped.
  • To generate a maze or map without maze limitation press Start animation under the respective section. The animation will run until it is done or until you press Stop animation.
  • To resize the canvas reset everything and change the size of the canvas.

Uploading a custom tilemap

The tilemap json defines the tiles that are used in the map generation. The tiles are defined in order from top left to bottom right one row at a time. The tilemap json is accompanied by a tilemap image that contains the images for the tiles.

After uploading the tilemap json and image, the tilemap is automatically loaded and the map reset to be able to generate a map with the new tilemap.

    "width": 6, // The width of the tilemap in tiles,
    "height": 5, // The height of the tilemap in tiles,
    "tileSize": 200, // The size of a single tile in pixels,
    "tiles": [ // Array of tile objects
        { // Each side is a string that tells what type of side it is.
          // It can be either "Road", "City", "Field" or "Water"
            "top": "Road",
            "right": "Water",
            "bottom": "Road",
            "left": "Water"

Running locally

To run the project locally, clone the repository and run npm install and npm start. The project will be available at http://localhost:8080


Week reports

tile image credits

Default tile images taken from wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0) Images made by Mliu92