
Test-driven content creation, visit http://pyblish.com for the full scoop.

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Test-driven content creation for collaborative, creative projects.


Pyblish is a modular framework, consisting of many sub-projects. This project contains the primary API upon which all other projects build.

You may use this project as-is, or in conjunction with surrounding projects - such as pyblish-maya for integration with Autodesk Maya, pyblish-qml for a visual front-end and pyblish-magenta for a starting point to your publishing pipeline.


pyblish-base is avaialble on PyPI.

$ pip install pyblish-base

Like all other Pyblish projects, it may also be cloned as-is via Git and added to your PYTHONPATH.

$ git clone https://github.com/pyblish/pyblish-base.git
$ # Windows
$ set PYTHONPATH=%cd%\pyblish-base
$ # Unix
$ export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/pyblish-base


Refer to the getting started guide for a gentle introduction to the framework and the forums for tips and tricks.