
wds is unable to resolve imports that use exports in node when importing from an .ts file.

Actual behavior

The following import will resolve into /node_modules/nodemod/dist/lib/prismjs.ts instead.

// src/main.ts
import { highlight } from 'nodemod/dist/lib/prismjs.js';

Actual behavior

The following import should resolve into /node_modules/nodemod/dist/lib/prismjs.js.

// src/main.ts
import { highlight } from 'nodemod/dist/lib/prismjs.js';

How to run

  1. Run npm start
  2. Visit localhost:8000 with Dev Tools open
  3. Inspect network tab on the resources
    1. Notice how nodemod/dist/lib/prismjs.js gets resolved using .ts instead of .js
    2. main2.js demonstrates how the import works correctly