
The goal of the assignment is to write a few tests for a web application which is available here: It displays a table with some fake data about cyber security attacks: name, number of cases, average impact, and complexity of the attack. Above the table, there are 2 controls: sorting selection and filtering.

The task is to write a set of tests that will ensure that the combination of sorting and filtering works correctly. However there's a catch: you need to write your tests in such a way that if I modify the data on the website (if I remove some rows or add new ones), your tests still correctly verify the functionality.

For the sorting part, you can choose 2 fields that you will validate (instead of doing all 4). Here's additional information that can help you:

  • capital letters are ignored by both filtering and sorting (it works as if all letters were small letters)
  • sorting works only in one direction: from low to high, from A to Z, sorting by complexity sorts from low to high
  • number of cases uses special formatting, thousands might be expressed as letter "k" (5000 = 5k), millions as M (1200000 = 1.2M), billions as "B" (1580000000 = 1.58B)In order to write the tests you can use any programming language and framework of your choice as long as it is possible to run your tests in UNIX-like environment.


This project is written in Python, using Pytest and Selenium WebDriver. The Page Object Model pattern has been applied.

Used resources

Python 3: |
Selenium: |
Pytest: |
Pytest-HTML: |
pytest-xdist: |

Installed libraries


Folder structure

|___ sorting-filtering-table-data
    |___ pages
    |___ tests
    |___ utils
    |___ resources
    |___ reports
        |_____  html*
    |___ pyproject.toml
    |___ pytest.ini
    |___ requirements.txt

Package description

Contains page objects that are visible from any page,

Contains the base_page which is the parent page for other pages like: statistics_page, ..., in the base_page are functions used in its children pages:


rest of the pages contains functions (page actions) strictly related to their individual pages

Contains the base_test and the actual test file test_suite, in the base test it is initialized the web driver and before and after functions.

Contains the "" and "" files.
The "" contains configuration data
The "" contains the helper functions needed for this project

Config Files Description

It is configuration file for pytest

It is project settings file

This is a list of all of a project’s dependencies.

Project description


BaseTest is marked to use pytest fixture init_driver which take as argument a list of webdrivers name default is set ["chrome"] in tests/conftest::init_driver(), if add one more element in that list (e.g. ["chrome", "firefox"]) then both drivers will start

Run Tests in Parallel

For parallel running another library is used pytest-xdist, for running in parallel just add one more argument -n <number of parallel runs> to this command pytest -n 3 tests/ --html=path/to/reports


After the test execution is finished a html report will be created in reports/html the reports are generated by pytest-html reporter.
For generate the report it needs to be run in this way pytest tests/ --html=path/to/reports unless this argument is set in pyproject.tomlsettings file.

Project expansion

Just create new page objects in pages package, by inheriting BasePage and init it's using super().__init__(driver) in page object __init__ function, init locators class inside the __init__ function of the page object, then create page specific actions, like in the bellow example

from pages.base_page import BasePage
from pages.another_page import AnotherPage

class SamplePage(BasePage):
    def __init__(self, driver)
    def click_on_specific_button(self):
        return AnotherPage(self.driver)

Usage Steps:

  1. clone the project locally git clone
  2. install python on your local machine
  3. make sure at least google-chrome web browser it is installed on your local machine
  4. install virtualenv python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
  5. create virtualenv python3 -m venv venv
  6. activate virtual env source env/bin/activate
  7. from project root folder install project dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  8. run the test from command line pytest tests/